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Nitrous Oxide Family Survey There was a total of 23 family surveys conducted. Of the “yes” category, the child had the procedure 1-4 times before.

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Presentation on theme: "Nitrous Oxide Family Survey There was a total of 23 family surveys conducted. Of the “yes” category, the child had the procedure 1-4 times before."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nitrous Oxide Family Survey There was a total of 23 family surveys conducted. Of the “yes” category, the child had the procedure 1-4 times before.

2 Nitrous Oxide Family Survey Previous methods used were distraction, positioning and Versed. Did you feel that the use of nitrous oxide helped your child tolerate the procedure better by relaxing? Would you like Nitrous Oxide to be used during your child's procedure again?

3 Nitrous Oxide Family Survey There was a total of 23 family surveys conducted.

4 Nitrous Oxide Family Survey Comments  Helped alleviate anxiety,  Still had to hold child down, but the N.O. helped,  This procedure was unsuccessful, but I would try the N.O. with another procedure,  Survey questions should be asked of the child/patient.

5 Nitrous Oxide Staff Survey There was a total of 16 staff surveys conducted. All but one staff member had used N.O. before. All 16 procedures were urinary catherization.

6 Nitrous Oxide Staff Survey The only side effect noted (one case) was agitation when the Nitrous Oxide was brought down. No other medication was used along with the Nitrous Oxide.

7 Nitrous Oxide Staff Survey There was one procedure of the 16 that yielded an unsuccessful exam. A child life specialist was noted as present in 6 of the procedures (38%).

8 Nitrous Oxide Staff Survey

9 The average times for the seven procedures noted were: Patient Care Start to Procedure Completion 1:57 N.O. Start to Procedure Completion0:48 Patient Care Start to N.O. Start Time:1:08

10 Nitrous Oxide Staff Survey Comments  Helped keep the patient calm,  Parents were very pleased; less people required to hold patient down,  Worked especially well with patients that were prior victims of sexual molestation,  One comment stated that the physical set up for the N.O. was a bit cumbersome and could be more user-friendly.

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