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The White-Tailed Deer By: Lexi Valentino.

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Presentation on theme: "The White-Tailed Deer By: Lexi Valentino."— Presentation transcript:

1 The White-Tailed Deer By: Lexi Valentino

2 Introduction A fawn has white spots on it’s back to blend in with is or her surroundings. The white-tailed deer is a cool and interesting animal. I looked up lots of cool facts for you to read in this report.

3 Food At the start, I researched how and what a white-tailed deer eats.
White-tailed deer eat twigs, buds, leaves, fruit, and a variety of plants. In winter they eat the buds and twigs. Also after the harvest they eat leftover grains.

4 Adaptations As you move on, you will see I researched their adaptations. When they see danger they pop up their tail as a warning to the other deer. Bucks have antlers to defend themselves and their family. As I said before a fawn blends in with it’s surroundings.

5 Habitat To conclude, I looked at their amazing habitats.
The white- tailed deer lives in lots of places. Grassy lands found along rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds. They also live in grassy lands, forests and more. They live on north and south America and more.

6 Conclusion A white-tailed deer is really cool Don’t you think so? It was awesome learning about this animal.

7 References White Tailed Deer by: Dorothy Hinshaw Patent

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