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White-Tailed Deer By Lexi. What Do White-Tailed Deer Eat? White-tailed deer eat corn. They also eat nuts. And they eat fruit.

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Presentation on theme: "White-Tailed Deer By Lexi. What Do White-Tailed Deer Eat? White-tailed deer eat corn. They also eat nuts. And they eat fruit."— Presentation transcript:

1 White-Tailed Deer By Lexi

2 What Do White-Tailed Deer Eat? White-tailed deer eat corn. They also eat nuts. And they eat fruit.

3 White-Tailed Deer Enemies One of a white-tailed deer’s enemies is a bobcat. They also have enemies that are a mountain lions. Coyotes

4 Did You Know Where They Live? One is plain land. The other habitat are fields.

5 Did You Know What They Look Like? White-tailed deer have long ears. White-tailed deer are soft. White-tailed have black and green eyes.

6 My Fun Facts! They run up to 30 to 40 miles. They have 1 or 2 babes at a time. A male is called a bocce and stag.


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