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Published bySilvester Dawson Modified over 9 years ago
21 st April 2010 27 November 20151 Select Committee on Social Services National Council of Provinces THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENTS’ BUDGET VOTE AND STRATEGIC PLAN
"Building a Caring Society. Together"2 CONTENT Strategic OverviewStrategic Overview Priorities for the next 5 yearsPriorities for the next 5 years Linking priorities with outcomesLinking priorities with outcomes Strategic Objectives & MeasuresStrategic Objectives & Measures Recent AchievementsRecent Achievements 2010/11 Allocations2010/11 Allocations
PURPOSE To brief the Select Committee on the Department’s strategic plan and the budget that supports the implementation thereof.To brief the Select Committee on the Department’s strategic plan and the budget that supports the implementation thereof. 27 November 2015DSD - Budget Committee3
Strategic Overview Over the past 15 years, the Department has implemented a number of policies that contribute to creating an inclusive society that is attentive to the rights and needs of the most vulnerable. The key strategic objective is to implement appropriate policy interventions that respond to the immediate needs of individuals and communities, while at the same time engaging in policy & research to explore long term solutions that will address systemic poverty and inequality. "Building a Caring Society. Together"4
Strategic Overview Areas of focus are social security, welfare service and community development which are delivered through provincial departments of social development, entities (SASSA and NDA), the Central Drug Authority and Network of Non Governmental Organizations. "Building a Caring Society. Together"5
11/27/20156 DSD priorities for the next 3-5 years Building a comprehensive Social Security System including income support and safety net for the destitute Care and protection for the vulnerable groups, especially children, women & people with disabilities. Strengthening of family and communities Transforming social relations with specific focus on gender and victim empowerment Strengthening of institutional capacity to deliver quality services Reinforce participation in key bilateral and multilateral initiatives that contributes most to poverty eradication
Linking priorities with outcomes "Building a Caring Society. Together"7
Sector Priorities Strategic Goals InterventionsOutput 1Output 2RolesSASSANDAProvincesNationalOutput 2Interventions Manifesto 2009 10 MTSF priorities 12 Outcomes
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention Creation of decent work and sustainable livelihoods (1) Speeding up economic growth & transform the economy to create decent wok & sustainable livelihoods (1) Decent employment through inclusive growth Comprehensive Social Security including income support and safety net for the destitute Reduce income poverty among poor and vulnerable South Africans Coherent policy on Social Relief of Distress provision Comprehensive social insurance system
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention Creation of decent work and sustainable livelihoods (1) Speeding up economic growth & transform the economy to create decent wok & sustainable livelihoods Decent employment through inclusive growth Comprehensive Social Security including income support and safety net for the destitute Establish a system for adjudicating social assistance appeals To help create decent work through the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) in the social sector
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention Creation of decent work and sustainable livelihoods (1) Speeding up economic growth & transform the economy to create decent wok & sustainable livelihoods Decent employment through inclusive growth Comprehensive Social Security including income support and safety net for the destitute Reduce income poverty among poor and vulnerable South Africans Assist youth to access decent work and participate in the mainstream economy
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention Creation of decent work and sustainable livelihoods (1) Speeding up economic growth & transform the economy to create decent wok & sustainable livelihoods Decent employment through inclusive growth Comprehensive Social Security including income support and safety net for the destitute Improve income, asset and capabilities of poor families and communities
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention The fight against crime and corruption (2) Intensity the fight against crime & corruption (2) All people in South Africa are and feel safe Care and protection for the vulnerable groups, especially children and women To significantly reduce social crime To reduce substance abuse
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention The fight against crime and corruption (2) Intensity the fight against crime & corruption All people in South Africa are and feel safe Care and protection for the vulnerable groups, especially children and women Reduce the risk of sexual and physical violence against women (gender based violence) Transforming social relations with specific focus on gender and victim empowerment Promote gender equality (dismantling of patriarchy
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention Education (3)Strengthen the skills and human resource base (3) Skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth Invest and ensure the provision of quality social welfare services to children including those in need of care & protection (i.e. ECD)
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention Rural development, food security and land reform (4) A comprehensive rural development strategy linked to land & agrarian reform & food security (4) Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all Strengthening of family and communities To support and strengthen family and community interventions that foster social cohesion
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention Health (5)Improve the health profile of society (5) A long and healthy life for all South Africans Reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS, and minimise its psychosocial impact
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention Massive programs to build economic & social infrastructure (6) Strengthening of institutional capacity to deliver quality services Provide social infrastructure that supports integrated service delivery
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention Build a developmental state, including improving of public service s and strengthening democratic institutions (7) An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship Strengthening of institutional capacity to deliver quality services Create sustainable environment for service delivery partners Improve sector performance through research, planning and process improvement
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention Build a developmental state, including improving of public service s and strengthening democratic institutions An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship Strengthening of institutional capacity to deliver quality services Institutionalize evidence-based policy-making in the DSD and the social sector Promote evidence-based policy-making and social affairs in the region
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention Building cohesive, caring and sustainable communities (8) Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient Local Government system Sustainable human settlement & improved quality of household life Strengthening of family and communities To support and strengthen family and community interventions that foster social cohesion
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention Building cohesive, caring and sustainable communities (8) Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient Local Government system Sustainable human settlement & improved quality of household life Strengthening of family and communities To implement youth programmes that assist youth to access decent work and participate in the mainstream economy
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention Building cohesive, caring and sustainable communities (8) Sustainable human settlement & improved quality of household life Care and protection for the vulnerable groups, especially children and women To improve social welfare services to older people, including those in need of care and protection
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention Building cohesive, caring and sustainable communities (8) Sustainable human settlement & improved quality of household life Care and protection for the vulnerable groups, especially children and women To protect and promote the rights of people with disabilities To invest in and ensure the provision of quality social welfare services to children, including those in need of care and protection
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention Pursue regional development, African advancement and enhanced international cooperation (9) Create a better, South Africa, a better Africa and a better world Reinforce participation in key bilateral and multilateral initiatives that contributes most to poverty eradication
Priority Framework ManifestoMTSF priorityOutcomesDSD priority area DSD strategic intervention Sustainable resources management use (10) Protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND MEASURES "Building a Caring Society. Together"27
PROGRAMME 2: Comprehensive Social Security "Building a Caring Society. Together"28
Objectives and measures Expand the social assistance safety net by: –Phasing in [over the MTEF period] the extension of the child support grant to eligible children under the age of 18 years –Implementing the final phase for the old age grant during 2010/11 – this brings the qualifying age to 60 for both males and females –Draft Social Assistance Amendment Bill –Develop an assessment tool for children with disabilities and health care needs –Introduce consolidated policy and legislation on social relief "Building a Caring Society. Together"29
Objectives and measures Development of proposals for mandatory social insurance measures that will provide income support in the event of disability, the death of the bread winner and old age by March 2011. –Approve policy on mandatory retirement provisions –Draft blueprint for National Social Security Fund (NSSF) –Draft blueprint for revised social security institutional framework "Building a Caring Society. Together"30
Objectives and measures Improve access to social grants in accordance with social assistance legislation and administrative justice by: –Developing a social assistance appeals adjudication policy and legislative framework –Publish regulations under the current Social Assistance Act –Adjudicate lodged appeals, prioritised according to the FIFO (first in first out) principle –adjudicating all new appeals within 90 days –eliminating the 60 000 backlog of appeals by March 2012 "Building a Caring Society. Together"31
Objectives and measures Improve access to social grants in accordance with social assistance legislation and administrative justice by: –Develop an appeals adjudication institutional model –Implementation of an appeals business and information enterprise –Establish and operationalise regionally based Appeals Adjudication structures and capabilities –Operationalise regionally based bulk volume capturing processes and build appropriate regional data warehouses "Building a Caring Society. Together"32
Recent achievements Just over 13 million South Africans qualified for social assistance in 2008/09. The progressive implementation of the age equalisation process is on track and will be concluded in 2010. Roughly 200 000 men will benefit from this. In 2008/09, 128 individuals were appointed to serve on the Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals. 60 970 appeals have been lodged and 13 269 of these were considered and finalized. An estimated 19 000 backlog cases are expected to be settled by March 2010 and increased funding has been available to eradicate all backlogs by March 2012. "Building a Caring Society. Together"33
PROGRAMME 3 : Welfare Services "Building a Caring Society. Together"34
Objectives and measures … Reduce the risk of sexual and physical violence against women (gender based violence) by: –Developing and facilitating the implementation of prevention programmes on gender based violence by March 2011 –Developing and facilitating the implementation of rehabilitation programmes for victims of human trafficking by March 2011 –Implement shelter strategy –Facilitating the rollout of the men and boys strategy on gender based violence by March 2011 "Building a Caring Society. Together"35
Objectives and measures … Support and strengthen families and communities by: –finalizing the draft white paper for services to families by March 2011 –Build capacity for implementation –Develop draft M&E Framework –Developing programmes and services to preserve families by March 2011. "Building a Caring Society. Together"36
Objectives and measures… Reduce social crime by: –strengthening the capacity of civil society organisations in the victim empowerment area over the MTEF period –Victim empowerment legislation research report –Develop costing model for Victim Empowerment programme –developing responsive secure care models (blue print, minimum norms and standards) by March 2012 –Approve norms and standards –Pilot Generic Indicator Set (GIS) at site level in three provinces "Building a Caring Society. Together"37
Objectives and measures… –getting the national policy framework and accreditation system for diversion programmes tabled in Parliament for implementation by non-profit organizations and government by March 2011 –developing responsive secure care models (blue print, minimum norms and standards) by March 2012 –Approve norms and standards –getting the national policy framework and accreditation system for diversion programmes tabled in Parliament for implementation by non-profit organizations and government by March 2011. –Draft Social Crime Prevention Strategy –Develop five social crime prevention programmes "Building a Caring Society. Together"38
Objectives and measures… Reduce substance abuse and related criminal acts leading to a drug free society by: –finalising the regulations on substance abuse by March 2011 –facilitating the rollout of the ‘Ke Moja’ campaign [Anti-Drugs and Alcohol Programs] by March 2011 –developing a monitoring and assessment tool for substance abuse services by March 2012 –reviewing and coordinating the implementation of the mini drug master plan by March 2011 –Strengthen and support institutional mechanism for implementing NDMP (National Drug Master Plan) "Building a Caring Society. Together"39
Objectives and measures… –Approve Social Crime Prevention Strategy over the MTEF period –Develop five social crime prevention programmes –Approve norms and standards for secure care –Approve policy framework and accreditation system diversion programmes "Building a Caring Society. Together"40
Objectives and measures… Create an environment that enables the promotion, development and protection of older persons’ rights by: –Piloting a community based model in 3 provinces by March 2011 –Audit intergenerational programmes –Complete situational analysis of Community-Based Care Services –Pilot implementation of norms and standards in two communities in KZN –Develop South African Plan of Action, guidelines for implementation, and monitoring tool "Building a Caring Society. Together" 41
Objectives and measures… –facilitating the implementation of the Older Persons Act (2006), in accordance with the Madrid International Plan embodied in the South African Plan of Action for older persons [March 2011] –Complete situational analysis of Community-Based Care Services "Building a Caring Society. Together" 42
Objectives and measures… Protect and promote the rights of people with disabilities by: –aligning social services policies and programmes for people with disabilities with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by March 2012 –Complete assessment & audit report on aligning DSD policies, programmes and services with the UN Convention –developing legislation on social services for people with disabilities by March 2012 –developing and facilitating the implementation of the social development specific disability mainstreaming strategy by the end of 2013 "Building a Caring Society. Together"43
Objectives and measures… –Develop DSD-specific disability mainstreaming strategy –developing psycho-social programmes to enhance the wellbeing and self-esteem of youth with disabilities by March 2013 Create a sustainable environment for social development service delivery by: –Implementing the recruitment and retention strategy for social workers over the MTEF period –Developing and facilitating the implementation of the minimum norms and standards for social welfare services by March 2013 "Building a Caring Society. Together"44
Objectives and measures… –Developing and facilitating the implementation of a costing model (with funding norms) for the delivery of social welfare services by June 2011 –Developing a social development funding policy and guidelines by June 2010. –Develop Draft Policy on Social Services Professions –Consult on and review policy on Financial Awards to Service Providers (PFA) –Refine draft policy on provision of social welfare services "Building a Caring Society. Together"45
Objectives and measures Facilitate the provision of quality social welfare services to children, including those in need of care and protection, by ensuring: –the implementation of the Children’s Act (2005) over the MTEF period –Implement Child Protection Register –the development and implementation of a strategy to expand national adoption services by March 2013 –the implementation of the national surveillance study on child abuse and neglect (phase 2) by March 2013 –Develop programmes for preventing child abuse, neglect and exploitation "Building a Caring Society. Together"46
Objectives and measures… –the transformation of residential care facilities for children into child and youth care centres by March 2013 –the implementation of the national integrated plan for early childhood development by March 2013 –the development and implementation of a policy framework and guidelines for statutory services for child headed households and children living on the streets by March 2013. –Implement strategy for providing services to children living and working on the streets –Develop draft Integrated Parenting Framework "Building a Caring Society. Together"47
Objectives and measures –Complete Phase 2: Pilot Study on the national Surveillance Study on Child Abuse, Exploitation and Neglect –Develop transformation strategy for Child and Youth Care Centres –Pilot cluster foster care models –Comply with norms and standards, strategies, and transformation of services and programmes –Build capacity to implement the Children’s Act, regulations, norms and standards, practice guidelines, and indicators –Develop strategy for providing services to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in drop-in centres –Implement International Social Services Programme "Building a Caring Society. Together"48
Objectives and measures –Develop partial care strategy for children –Implement Home Community-Based Care (HCBC) for ECD –Audit of Partial Care and ECD programmes "Building a Caring Society. Together"49
Recent achievements In 2009/10, the business plan for the implementation of the second and third phase of the norms and standards project was developed. The programme management structures were established at the national and provincial levels. The norms and standards project will continue over the MTEF period and should result in improved welfare service delivery across the sector. In 2009, 5 250 bursaries were made available to social work students and universities across the country. The department is currently consulting with universities to increase capacity within their faculties for social work studies. In future, a portion of this budget may be set aside as a direct grant to social work schools. "Building a Caring Society. Together"50
PROGRAMME 4 : Community Development "Building a Caring Society. Together"51
Objectives and measures… Enhance the livelihoods of poor households and communities by: –facilitating the implementation of the guidelines for social cooperatives in all provinces by March 2012 –facilitating linkages between community based organisations and community food banks by March 2012 –Develop skills development plan for community development practitioners –Develop Occupation Framework for Social Services –Develop Community Development Strategy –Discussion document on norms and standards –Develop a programme implementation and programme funding protocol "Building a Caring Society. Together"52
Objectives and measures… –Identify and quantify community-driven pilot projects for implementation at local the level –Link 4 500 beneficiaries to existing and new development projects/programmes –Develop action plan for implementing the Toolkit –Train 50 CDPs facilitate community development –Develop Integrated Community Development Plans –Develop guidelines for establishing social co-operatives –Support four provinces to establish food banks –Support CBOs to link with the food bank network "Building a Caring Society. Together"53
Objectives and measures… –Develop contract agreements and undertake site visits to all funded CBOs –Consolidate lessons learnt from the management of partnering organisations Develop and facilitate the implementation of responsive and focused youth development programmes by: –researching the impact of poverty on youth development by March 2012 –Train 100 MYPP mentors –Develop exist strategies for MYPP –Co-ordinate development of business plans in consultation with Older Persons Directorate "Building a Caring Society. Together"54
Objectives and measures… –100 youths to participate in intergenerational programmes –Link youths to economic opportunities –conducting an audit of youth development services in North West, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Free State, Northern Cape and Eastern Cape by March 2011 Contribute to reducing the incidence and minimise the psycho-social impact of HIV and AIDS as well as the burden of the disease by: –Facilitating the development and implementation of behaviour change programmes by 2012 "Building a Caring Society. Together"55
Objectives and measures –Train staff in all provinces to implement social behaviour change programmes –Implement NAP (National Action Plan) –Strengthen co-ordination with development partners, NGOs and governance structures –10% of municipalities to utilise Maternal Orphan database –Analyse research findings and data on children affected by HIV/AIDS "Building a Caring Society. Together"56
Objectives and measures –Facilitating the implementation of the integrated home community based care monitoring and evaluation system by March 2013 –Monitoring compliance with the norms and standards for home community based care on a quarterly basis to confirm that 90 per cent of funded non-profit organisations comply with norms and standards "Building a Caring Society. Together"57
Objectives and measures Contribute to reducing the incidence and minimise the psycho- social impact of HIV and AIDS as well as the burden of the disease by: –Monitoring the implementation of the loveLife prevention programmes for youth on a quarterly basis to confirm that 500 youth are reached by the end of each year –35 districts to implement monitoring and evaluation system –15 000 caregivers trained "Building a Caring Society. Together"58
Objectives and measures –30% of HCBC organisations to comply with norms and standards –Three provinces to implement management capacity Improve efficiency in registering non-profit organisations by registering all applications from new organisations within 2 months –Develop NPO management guidelines –Strengthen institutions; all provinces to sign MoU –Develop NPO work management model –Develop and finalise norms and standards "Building a Caring Society. Together"59
Objectives and measures –Develop and finalise norms and standard –Develop DSD sector NPO funding guidelines –Develop and finalise an NPO policy –Register 90% of NPOs within two months of application –25% of NPOs to comply with the NPO Act by March 2010 –Three provinces to utilise online NPO registration and compliance system by March 2010 –5% of NPOs to register via online registration and compliance system by March 2010 –Develop and approve an NPO capacity-building framework "Building a Caring Society. Together"60
Recent Achievements In 2008/09, the department developed a toolkit on sustainable livelihoods for community development practitioners in South Africa, which was field tested in 2009/10. The department also commissioned a skills audit for community development practitioners, which will ensure the development of responsive skills development programmes. A draft national community development policy framework was developed after extensive consultation with key stakeholders. "Building a Caring Society. Together"61
Recent achievements In 2009/10, a memorandum of understanding between the South African government, the Community Food Banking Network of South Africa and the Global Food Banking Network was facilitated and resulted in the establishment of 4 community food banks in Durban, Port Elizabeth, Johannesburg and Cape Town. "Building a Caring Society. Together"62
Recent achievements In 2008/09, the department developed and distributed a youth service programme toolkit that covers the youth development strategy and national youth service, to all provinces. In 2009/10, a framework for the Masupatsela curriculum, a youth pioneer programme based on the Cuban social work programme, was developed. 10 Cuban experts were interviewed and contracted to implement the programme. "Building a Caring Society. Together"63
PROGRAMME 5 : Strategy and Governance "Building a Caring Society. Together"64
Objectives and measures Improve the sector’s performance in line with the demands for social development services by: –Facilitating the expansion and strengthening of the social sector expanded public works through the creation of 96 000 jobs by March 2011 –Integrate EPWP indicators and reporting requirements into education [Kha Ri Gude-Mass Literacy, and National School Nutrition] and Sports and Recreation [Mass Sports Participation programmes –Develop a comprehensive incentive grant model for funding social sector subprogrammes participating in EPWP –Complete proposal on an appropriate employment dispensation for EPWP workers "Building a Caring Society. Together"65
Objectives and measures –Finalise appropriate regulatory framework on conditions of service for EPWP workers –Develop guidelines for the facilitation and adoption of Kwanda as a sector mass organisational, capacity-building and developmental communication methodology –Mobilise resources for expanding Kwanda to the remaining four provinces –Co-ordinate DSD contribution to framework of benefits for non-statutory military veterans –Reposition the SPO as an innovation and incubation hub –Establish and maintain service delivery Innovation partnerships "Building a Caring Society. Together"66
Objectives and measures –Implement coherent and seamless sector communication campaign –Align the M&E systems of EPWP participating sub- programmes with the web-based reporting system –Maintain effective and efficient management of EPWP institutional mechanisms –Provide implementation support to EPWP sub programmes, provinces and entities –institutionalizing evidence based policy making in the department and the social development sector over the MTEF period "Building a Caring Society. Together"67
Objectives and measures –Participate in inter-departmental and government-wide research and policy initiatives –Identify key research and capacity-building needs for DSD and the social sector –Develop DSD research strategy –Organise regional training programme and round table meetings "Building a Caring Society. Together"68
Objectives and measures… –Implementing a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system and building capacity in the sector over the MTEF period –Revise and finalise social sector monitoring framework, indicators and systems –Develop NPO monitoring framework, indicators and systems –Train district managers to implement M&E principles –Conduct provincial performance data quality assessment "Building a Caring Society. Together"69
Objectives and measures… –Produce quarterly and annual service delivery reports –Produce institutional performance reports –Produce Annual Key Statistics report –Produce surveillance report on vulnerable children –Conduct CSG qualitative valuation –Conduct beneficiary satisfaction survey "Building a Caring Society. Together"70
Objectives and measures… Improve the sector’s performance in line with the demands for social development services by: –Develop and implement gender strategies within the sector –Build sector planning capacity by rolling out the Planning Handbook –Provide risk and business process management services across the sector –Manage strategic planning processes across the sector "Building a Caring Society. Together"71
Objectives and measures… –Develop internal consulting capacity in the sector –Roll out Customer Care Culture Reform programme across nine designated sites –Develop sectoral infrastructure policy and plans –Implement corporate governance framework for public entities, bodies and boards –Develop an entities oversight and management strategy –Develop performance management framework for public entities, bodies and boards "Building a Caring Society. Together"72
Objectives and measures… –Conduct institutional performance reviews of accounting authorities –Conclude annual delivery agreements with public entities, bodies and boards –Review governance aspects of the founding legislation –Build capacity through education and information to integrate HIV & AIDS and key health concerns with development planning and service delivery –Population HIV & AIDS Research "Building a Caring Society. Together"73
Objectives and measures… –Population trends analysis report on health factors with demographic consequences –Research and compile report on teenage pregnancy in SA –Compile report on the status of population education in schools –Compile report on the gap analysis on youth services –Compile population report on the state of gender in SA –Train rural nodes to implement population policy and gender mainstreaming –Build capacity of national departments and ;population units to mainstream gender in social research "Building a Caring Society. Together"74
Objectives and measures… –Present capacity-building courses on PED in IDP, integrating population into development; international session on population, climate change and development –Population advocacy and IEC to local stakeholders –Compile report on integrating the population policy with IDPs –Compile migration research report and PED case study papers –Support Intergovernmental population programme –Build capacity for population research and provide technical support and advice to government departments and other stakeholders "Building a Caring Society. Together"75
Objectives and measures… –Conduct population capacity-building and training courses –Develop population and development Information and Knowledge Service –Develop international population strategy –Monitor business planning, strategy and policy "Building a Caring Society. Together"76
Recent achievements The department accelerated its participation in the expanded public works programme by exceeding its allocated target of creating 150 000 work opportunities a year ahead of the scheduled period, with the final recorded performance at 174 255 in March 2009. In 2008/09, the department developed and implemented a performance and compliance reporting framework to provide guidelines on quarterly reporting on financial and non-financial matters for public entities as contemplated in the Public Finance Management Act (1999) and National Treasury regulations. "Building a Caring Society. Together"77
Recent achievements Between 2008-2009, the social policy team and experts from Oxford University presented a series of training courses on social policy and analysis which are aimed at building social policy formulation and implementation skills for officials in the national and provincial departments. "Building a Caring Society. Together"78
11/27/201579 27 November 201579 Part B DSD Financial outlook
Voted funds over the MTEF period – 2010/11 to 2012/13 "Building a Caring Society. Together"80 2010/112011/122012/13 R’000 Special allocation 95,370,555 105,166,487 113,458,693 Operational budget 558,506 548,918 565,031 Total allocation 95,929,061105,715,405 114,023,724
COMPARISON OVER THE MTEF YEARS "Building a Caring Society. Together"81
BUDGET ALLOCATION FOR THE 2010/11 FINANCIAL YEAR "Building a Caring Society. Together"82
THANK YOU "Building a Caring Society. Together"86
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