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Outline Introduction and Project Statement Methodology Model Results

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0 Truck Maintenance Project for MOPTA Competition
Ron Dearing Jason Kratz Angelika Leskovskaya

1 Outline Introduction and Project Statement Methodology Model Results

2 Introduction Competition to showcase AIMMS software package
Large truck maintenance problem to be solved with AIMMS software

3 AIMMS Modeling language with GUI
Contains functionality to work with Excel Contains functionality to create a dashboard for input/output Provides for multiple solvers including CPLEX

4 Problem Statement 425 Trucks in three different size classes (Small, Medium, Large) 3 Different types of maintenance need to be kept up (Routine, Transmission, Engine) Limited Maintenance Capacity Overall For each truck size

5 Requirements If possible, keep 400 trucks on the road at all times.
Each type of truck has a required number of trucks to be kept on the road.

6 Maintenance Parameters associated with maintenance types: Cost
Duration of maintenance Interval between maintenance Which maintenance types are included in each maintenance

7 Data Table Truck Size Available Trucks Required Trucks Small 85 75
Medium 295 280 Large 45 40 Total 425 400 Maintenance Type Cost ($) Duration (wks) Interval (wks) Routine 250 0.5 15 Transmission 2000 1 50 Engine 7500 3 90

8 Maintenance Capacity Truck Type Total Maintenance Type Small Medium
Large Routine 3 8 2 11 Transmission 1 4 Engine 15

9 Project Given an Excel Spreadsheet with initial time since last maintenance of each type Determine a minimum cost maintenance schedule for 2 years Determine the maximum number of trucks that can be kept on the road for 2 years

10 Methodology Problem is extremely large Program run over all variables:
105 weeks 425 trucks 3 types of maintenance Program run over all variables: 1,654,592 constraints 939,228 variables (669,375 Integer) 5,558,988 non-zero values in matrix

11 Methodology Break up problem into smaller time periods
Run problem over 6-10 weeks, move on to next time period, taking previous result as given Decreases time required for solution Less accurate optimal solution

12 Model Sets t in Trucks s in Size m in MaintenanceType w in Week

13 Binary Variables 1 if t is on the road in week w; 0 otherwise
1 if t is in maintenance in week w; 0 otherwise 1 if t starts maintenance m in week w; 0 otherwise 1 if t ends maintenance m in week w; 0 otherwise 1 if t is over the interval for maintenance m in week w; 0 otherwise

14 Other Variables Number of weeks since last maintenance of type m for truck t during week w Only used when decreasing Last due to maintenance Total trucks available during week w Number of trucks of type s available during week w Number of trucks of type s in maintenance type m during week w

15 Binary Variable Constraints
Availability Constraints The following constraints force a truck to be unavailable if the truck is in maintenance or past a maintenance due date. Conversely, a truck is forced to be available if it is neither in maintenance or past a due date.

16 Binary Variable Constraints
Failure Constraints The following constraints force a truck to be “failed” when past a maintenance due date, or not failed if at or before the maintenance due date

17 Binary Variable Constraints
Maintenance Constraints The following constraints force a truck to be in maintenance after the start of maintenance and before the end of maintenance. The end of maintenance takes place Duration(m) weeks after the start of maintenance

18 Last Maintenance Constraints
The following constraints track the last maintenance of the truck.

19 Objective We minimize the following objective, which is the sum of all maintenance costs, plus a penalty for not meeting demand:

20 Results Runs Base Case (no optimization) 6 Week Planning Interval
10 Week Planning Interval with expanded transmission capacity

21 Minimize Cost (expanded)
Results Model Run Total Cost ($M) Min Available Trucks Running Total Small Medium Large Time Under Demand base 4.0 164 50 106 3 <1m >10,000 6- week 5.04 341 64 238.5 30.5 34m 4,615 Minimize Cost (no expansion) 5.15 362 70 255 34.5 4h34m 2,241.5 Minimize Cost (expanded) 4.92 370 72.5 258 35 4h37m 1,324.5

22 Summary of Results Unable to meet goal of keeping a minimum of 400 trucks in service with the current capacity of the maintenance facility. Vast improvement in meeting demand with optimization Increase in meeting demand with decrease in total cost when increasing size of transmission maintenance facility.

23 Software Demonstration

24 Questions?

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