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Terminology and Identification Guide Workshop for Content Standardization Councils ECCMA Conference 2006-10-25, 1300-1500 Peter Benson, ECCMA Daniel King,

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Presentation on theme: "Terminology and Identification Guide Workshop for Content Standardization Councils ECCMA Conference 2006-10-25, 1300-1500 Peter Benson, ECCMA Daniel King,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Terminology and Identification Guide Workshop for Content Standardization Councils ECCMA Conference 2006-10-25, 1300-1500 Peter Benson, ECCMA Daniel King, ECCMA Gerald Radack, CTC Sheron Koshy, ECCMA Wynand Nortje, Starnode

2 Outline Introduction Consensus requirement Content standardization councils Guidelines for terminology Submitting terminology to the eOTD Tools for building terminology Identification guides (IGs) Tools for building IGs

3 Introduction Purpose of meeting Introduction of attendees

4 Consensus Requirement ISO 22745-20 states that only a consensus organization may submit terminology to be included in an open technical dictionary A consensus organization must follow a documented consensus process

5 Content Standardization Councils Chartered under ECCMA for specified vertical industries Scope –Specify required terminology Identify relevant terminology in international standards (ISO, IEC, ASTM, AC/135, etc.) Develop terminology where there is a gap identified Submit to ECCMA for inclusion in the eOTD –Create identification guides

6 Content Standardization Councils Develop terminology –Follow documented consensus process –Document consensus –Assign local reference to terms, definitions and images –Publish terminology on CSC website (e.g.,, http://www.nricsc.org –Submit to ECCMA for inclusion in eOTD

7 Consensus Process for CSCs Should conform to ANSI Essential Requirements: Due process requirements for American National StandardsANSI Essential Requirements: Due process requirements for American National Standards The hallmarks of this process include: –consensus by a group or “consensus body” that is open to representatives from all materially affected and interested parties; –consideration of and response to comments submitted by members of the CSC; –availability of an appeal by any participant alleging that these principles were not respected. Adapted from

8 Standards Related to Terminology Development ISO 22745-11, Industrial automation systems and integration — Open technical dictionaries and their application to catalogues — Part 11: Rules and guidelines for the formulation of definitions of dictionary elements ISO 10241, International terminology standards — Preparation and layout ISO 16642, Computer applications in terminology — Terminological markup framework

9 Guidelines for Terminology Specified in ISO 22745-11

10 Dictionary Entry Term Definition text Notes Relationships to other concepts –Includes –Excludes –See also Examples Images (optional) Source standard

11 Harvesting Terminology Request for inclusion –Used to add terminology that is in an existing published standard –Required content Designation of the standard Title of the standard URL or location of standard (if not ISO, IEC or ASTM standard) Term

12 Example



15 Creating Terminology Request for addition Used to request standardization of new terminology Required content –Term –Definition text –Identifier assigned by the creating organization Be sure that terminology is not already in the eOTD or an existing standard

16 Example

17 Architecture DictionaryCatalogue Identification Guide is coded using concepts in constrains the use of conforms to the constraints in Identification Scheme has concepts identified by

18 Identification Guide (IG) Constrains the use of the dictionary in catalogue data to meet the needs of a specific buyer or group of buyers Developed and maintained by buyers Can be registered with and validated by ECCMA Evolution of NATO Item Identification Guides (IIGs)

19 Identification Guide Builder Identification Guides that are comprehensive and detailed at design improves the data quality of the item catalogued while the time required to catalog the item is reduced.

20 Identification Guide Builder ECCMA Repository IG Builder eOTD IGs eOTD Building / Construction Procurement Design Mining Telecommunica tions Petrochemical Identification Guide Class Properties Features Values Unit of Measures Owner IG Name Revision EOTD Telecoms Mining Building Petrochemical ECCMA Tools & Services eOTD Core Web Service IG Web Service Catalog Systems – ECCMA Catbuilder, RAMIS, CTC,…. EGIR Web Service IG Web Service IGs eOTD Catalog’s

21 Creating the Identification Guide ECCMA Repository IG Builder eOTD IGs eOTD Building / Construction Procurement Design Mining Telecommunica tions Petrochemical Identification Guide Classe Properties Features Values Unit of Measures Owner IG Name Revision EOTD Telecoms Mining Building Petrochemical ECCMA Tools & Services eOTD Core Web Service IG Web Service Catalog Systems – ECCMA Catbuilder, Ramis, CTC,…. EGIR Web Service IG Web Service IG’s eOTD Catalog’s 1. SEARCH on Class Names the eOTD core links and existing Identification Guides (IG’s) 2. SELECT the properties of the class name search result to build your IG 3. CONSTRAIN the IG with prescribed properties, UOM’s, Values, Data Types required for the specific application of this IG. Group Properties to Features 4. SAVE, the IG is now available in the ECCMA Repository for use by Catalog Systems

22 Benefits of Identification Guides Standardisation of values and unit of measure data is implied by adding constraints to the prescribed property Only relevant properties are included for the catalogue purpose of the Identification Guide, e.g. Procurement Identification Guide (Template) in the Petrochemical Industry Data type validations are included in the Identification Guide – Catalogue System leverage the meta data of the IG to provide validations Data Integrity is improved by adding constraints to IGs Process automation in catalogue systems made possible Time to catalogue drastically reduced e.g. only specific UOMs valid for the specific property will be listed in the UOM drop down list box in catalogue systems that incorporates the ECCMA IGs

23 IG Builder: Quick Search Quick Search is used to identify the class names available in the eOTD for which IG’s can be built Owners that have registered Identification Guides for Class Names are listed Search may be limited to display search results of your preferred Owner / Organisation Identification Guides eOTD Core Web Services API built in Advanced Search can optionally be activated (Stemming, Fuzzy …)

24 Class Name Search Results Two Class name result sets are available eOTD Core Search Result list classes of the eOTD IG Classes Search Result list Identification Guides per Owner, IG Header information is displayed e.g. Title, Version, Owner Reference Tooltips on mouse over fields to indicate the appropriate action “Double Click to ….”

25 IG Builder: Constructing the IG Leverages previously built Identification Guide data or eOTD links available Drag and Drop to select properties from data available in the ECCMA Repository to include in the Identification Guide Drag and Drop to remove properties Tick selections available to mark options e.g. “Required / Mandatory” Add “Property”, “Feature” option to include properties available in the eOTD not previously used on the Class Name in the core eOTD links / Identification Guides available

26 IG Builder: Adding Constraints Multiple Constraints can be added to a property of the Identification Guide All eOTD data is available for inclusion as constraints Language selection as filter option Popup Data Selection listboxes include search functionality built that includes the core eOTD web services API Concept Types available in listbox as option for filtering on the eOTD (ie UOM, Value…)

27 Demo It is time to leave the theory and to create an Identification Guide with the ECCMA lG Builder……

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