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Native American Civilization

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1 Native American Civilization
Main Idea Civilizations in Mesoamerica were some of the earliest and most advanced in the Americas. Objectives: Students will identify characteristics of Maya civilization. Students will discover what made the Aztec empire one of the strongest in the ancient Americas. Students will identify how the Inca Empire was organized.


3 The Maya Large civilization Early Maya Civilization
Olmec, Zapotec, Toltec small in comparison Developed around 1000 BC More than 40 cities of 5,000 to 100,000 each at height Early Maya Civilization First lived in small villages Grew corn, beans, squash Good rainfall, rich soils Rain forest challenges Slash-and burn agriculture Clearing forest land for crops Flat terraces built in hillsides to control erosion Trade developed Farming did not provide all needs Villages traded for cotton, jade Trade of cacao, salt, obsidian helped villages grow to cities

4 The Maya Cities and Government City-States Cities linked
Most cities built between AD 250 and 900, the Classic Age Cities Tikal and Copan among the most spectacular in Mesoamerica Brightly painted pyramids, temples and palaces found there City-States Each had own ruler and government No ruler ever united the cities into single empire Cities linked even without central government Cities linked Highlands traded jade, obsidian for cotton, rubber, cacao from lowlands Cities also linked by warfare with each other Through battles kings tried to gain land, power

5 The Maya Achievements Calendar system Number and writing systems
Impressive buildings and architecture, including canals Advances in astronomy, math, writing Observed movements of sun, moon, planets Calendar system Created based on astronomical observations 365-day farming, 260-day religious calendars More accurate than that used in Europe at same time Number and writing systems Number system included new concepts, including “zero” Complex writing system of glyphs, or symbols, representing objects, sounds Carved writing in stone, also in bark-paper book called a codex Only 15 survived the purge by Spanish Conquistadors and colonization

6 Dresden Codex

7 Mayan Ruins chichen itza Tulum Ruins


9 The Maya Decline of Mayan civilization, AD 900
Caused by number of factors Environmental damage, drought (slash and burn agriculture) Warfare increased over competition for land, destroyed more crops Abuse of power by strong kings Civilization declined but did not disappear Maya moved from forest to coastal cities Remained for several hundred years

10 The coat of arms in the center of the flag is inspired by an Aztec legend that predates today's Mexico by 700 years. Before the founding of Tenochtitlan, the capital city of the Aztecs, an ancient prophecy told the people how they would know where to build. The site would be revealed by a sign: an eagle eating a snake while sitting atop a cactus. That spot, the marshy Lake Texcoco, was drained and cultivated by the Aztecs and became the thriving civilization upon whose remains the modern cities of Mexico are now built.

11 The Aztecs About the time that Mayan cities in Yucatán reached their height, the Aztecs began to rise to power in the north. The early Aztecs were a small group of unlucky farmers from northwestern Mexico, who in time created the most powerful empire in Mesoamerica. Began as separate farming tribes Probably subject of the Toltecs Legend: settle where they saw an eagle on a cactus eating a snake Migrated south to Valley of Mexico, 1100s Good farmland already taken Rise of the Empire A swampy island in valley Site where legend says Aztecs saw eagle and snake Founded city of Tenochtitlán From here, continued rise to power Lake Texcoco In addition to being farmers, the Aztecs were also fierce warriors. They began fighting to control other towns around Lake Texcoco.

12 Map of Tenochtitlan, possibly made for Cortes. Woodcut from Praeclara Ferdinandi Cortesii de Nova Maris Oceani Hispania Narratio, Nürnberg, 1524 (first publication of Cortes's letters.) Courtesy of the New York Public Library.

13 The Aztecs Conquering Warriors Wealth and Strength
Aztecs gained strength in 1420s with alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan Alliance gained control over huge region beyond Lake Texcoco Aztecs ruled 400 to 500 other city states, 5 million people Required conquered people to pay tribute Conquering Warriors Tribute paid in many forms, feathers, food, pottery, blankets Tribute was basis of economy Gained wealth and strength through trade as well System of roads aided trade of goods like jade, cacao Merchants also acted as spies for Aztec emperor Wealth and Strength

14 The Aztecs Tenochtitlán Capital city of Aztec empire
Covered 5 square miles Population of about 200,000 One of largest cities in world at time Site of present day Mexico City Walled compound at city center Pyramid with two temples on top Other temples, government buildings, palaces, a ball court Political and religious heart of the empire First Europeans, “enchanted vision” Enchanted Vision Swampy island in middle of lake Not much land for farming Aztecs built floating gardens at city’s edge Tenochtitlán connected by canals and causeways to biggest market Vendors paid tax to support army Floating Gardens

15 The Aztecs Society and Religion Religious Ceremonies
Just as the economy of the Aztec Empire was highly organized, so was its society, with the king at the top, followed by priests. King was part of royal family, but had to be elected Lived in palace at Tenochtitlán Certain nobles served as government officials Just below king were priests Interpreted calendars Performed religious ceremonies Society and Religion Believed gods needed blood Sacrificed as many as 20,000 victims a year European perspective, “walls splashed and caked with blood…stank abominably” Slaves. prisoners used for sacrifices Certain warriors who captured victims also upper class Religious Ceremonies

16 Early Cultures in South America
Desert people, 200 BC to AD 600, best known for huge designs on desert floor Many theories, including having to do with location of water Built irrigation canals and relied on springs, flooding of streams to water crops Farming supported large population The Nazca


18 Inca’s expansive empire
The Inca Empire Inca’s expansive empire Brought entire South American region into one empire Began as small Andean tribe Early 1500s, empire expanded along Pacific coast, Andes Government Period of rapid expansion began 1400s from Cuzco Pachacuti used political alliances, military force Expanded by later leaders Ruling a large empire Incas needed strong government Emperor had most power Did not want conquered people to rebel Creating stability Moved leaders of conquered areas out Moved loyal new leaders in Military used to protect against rebellion, external attacks p ah - ch uh - k oo - t ee

19 The Inca Empire Economy Mita Tracking goods
Strictly controlled by government Common people required to pay labor tax, called the mita Government told each household what work to do to pay tax Mita Paid by weaving cloth, working on government farms, mines, building roads No merchants, goods distributed by government Extra food, goods stored in government warehouses for emergencies Tracking goods Inca used quipu, colored and knotted cords representing numbers, dates No written language, quipu used to record taxes, number livestock, census Road system improved communication, helped government control economy kwipu


21 The Inca Empire Ayllu Class Divisions Upper Class
The government also played a big role in Inca society. Each family was grouped with others into a cooperative community called an ayllu. Members shared activities like farming, building canals, rituals Each group of ten ayllus had chief Chain of command from emperor down to local level Ayllu No slaves Most belonged to lower class Farmers Artisans Servants Wore plain clothes Could not own more than needed Served upper class Class Divisions King, government officials, priests Lived in capital, Cuzco Stone houses Fine clothes Did not pay tax Attended school to prepare to be officials Upper Class aye-YOU


23 The Inca Empire Religion a key element of Inca society
People allowed to worship local gods Sun god was most important of all Believed kings related to sun god Main temple located in Cuzco Mummies of dead kings worshipped Religious ceremonies often included sacrifices of llamas, cloth or food, rarely humans




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