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Primary School OŠ Ob Dravinji Ul. Dušana Jereba 1 3210 Slovenske Konjice Slovenija __________________________________________________________________________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary School OŠ Ob Dravinji Ul. Dušana Jereba 1 3210 Slovenske Konjice Slovenija __________________________________________________________________________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary School OŠ Ob Dravinji Ul. Dušana Jereba 1 3210 Slovenske Konjice Slovenija __________________________________________________________________________________________ International Contact Seminar Bratislava, Jún/June 2008 FOLLOWING BREAD CRUMBS

2 Project objective Tourist research assignment titled Following bread crumbs shows the existing culinary offer of bread made on the farm in the region of Slovenske Konjice. It also presents the possibilities of new culinary offer in a completely different way. Our objective was to enrich the culinary offer of bread made on the farm with novelties that would attract younger visitors so that they would actively participate in baking bread.

3 Specific project objectives lifelong learning experience-based learning intergenerational learning connecting school to the local community pupils present their work in a research assignment accomplished goals of the project will be put into practice in the tourist offer of Slovenske Konjice constructivist theory claims that experience-based learning is permanent and of higher quality. Thus we decided that pupils should actively participate in baking homemade bread. Pupils themselves knead the dough, form the loaves, help to prepare the stove. By doing so they feel the genuine homeliness, which is slowly disappearing. They can pass their knowledge and experiences on their peers.

4 Target groups primary school pupils 6th grade pupils (50), their parents, the owner of the farm (Ivan Gorinšek) and two farm housewives (Marija and Jožica Gorinšek) took part in the project

5 Project activities The school tourist club at our school organized and carried out the project Konjice v malem in which pupils prepared a vast choice of dishes with the help of their parents and grandmothers. We entered the competition Helping tourism with my own ideas organized by Tourist Association of Slovenia and National Education Institute. The theme title of the contest was From a grain to the table. We immediately started working on our research assignment Following bread crumbs. With the generous help of the Magerl homestead we experienced the genuine life on the farm. We baked homemade bread, prepared the stove and awakened old rural traditions. By the dimmed light of the paraffin lamp we shelled beans and corn, we crashed walnuts and sang old folk songs. We presented our project Following bread crumbs at a contest organized by Tourist Association of Slovenia and we won silver award. The project will be put into practice in September 2008, when it will be included in the offer of Tourist Information Centre Slovenske Konjice.

6 Project methods and procedures overview of culinary offer in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice field work overview of bibliography visit to a farm recognition of rural cuisine and customs marketing and trading

7 Project results The project Following bread crumbs is an example of: –informal experience-based learning –intergenerational learning We would like to invite to the town of Slovenske Konjice not only one-day visitors, but also primary school pupils. For this purpose we wrote a seminar work on tourism, which presents an innovative culinary offer with the accompanying educational programme. In the work an interesting and a totally new tourist product named Following bread crumbs is shown; it is intended for primary school pupils to experience the crumbs of bread made on the farm. We have also described ways of trading, and we have included members of the municipality, primary school pupils and the municipality of Slovenske Konjice to trade.

8 Other information about the project Project coordinator Marta Levart, Antonija Levart, Simona Pozeb, Sonja Rak, Marjetka Pintarič Project partners the school two farms Tourist Information Centre Slovenske Konjice Tourist Association of Slovenia National Education Institute Localization Slovenske Konjice two farms in Dobrnež Funding the school the municipality of Slovenske Konjice

9 Project sustainability School Tourist Club the school management parents Tourist Information Centre Slovenske Konjice the Magerl homestead the Štok homestead the municipality of Slovenske Konjice the mayor of Slovenske Konjice Tourist Association of Slovenia Pupils, who took an active part in the project, together with their parents and the two homesteads with long tradition helped to carry out this project. The project was presented to the staff of Tourist Information Centre Slovenske Konjice, who embraced our idea with enthusiasm. Tourist Association of Slovenia encourages pupils and teachers to research the possibilities of developing the tourist offer in their hometown.

10 Contact details OSNOVNA ŠOLA OB DRAVINJI Ul. Dušana Jereba 1 3210 Slovenske Konjice Slovenija phone: 03 757 27 30

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