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He only makes progress when he sticks his neck out Where do we go from here? Some thoughts from the SOA Development Conference By Mike Rodgers.

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Presentation on theme: "He only makes progress when he sticks his neck out Where do we go from here? Some thoughts from the SOA Development Conference By Mike Rodgers."— Presentation transcript:

1 He only makes progress when he sticks his neck out Where do we go from here? Some thoughts from the SOA Development Conference By Mike Rodgers

2 We’re doing all right SOA likes us Some amazing things are happening in Scottish clubs. We could be doing better

3 Steve Vernon – British Orienteering Participation Manager (North)

4 Community ‘O’ Sport England – Whole Sport Plan (WSP) Weekly, local, regular activity Accessible to all Stepping stone into mainstream Orienteering

5 Community ‘O’ Familiar areas – Park, School, sports hall etc (eg RAF Kinloss Gym) Non intimidating (Internal Participation Survey) Family Orientated/Social Atmosphere

6 EMOA – 7 NWOA – 7 NEOA – 2 YHOA – 2 SWOA – 3 SCOA – 2 EAOA – 2 Total - 25

7 Coach Availability Coach Education Physical Training Shared Responsibility Volunteer Coordinator Course

8 continued... Social aspect Coaching....’not just for Juniors!’ Venue What to charge? Experienced vs Newcomers

9 Newcomers – Develop skills, improve, learn the basics, social, fun. Club Members – Fitness, Challenge, Competition, social, fun

10 ? Southdowns: - Adventure Running theme - Weekly Street O, Indoor Games, Park O, Score - 2 lead coaches Pendle Forest: - Summer Rotation - Winter Sportshall

11 Fantastically supportive Active Schools Organisation Lots of mapped areas – the envy of most UK clubs Lots of school maps with more to come Maps of both RAF camps Loads of kit Lots of enthusiastic members Plenty of experience Some real talent SCOTLAND’S BIGGEST EVER EVENT IN 2013 !!!!!!

12 Area schools events in September/October for all Moray ASGs. The Moray Schools Festival in April. The Scottish Schools on 1 st Friday of June. The Moray & Highland Junior Champs. Various other Active Schools-led sessions

13 3 more qualified level 1 coaches. A club newsletter. A club fitness coach A club kit person Some course planning training Some training in how to work the e-timing kit

14 11-13 August - some places now available 25-27 August - some places now available 5-7 November (some places available) 2011 Friday - Sunday 7-9 January (Edinburgh) (places going fast) Saturday - Monday 12-14 March Saturday - Monday 21-23 May Wednesday - Friday 20-22 July Saturday - Monday 26-28 November

15 Grade 3 Controllers’ course Date to be confirmed in November 2010; venue probably Deeside. Saturday 3 September 2011 Grade 2 Controllers’ course Saturday 19 March 2011 Planners’ course Please get in touch if you’d like this course to be run Condes Workshop Please get in touch if you’d like this course to be r un

16 Scottish Champs & relays (28-29 May)? JK (22-24 April N Ireland)/British Champs (14-15 May Yorkshire)? 11 Person relay? Jamie Stevenson Trophy (June)? Inter-District event? SOLs? Local inter-club challenges? Compass Sport Cup? Club trip – perhaps even overseas (O Ringen 22-27 July 2012)?

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