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Target Goals and Action Plans NDE School Improvement Workshops Fall 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Target Goals and Action Plans NDE School Improvement Workshops Fall 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Target Goals and Action Plans NDE School Improvement Workshops Fall 2011

2 School Improvement Process Building a Profile Data Analysis Target Goals and Action Plans

3 School Improvement Process Are Your Ducks in a Row?

4 Steps In This Process Identify Student Performance Goals Develop Action Plans – Defining Essence – Using Research – Determining Interventions – Aligning Goals, Essence, and Interventions Determine Staff Development Needs Implement the Plan Evaluate, Celebrate

5 Writing Student Performance Goals Example of a well-written goal: All students will improve reading comprehension skills in all content areas. – Mentions all students – Written in active voice – Identifies general learning area – Is measurable – Does not include educational jargon or specific interventions to attain the goal

6 Goal Revision Activity Refer to handout “Practice Exercises for Goal Writing” handout

7 Two Types of Goals Student Performance: – Focus: Closing the gap between current and preferred student performance levels Learning Opportunity: – Focus: Updating curriculum, improving climate, parent involvement, etc.

8 Student Performance Goals Based on analysis of data from the profile Support the mission and belief statements Address all or nearly all of the school’s learners Can be implemented school-wide Reflect emphasis on student growth

9 Steps In This Process Identify Student Performance Goals Develop Action Plans – Defining Essence – Using Research – Determining Interventions – Aligning Goals, Essence, and Interventions Determine Staff Development Needs Implement the Plan Evaluate, Celebrate

10 What Is Essence? Before a set of interventions can be established, the essence of the goal must be determined. Essence involves – determining the dimensions of a concept on which the school wishes to focus. – a definition of the skills or areas that will be addressed for improvement. For example – What skills in reading will you be addressing in your reading goal? – What is meant by “writing skills”?

11 Examples of Essence Math Goal – “improve math skills” – Essence could be: Improvement in computation Improvement in problem solving (define it!) Improvement in the application of skills to real world problems Improvement in the ability to convey results Improvement in the ability to understand the problem and develop a solution that “makes sense”

12 Examples of Essence Writing Goal – “improve writing skills” – Essence could be: Improvement in the writing process Improvement in certain types or styles of writing Improvement in the traits of writing, such as idea organization, word choice, sentence fluency, voice, conventions Improvement on certain sub-skills in writing, such as vocabulary, complete sentences

13 Steps In This Process Identify Student Performance Goals Develop Action Plans – Defining Essence – Using Research – Determining Interventions – Aligning Goals, Essence, and Interventions Determine Staff Development Needs Implement the Plan Evaluate, Celebrate

14 Using Research to Guide Change in School Improvement Planning

15 ?What works? ?How does it work? ?Where does it work? ?For whom does it work? ?What is required to make it work?

16 Gather Relevant, Quality Research Identify research that is of high quality current (ideally published within the last five years) focused on your interest researched in schools like yours thorough

17 Explore Research Sites Navigate to: Consider a recent or current goal as you explore the resources. Share a strategy which supports the goal you researched.

18 Steps In This Process Identify Student Performance Goals Develop Action Plans – Defining Essence – Using Research – Determining Interventions – Aligning Goals, Essence, and Interventions Determine Staff Development Needs Implement the Plan Evaluate, Celebrate

19 Powerful Interventions Research-based vs. action research Level of staff involvement Frequency of implementation with students Match type of intervention to need Monitor progress Monitor implementation

20 FAQs About Interventions 1. What is the difference between an intervention and an activity? 2. What is the difference between an intervention and the goal? 3. How many interventions are needed for each goal? 4. Can some interventions target subgroups and not all students? 5. How is professional development incorporated into an effective action plan?

21 FAQs About Interventions 6. Do all teachers have to do all interventions? 7. Can some interventions cross over into other goals? 8. Where are parent-related pieces of the plan located? 9. Must all interventions be research-based? 10. How can faculties be encouraged to select interventions?

22 “We can chart our future clearly and wisely only when we know the path which has led to the present.” Adlai E. Stevenson

23 Steps In This Process Identify Student Performance Goals Develop Action Plans – Defining Essence – Using Research – Determining Interventions – Aligning Goals, Essence, and Interventions Determine Staff Development Needs Implement the Plan Evaluate, Celebrate

24 Aligning Goal, Essence, and Interventions All interventions should support and address the essence of the goal. Interventions should clarify what skills are to be addressed. Development of a set of interventions should follow the development of the goal and its essence.

25 Examples of Alignment Goal: All students will improvement problem solving skills across the curriculum. Essence: School-wide definition of problem solving, with focus on the conveying of results. Interventions: – Teach the PS model from NCTM – Incorporate writing of results and organization – Teach PS strategies such as work backwards, draw a picture, etc (NCTM) – Practice frequently in all classrooms

26 Examples of Alignment Interventions, cont’d. – Model PS frequently in all classes and with counselors and admin. – Practice PS sample pieces from the State Math Assessment in math classes Assessments: – State Math Assessment (PS component) – NRT - problem solving subtest – Local problem solving assessment (performance- based) using the PS model

27 Baseline/Post-Intervention Assessments 1. Identify assessments used to measure achievement 2. Document baseline results 3. Monitor progress during implementation 4. Administer post-assessment(s) Are additional data sources needed?


29 Steps In This Process Identify Student Performance Goals Develop Action Plans – Defining Essence – Using Research – Determining Interventions – Aligning Goals, Essence, and Interventions Determine Staff Development Needs Implement the Plan Evaluate, Celebrate

30 Determine Staff Development Needs What are the staff learning needs as related to the school improvement plan? How will you meet the varying levels of staff skill? How will you offer options for showing that staff are implementing what they’ve learned? How will you motivate staff to continue using their learning?

31 Determine Staff Development Needs What are your options for managing time in order to meet staff learning needs? Is regular discussion a part of your plan? How do we determine the effects/impact of staff development on student achievement?

32 School Improvement Action Plan School Name School Improvement Goal: Support Data (Three sources used to select the goal) 1. 2. 3. Standardized Assessments:Local Assessments: Strategy/Intervention:Research Supporting This Intervention: Activities to Implement the Intervention Person(s) Accountable TimelineResourcesStaff Development Outcome BeginningEnd

33 Steps In This Process Identify Student Performance Goals Develop Action Plans – Defining Essence – Using Research – Determining Interventions – Aligning Goals, Essence, and Interventions Determine Staff Development Needs Implement the Plan Evaluate, Celebrate

34 Implement the Plan ImplementMonitorAdjust

35 Steps In This Process Identify Student Performance Goals Develop Action Plans – Defining Essence – Using Research – Determining Interventions – Aligning Goals, Essence, and Interventions Determine Staff Development Needs Implement the Plan Evaluate, Celebrate

36 Evaluate Curriculum – comprehensive content Instruction – connects students with learning Assessments – best measure for goals Interventions – effectiveness Achievement – mastery and growth

37 Celebrate! Recognize Progress Affirm Success

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