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Presentation on theme: " Carpe Eruditio (Seize the learning) Practical tools, techniques and ideas to improve teaching and learning today with Mike."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carpe Eruditio (Seize the learning) Practical tools, techniques and ideas to improve teaching and learning today with Mike Fleetham Teaching, real teaching, is - or ought to be - a messy business. Harry Crews Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition. Jacques Barzun The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards. Anatole France

2 Learning Opportunities The Foxborough Professional Learning Community (FPLC) – grow it/nurture it Develop knowledge and understanding of self as a learner and a thinker Develop knowledge and understanding of professional learning relationships Develop knowledge and understanding of the outwards-facing responsibilities of FPLC FPLC’s capacity to quickly and effectively improve communication skills for all – identify it/apply it Learn and try out generic thinking skills and community building tools Apply tools to specialist areas – S&L, Reading, Writing (e.g. define a ‘Quality Communicator’) Explore links and common themes in the three areas Next steps – list them/evaluate and choose Consider if and how the tools and techniques learned can be applied immediately to raise standards (diverse and inclusive standards) Reach an FPLC decision on one or more themes to explore together Recognise personal and FPLC potential to grow & identify short and mid-term future needs

3 Learning Opportunities To enrich the Foxborough Professional Learning Community: Ourselves as learners, teachers and thinkers Our professional learning relationships Our wider responsibilities as a PLC To quickly and effectively improve communication skills for all: Generic thinking skills and community building tools A quality communicator: S&L, Reading, Writing: using language well To plan for growth Choose one or more themes to explore together this year Identify short and mid-term needs

4 Learning Opportunities Summarised To learn about learning together To communicate well

5 9:00 Introduction and Welcome 9:10 Is this Learning? 10:30 Break 11:00 Is this Communication? 12:30 Lunch 1:30 Is this a Professional Learning Community? 2:30 Is this Possible? 3:30 Close Opportunity for questions & resources sharing

6 Is this Learning?

7 Comfort and Learning Comfort (DVD/Book/Wine) Danger Growth Karaoke

8 Line up by… your thinking style

9 Form groups… Of the same size (6s) With a mix of thinking style Then find a new ‘home table’ to sit at

10 Allocate groups roles… Timekeepermanages about the time Facilitatormanages the group/task Writermanages writing/representing Reportermanages speaking for the group Checkermonitors the task/success criteria Resourcerrushes off to get stuff with no regard for health and safety

11 INDIVIDUALLY, please note down your response to the following 3 prompts: 1. Something you can do really well 2. How you learned to do this thing 3. How you know you can do it well

12 In turn, introduce yourselves to the other members of your group. Each person’s introduction to include: 1. Your name and role in school 2. Something you can do really well 3. How you learned to do this thing 4. How you know you can do it well Then as a group produce a single flipchart page summary of 1,2,3,4 and answer, “Are there any common ideas in the answers to question 3?” Timekeeper: 20 minutes Facilitator:Manage the ‘introductions’ Writer: Record 1, 2 and 3 on flip chart page Reporter: Blu-tack flip page on wall Checker: Monitor 1, 2, 3 above and roles Resourcer: Procure materials and equipment

13 Average Retention Rate vs Method of Learning National Training Laboratories, Bethel, Maine 5% 10% 20% 30% 50% 75% 90% 95% Lecture Reading Audio-Visual Demonstration Discussion Group Practice by doing Teach one another Teach and assess one another How does your reflection on your own learning relate to this chart?

14 Is this Communication?

15 What will we specifically SEE and HEAR when we are having the best conversations possible?

16 Communication for Learning

17 Access Express A simple model of learning… Learning Styles Thinking Skills Multiple Intelligences Process Mike Fleetham, 2003

18 Infusion: …using thinking skills, learning styles and multiple intelligences to enrichment communication…


20 GBG – Glass Bead Game

21 Please allocate the following 5 specialist task roles: 1.What (only asks what?) 2.What if (only asks what if?) 3.Why (only asks why?) 4.How (only asks how?) 5.Wild Card (asks anything else)

22 What? What if? Why? How? Wild Card Each group member writes down one question about the object

23 Musical and Linguistic, Existential, Naturalist. Inter- Intrapersonal, Visual, Mathematical Or is it Bodily, Which ones are right for me?

24 Is this a Professional Learning Community?

25 A Professional Learning Community Each group member will think about working and learning in school….

26 What is a Professional Learning Community? What professional and personal skills/attitudes /gifts do I offer to this school? Individually answer these two questions

27 10 min Distill ideas A PLC is… Summary of your ‘gifts’


29 Is this Possible?

30 Recall the activities and ideas from today Learner Skills Learner Attitudes

31 Learner Skills Learner Attitudes Recall the activities and ideas from today

32 Cross-Country Review Follow our circular route Watch out for obstacles Walk the route while discussing: “What would be the best thing to try whole school?” (i.e. most significant/related to improvement plan/quick-win/manageable/ useful to the children) No hiding up trees or under bridges No short cuts No smoking

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