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Tuesday, October 13, 2015 1. 2 The purpose of the State of the School and Title I Annual meeting is to:  Provide information about the current state.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, October 13, 2015 1. 2 The purpose of the State of the School and Title I Annual meeting is to:  Provide information about the current state."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, October 13, 2015 1

2 2

3 The purpose of the State of the School and Title I Annual meeting is to:  Provide information about the current state of the school  Provide an update on the School Improvement Plan  Share priorities, goals and strategies for improvement  Provide ways in which families can be engaged throughout the year.  Clarify the purpose of Title I  Describe the communication parents/guardians can expect to receive regarding their child’s progress. 3

4  Our Vision: Every student middle school ready.  Mission: The mission of Hiawatha school is to maximize individual student potential through the use of technology, differentiation, critical thinking, and high expectations within a nurturing and diverse community of life long learners.  Description: We serve our neighborhood community.  Beliefs: Every child can learn! 4

5 5 What we look like Student RaceHiawathaHoweDistrict Native American5%10%4% African American17%18%36% Asian American3%5%6% Hispanic American12%22%20% White American62%45%34% StudentsHiawathaHoweDistrict Receive ELL Services12%15%26% Qualify for free or reduced lunch 41%47%63% Receive Special Education Services 16%24%14%

6 Strengths:  Dedicated staff, our community, Family Involvement, PD planning, resources, growth-based measures, positive behavior strategies, interventions, Focused Instruction, Guided Math Groups, and incredible students!!  Kindergarten Data-COM- Explanation of what it is  Reading Horizon-Explanation of skills tested  87% of kindergarten students (last May) met the COM (Concepts of Math Requirements)- these students now are in First Grade  95% of our Kindergarten students (last May) met or exceeded grade level expectations at Hiawatha on the Fountas and Pinnell Assessments- these students now are in First Grade 6

7  Fall MAP data- indicates that 62% of our First Grade students are at or above target levels in MAP Reading  65% of our First Grade students are at or above target levels in MAP Math  Our First Graders in the spring (now second grade students) 77% of our students met COM proficiency goal. 7

8  Math MAP- 179 was the average score and we needed a 179 to be on target for MCA goals (same as district score last spring – now second grade).  Math reading- Average score was 177 and we needed a 177 to be on target for MCA goals (4 points higher than the district – this year’s second grade).  Fall MAP Data indicates that 47% of Second Grade students are at or above grade level in reading.  Fall MAP indicates that 50% of Second Grade students are at or above grade level in math. 8

9 Strengths:  Dedicated staff, our community, Family Involvement, PD planning, resources, growth-based measures, positive behavior strategies, interventions, Focused Instruction, Guided Math Groups, and incredible students!!  61% of all students met or exceeded MCA proficiency in math at their grade level (this represents a 2% increase over 2013-14).  62% of all students met or exceeded MCA proficiency in reading at their grade level (this represents a 12% increase over 2013-14).  Targeted interventions in reading and math for students demonstrating needs in specific areas. 9

10 Challenges:  (Hiawatha) Maintain levels of support in the areas of reading and math for all students.  (Howe) Maintaining levels of support for students in the area of reading.  (Howe) Improve supports in the area of math. MCA Data:  Reading (met or exceeded proficiency standard)  Hiawatha/Howe (3-5) 62.0% 2014- 49.1%  MPS 42.0%  State60.0%  Math (met or exceeded proficiency standard)  Hiawatha/Howe (3-5) 61.0%2014- 59.1%  MPS45.0%  State61.0% 10

11  Student progress should not only be about Test Scores!  Talking with your child about school:  Do you like school?  Are you happy at school?  What did you learn today (learning targets)?  What connections did you make in your learning today?  What do you ask at home that might be beneficial for the whole group to use?  25 Questions families can ask (handout) 11

12  How do we know we are progressing?  Using formative assessments  Monitoring student work  Teacher observations  Conferences/Report Cards  Class projects  State and district assessments  Enrichment and Differentiation  Math and reading differentiation  Guided Math Groups  Enrichment activities provided for all students  Interest Survey data collected at each grade level  Additional Levels I & II extended learning activities provided by licensed staff  Opportunities for Levels II & III based on eligibility criteria 12

13 Our School Improvement Plan is designed to address the concerns revealed in the data and is focused on three core areas.  Student achievement  Increase overall math, reading, and science proficiency  5 – 8 – 10 Goals(Acceleration 2020)  School climate  Attendance  Reduce referrals and removals  Second Step –taught in every classroom  Professional Practices  Expand student- centered differentiated approach-PD and PLC’s For teachers  Family Engagement- supports the 3 Key Areas 13

14 Student Achievement Strategies:  Implementation of Focused Instruction at all grades  Increased differentiation of instruction through collaboration  Teachers will participate in Professional Learning Communities  By winter all students will participate in the learning and interest process  Full time staff member working with students in grades k-5 working with learning extensions 14

15 To provide transparency for parents and community sharing of current discipline data is essential. Referral Data: 11 referrals (8 last year at this time). High percentage of referrals are from a small number of students. (Both schools) Suspension Data: 2 Suspensions (5 last year) 1- Hiawatha and 1- Howe Strengths: Classroom and school engagement plans, restorative practices, progress checks for classrooms and students throughout the year.

16 Strategies:  Full implementation of Second Step Curriculum  Continue with positive behavior strategies – “Husky Pride”, “Student of the Month”, “Lunch-bunch”, “Paw Pencil”, Bucket Filler’s, classroom incentives, etc…  Goal of 95% attendance for each student. This means students cannot miss 8 or more days all year! 16

17  Expand Student-Centered, differentiated approach to learning  Learning Goals for Each Student  Identify appropriate assessments and data practices  Track the growth of student achievement in core areas  In PDPLCs each week teachers look at individual student need through backwards planning, benchmark assessments, etc. 17

18 Goal Areas/Strategies: 1) Communication – school newsletters, classroom newsletters, Bi-lingual support for families who speak Spanish, e-mails, phone calls, school web site, teacher web pages, school messenger system 2) Family Involvement – Conferences, student assemblies, student programs, PTO Meetings, Family Nights (i.e. Literacy Night, Heritage Night, etc.), Turkey Bingo, Pancake Breakfast, etc… 3) Learning at home – Homework, access to IXL, links from website to other resources, Thinking Math Class offered for parents? 18

19  Current School Designation:  New designations :  Hiawatha – no designation assigned – No MMR  Howe – Celebration Eligible.  The Minnesota Department of Education identifies a school designation at Title I schools every three years based on the following categories from the MCA results (MMR): Proficiency Growth (MCA to MCA) Achievement Gap Reduction Graduation Rate (HS only) 19

20 Title I is a federal program that provides money to schools and districts to ensure that all children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education to achieve proficiency on our state’s academic standards and assessments. Title I supports our School Improvement Plan and the funding we receive helps us to reach our goals. 20

21 Do all schools receive Title I funds?  No. Title I programs are available to schools with the greatest concentration of low-income families. Budget  This year, 2.5% at Hiawatha and 2.8% at Howe comes from this source. We are a school wide Title I program, which means all students are able to benefit from Title I services. 21

22  To support our goals we are using the Title I money in the following ways.  90% is being used for teachers and other staff  10% is being used to support our curriculum  Non-Fiction Leveled Books  Food for School Wide Events 22

23  to know the qualifications of your child’s teacher  to know when your child has a substitute teacher for more than four weeks and the qualifications of the substitute teacher  to know how your child’s school is rated on its state test scores  to expect regular communication with your school in a language that you can understand  to work with teachers, parents and the school principal to develop a family involvement plan  to ask for a meeting with your school principal or your child’s teacher at any time 23

24  Provide input in the development of the School Improvement Plan, Family Involvement Plan, and the School Compact  Participate in PTO and Site Council  Attend school events  Visit your child’s classroom or volunteer at your child’s school (classrooms, field trips, Howe Garden, etc.)  Talk to your child’s teacher about events and issues that may affect your child’s work or behavior 24

25  Contact our family liaisons:  Lisa Horn 668-4610  Molly Kroesch 668-4640  Talk to staff, other school supports – teachers, principals, and social workers  Attend Area B Meetings and or District Parent Advisory Councils  District cultural liaisons available to families. 25

26  YOU are the key to our success!  Now time for PTO! 26

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