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1 Raising Beef for the Freezer. 2 Feeding Programs Darrell Rankins, Jr. Extension Beef Cattle Nutrition, Auburn University.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Raising Beef for the Freezer. 2 Feeding Programs Darrell Rankins, Jr. Extension Beef Cattle Nutrition, Auburn University."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Raising Beef for the Freezer

2 2 Feeding Programs Darrell Rankins, Jr. Extension Beef Cattle Nutrition, Auburn University

3 3 What do you want? F “If you don’t know where you’re going any road will get you there” – Don Ball F Majority of customers think they know what they want F Flavor F Tenderness F Guaranteed Good

4 4 Traditional Program F Tender beef that tastes like what they are accustomed to eating F Calf is weaned at 7-9 months of age n 550 pounds F Economical grower diet n ADG of 2 to 2.25 lbs/day n 800 pounds (12 months of age)

5 5 Traditional Program F Finishing diet n ADG of 3.25 lbs/day for 100 days n 1,100 pounds (15 months of age) F Marbling F Aging

6 6 Grower Diet F ADG of 2 to 2.25 lbs/day n Soyhulls/corn gluten blend fed at 2.5% of BW per day and free-choice roughage n Blended diets fed free-choice n High quality grazing – not summer perennials

7 7 Finishing Diet F Corn – traditional taste – many other options exist F BE CONSISTENT while feeding corn n Increase 4 pounds/day every 2 days until you reach 16 pounds n Feed 2% of BW per day until slaughter n At least.5% of BW roughage (long stem) n TM salt

8 8 Non-traditional Program(s) F Infinite number n Grass-fed n Pasture-raised n Natural n Organic

9 9 Random Thoughts F Weigh your cattle!!!!

10 10 Random Thoughts F Write it down!!!!

11 11 Random Thoughts F Calf should never have a bad day F Ionophores F Minimal stress

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