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Zygomatic complex fractures

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1 Zygomatic complex fractures
Management of Maxillofacial Trauma Mid-face Injury Zygomatic complex fractures

2 Contents Fracture of the zygomatic complex and arch
Orbital floor fractures Traumatic injury to the frontal sinus Naso-ethmoial orbital fracture (NEO) Nasal fractures

3 Zygomatic bone complex
Anatomy Star-shape like with four processes Frontal process Temporal process Buttress Orbital floor (Maxilla and GWSB) Temporal fascia and muscle Masseter muscle

4 Zygomatic complex and arch fracture
The malar bone represent a strong bone on fragile supports, and it is for this reason that, though the body of the bone is rarely broken, the four processes- frontal, orbital, maxillary and zygomatic are frequent sites of fracture. HD Gillies, TP Kilner and D Stone, 1927 Zygomatic bone fractured as a block near its principle three suture lines and often displaces inwards to a greater or lesser extent.

5 Occurrence As isolated fracture
In combination with other middle third fracture With internal orbital fracture (blow out) Observed in (>50%) of middle third fracture (in developed countries due to assaults) The zygomatic arch fracture can be isolated in most of the cases

6 Signs and symptoms Periorbital ecchymosis and edema
Flattening of the malar prominence Flattening over the zygomatic arch Pain and tenderness on palpation Ecchymosis of the maxillary buccal sulcus Deformity at the zygomatic buttress of the maxilla Deformity at the orbital margin

7 Trismus Abnormal nerve sensibility Epistaxis Subconjunctival ecchymosis Crepitation from air emphysema Displacement of palpebral fissure (pseudoptosis) Unequal pupillary levels Diplopia enophthalmos

8 Clinical examination Inspection Palpation Visual examination
Eye movement Diplopia Pupil reaction

9 Radiographical evaluation
Nothing is more valuable to the surgeon in determining the extent of injury and the position of the fragments-both before and after operation- than a good skiagram (radiograph) HD Gillies, TP Kilner and D Stone, 1927

10 Occipitomental view (Posterioanterior oblique) (water’s view)

11 submentovertex Recommended for isolated zygomatic arch fracture

12 CT scan Coronal sections Axial sections

13 Treatment Timing: As early as possible unless there are ophthalmic, cranial or medical complications Preiorbital edema and ecchymosis obscure the fine details of the fracture, intervention can be postponed but not more than a week Indications: Diplopia Restriction of mandibular movement Restoration of normal contour Restoration of normal skeletal protection for the eye

14 Classifications Displacement Extension of the fracture along processes
Rotation along the axis of FZ processes Anterio-posterior displacement Rotation along the prominence of the bone Medio-lateral displacement Extension of the fracture along processes points of fractures Combination with other injuries

15 Treatment The methods of treating a fractured malar bone recommended by the various writers who have reported cases include simple digital manipulation under genre real anesthesia, external manipulation by means of a cow-horn dental forceps grasping the edges of the bone, traction and elevation by means of wire or heavy bone elevators passed through small local external incisions, and elevation via incision in the mucosa of the ginigival sulcus at the canine fossa. Our technique, which has now been used successfully in a number of cases, differs from those mentioned. HD Gillies, TP Kilner and D Stone, 1927

16 Methods of reduction Temporal approach (Gillies et al 1927)
Suitable for isolated zygomatic fracture with good stability afterwards

17 Percutaneous approach (malar hook, Carroll-Girard bone screw)
Methods of reduction Percutaneous approach (malar hook, Carroll-Girard bone screw) Suitable for displaced zygomatic fracture with high Stability after reduction

18 (the same principle of Gillies approach)
Methods of reduction Buccal sulcus approach (Keen 1909) Elevation from eyebrow approach (the same principle of Gillies approach)

19 Open reduction and fixation
Transosseous wiring at Frontozygomatic suture Infraorbial rim Surgery: Lateral eyebrow incision Infraorbital approach

20 Open reduction and fixation
Rigid fixation using plate and screws at Frontozygomatic suture Infraorbial rim Inferior buttress of the zygoma Surgery: Lateral eyebrow incision Infraorbial approach Subciliary (blepharoplasty) incision Mid-lower lid incision Transconjunctival approach

21 Points of fixation: Infraorbital rim and buttress Lateral orbital rim
Buttress of zygoma

22 Other methods of fixation
Kirschener wire Pin fixation Antral pack

23 Internal orbital fractures
In conjunction with other facial fractures As isolated type (Blow out fracture)

24 Anatomy The floor is made of: Maxillary bone and part of zygoma bounded laterally by the inferior orbital fissure and small part of the ethmoid bone

25 Clinical and radiographical presentation
Subconjunctival ecchymosis Crepitation from air emphysema Displacement of palpebral fissure Unequal pupillary levels Diplopia enophthalmos

26 Diplopia and enophthalmous
Superior orbital fissure syndrome

27 Treatment Rational for intervention:
Small defect with no clinical consequence may not warrant the surgical intervention. Large defect with handicapping symptoms should be operated.

28 Method of reconstruction
Intra-sinus approach to the orbital floor External approach to the internal orbital floor

29 Materials in orbital reconstruction
Autologous graft Bone (cranial, rib, iliac) Cartilage Allogenic materials Lyophilized dura Alloplastic materials Siliastic and proplast implants Teflon hydroxyapatite Titanium mish

30 Nasal-orbital ethmoid injuries
They represent a wide spectrum of injuries Simple nasal fracture with involvement Of orbital bones Grossly comminuted and compound naso-orbital ethmoid fracture involving the base of skull with significant displacement

31 Diagnosis Clinical examination: Radiographical examination:
Obliterating swelling Canthus detachment Lacrimal apparatus damage Deformity of nasal bridge CSF leak Radiographical examination: Occipitomental views Lateral skull views CT and 3D CT

32 Fracture classification Nasal-orbital ethmoid fractures
Type I Unilateral or bilateral, involves only one portion of the medial orbital rim with the attached canthal tendon Type II Unilateral or bilateral, may be large segments of comminuted type and the canthus remains attached to the large central segment Type III Unilateral or bilateral, comminution involves the central segment of the attached tendon results in avulsion of medial canthus

33 Management of nasal-orbital ethmoid fractures
Examination for determination of the extent of the injury (surgical exploration) Nasal bone Orbital and ethmoidal Frontal bone Debridement and closure of open wounds Reduction and stabilization of bone fracture

34 Principles of treatment
Good surgical exposure via: Existing laceration Coronal flap Open sky approach Reduction and stabilization using: Transnasal wiring Osteosynthesis Prompt treatment as an aid to good reduction Immediate bone grafting if this is indicated

35 Detached canthus Traumatic telecanthus
Increase in inter-canthal distance secondary to canthus displacement or detachment Seen in association to: Nasal bone NEO Le Forts fractures

36 Surgical management of detached canthus
Transnasal wiring technique (unilateral type) Canthopexy Identification of the ligament Liberation of the periorbital tissue Liberation of the lacrimal pathway Nasal transfixation Contralateral fixation

37 Lacrimal duct system injury
The lacrimal sac can be torn by fragments of a comminuted fracture Or Compressed by a mass of callus which may block the nasolacrimal canal EPIPHORA Dacryocystitis

38 Reconstitution of the lacrimal passages
Done at the same time of canthopexy via The original scars Lateral nasal incision (Lynch) Bi-coronal incision Dacryocystorhinostomy If the sac remains intact, drainage of lacrimal fluid by probing or removing of surrounded bone to allow drainage into the nose Conjunctivo-rhinostomy implantation of a duct-like polythene tube or glass in case of duct damage

39 Frontal sinus fracture
Drains into nasal cavity via fronto-nasal duct An air filled cavity lined by ciliated respiratory epithelium encased in the frontal bone

40 Extent of the injury: Anterior table Posterior table
Associated injuries: mid-face or head injuries e.g. Le Fort II, III NOE Neuralgic insults Ocular injuries

41 Diagnosis Clinical examination Radiographical evaluation
Occipitomental views Lateral skull view CT scan

42 Classification of fractures
Anterior table fracture Linear Displaced Posterior table fracture Outflow tract injury (naso-lacrimal duct)

43 Surgical management Intranasal cannulation Frontal sinus trephination
Osteoplastic flap Sinus ablation (obliteration) Cranialization Reduction and fixation

44 Reduction and fixation
Surgical approaches: Site of penetrating injury Coronal approach

45 Sinus ablation (obliteration)
Bone Fat Muscle and fascia Alloplastic materials

46 Fixation Wires Plating

47 2 rectangle-shaped nasal bone
Nasal fractures Anatomy Midline central facial structure that fulfills both cosmetic and functional purposes Formed by union of rigid and flexible struts 2 rectangle-shaped nasal bone ULCs, LLCs and midline septal cartilage

48 Classification of injuries
Low energy injuries Simple injury caused by low velocity trauma (simple noncomminuted) High energy injuries Severe injury with comminution of nasal facial Skelton due to higher amount of energy Patterns of injury Lateral injury (from the side) Sagittal injury (from the front) Inferior injury (from below)

49 Treatment Low energy injuries
Reduction (close manipulation, open reduction) and stabilization Nasal packing External nasal splint Adjunct septoplasty Postoperative care

50 Complex injuries Immediate measures: Surgical procedures:
Extra and intranasal examination Identification of extra and intranasal lacerations Identification and control of site bleeding Surgical procedures: Open septal procedures Open nasal procedures Open rhinoplasty Open-sky “H” technique

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