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The GigaCampus initiative Collaborate campus networking in Norway Vidar Faltinsen UNINETT May 18 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "The GigaCampus initiative Collaborate campus networking in Norway Vidar Faltinsen UNINETT May 18 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 The GigaCampus initiative Collaborate campus networking in Norway Vidar Faltinsen UNINETT May 18 2006

2 2 Norway in a nutshell 4.5 mill inhabitants Scattered population High mountains, fjords Shortest distance south to north: 1 752 km  approx 3 days by car  If we rotate Norway upside down Spitsbergen will be south of Catania ! Coastline of 25 148 km  ~62% of the length of the equator

3 3 The research network 1 – 2.5 Gb/s Redundancy 15 + 5 year IRU 40 universities and university collages > 200 institutions 250.000 users Operations in Trondheim

4 4 Campus networks are now the weakest link Campus network bottlenecks UNINETT Frustrated users

5 5 The GigaCampus initiative Government funding Four year programme 2006 – 2009  Predecessor after a simular programme  Long tradition in Norway for cooperation in the R&E IT community Our mission:  Provide and coordinate top international- level campus IT-infrastructures that will promote innovation, cooperation and productive research and education.

6 6 The GigaCampus engine

7 7 GigaCampus – seven areas of focus

8 8 UNINETT engineering task force Working groups in each area of focus  Gather the best there is of engineers at our universities!  New areas may develop Discuss  the further development in campus networking – coming challenges Produce  Common best practice documents  How-to’s Open participation  Regular meetings  Mailinglists  Wiki Participation in international working groups

9 9 Coordinated call for tender Develop common purchase agreements for the national R&E community  Major savings in overall cost  Major savings in overall spent time on tender processes Many contracts  Network equipment (routers, switches, wireless)  Telephony  DSL  PCs and servers  Application software

10 10 GigaCampus @ work Touring the country – out in the field! Participants from UNINETT and from major universities and university collages Collaboration with local IT staff on site  Network design and implementation  Focus on the physical infrastructure  Focus on security

11 11 Physical reliability Fibre projects for the MANs Network cabling  cat3... multimode... Power and grounding  UPS, diesel power generators Cooling / ventilation Fire detection Physical security Focus area #1

12 12 High capacity networking Upgrade the campus networks step by step  Gigabit to more and more end users  Scale the campus backbones  Focus on fault tolerance  End-to-end multicast  IPv6 on campus!  Lambdas on campus! 2009: Gigabit capacity for the majority of users Focus area #2

13 13 Mobility Radio planning workshops Wireless rollout workshops Focus on secure wireless networks Address roaming challanges Support eduroam 2009: Wireless access everywere – on all campuses Focus area #3

14 14 Person-to-person communication Develop a SIP architecture that supports IP telephony, video conferencing, direct messaging and more. Promote a push from the telephony paradigm to the multimedia paradigm 2009: A common platform for IP-based multimedia communication Focus area #4

15 15 Security Develop and implement security policies Establish IRTs on all campuses  Thanks to TF-CSIRT TRANSITS! Discuss and elaborate security architecture Develop monitoring tools The number of security incidents are growing exponentially 2009: Implemented security policies and established IRTs on all universities Focus area #5

16 16 Service management Discuss best practices for operations  We need to operate 24x7x365 Encourage and support development of usefull tools Provide a GigaCampus tool box for all campus networks  Train personel in how to use the tools! Focus area #6 2009: Advanced tools and solutions for proactive operations IN USE on all campuses Giga Campus

17 17 ” We are convinced that most campuses do not take the task of measuring and understanding their traffic flows sufficiently seriously ” - SERENATE, December 2003 Focus area #6

18 18 NAV – Network Administration Visualized Network management system developed by NTNU and UNINETT since 1999. Open source More information on Is included on the GigaCampus toolbox. Focus area #6

19 19 NAV – key features Autodetect network topology (L3, L2, per vlan) Network maps Machine tracker / L2 traceroute delay / loss service monitor network explorer traffic map RRD cricket tabular reports machine tracker NAVdb report generator status monitor threshold monitor www event and alert engine external systems email SMS device center Focus area #6

20 20 Stager Developed at UNINETT since 2002. Open source - Generic tool for storage, aggregation and presentation of network statistics  Netflow analysis  Round trip and packet loss  Generic SNMP data gathering Is included on the GigaCampus toolbox Giga Campus Focus area #6

21 21 Stager screen shot [1] Focus area #6

22 22 Stager screen shot [2] Focus area #6

23 23 Focus area #7 End-to-end quality Measuring beacons on all campuses Througput Packet delay and loss Session intensity Available capacity Traffic behaviour

24 24 MPING NDT Focus area #7

25 25 UNINETT participate in the PerfSONAR effort Focus area #7

26 26 GigaCampus measuring beacons contributes to the LOBSTER project A network of passive Internet traffic monitors  Special hardware  MAPI software Cooporation across boarders  Exhange information and obervations  Correlate results Focus area #7

27 27 GigaCampus – in summary http://www.gigacampus.no

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