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Katherine Perdomo Alanna Pugliese CATEGORIES OF EVALUATION.

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Presentation on theme: "Katherine Perdomo Alanna Pugliese CATEGORIES OF EVALUATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Katherine Perdomo Alanna Pugliese CATEGORIES OF EVALUATION

2 Preferred TermOther TermObjectives Process evaluationFormative evaluationFeedback on program implementation, site response, participant response, practitioner response, and personnel competency Impact evaluationSummative evaluationFeedback on knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behavior of participants; programs and policies of organizations and governments Outcome evaluationSummative evaluationFeedback on health status morbidity and mortality RELATIONSHIP OF TWO FRAMEWORKS FOR CATEGORIZING EVALUATIONS

3  “How well is the program being implemented?”  Process Evaluation should answer the question: How much of the intervention was provided, to whom, when, and by whom?  For programs directed to individual-level behavior change  Reviews the program’s materials and plans to see whether they are consistent with program objectives  For organizational-level objectives  Reviews what organizational change strategies were used and how effective they were at achieving the change goal.  For government-influencing programs  Change strategy would be documented and evaluated and the law, ordinance, policy or program adoption would be reported. PROCESS EVALUATION

4  Process measures provide feedback as to whether the program is being carried out as planned.  Process evaluation is important in determining:  The impact and outcome results of an evaluation  Whether a program was carried out as planned  Feasibility  Whether the program can be implemented across different types of settings PROCESS EVALUATION

5  Impact evaluations seeks to assess changes in knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, values, skills, behaviors, and practices as a result of the intervention.  Impact evaluation should answer the question: Did the intervention [as applied at a specific location to a defined population] and only the intervention produce changes in behavior?  The immediate impact of the program is measured:  Individual level- in terms of the target’s population’s knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors towards the issue  Organizational level- in terms of policies, programs, and resources  Government level- In terms of policies, plans, funding and legislatio IMPACT EVALUATION

6  Outcome evaluation measures improvements in health or social factors as a result of the intervention.  Addresses changes in morbidity and mortality rates.  Outcome evaluation should answer the question: Did the intervention [as applied at a specific location to a defined population] and only the intervention produce changes in the health status of program participants (clients)? OUTCOME EVALUATION

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