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MOSS Design Presentation -Senior Project-. MOSS MOSS Server System 1. MOSS Application 2. Email Server 3. Email Client SIU-E Code Cop System 1. SIU-E.

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Presentation on theme: "MOSS Design Presentation -Senior Project-. MOSS MOSS Server System 1. MOSS Application 2. Email Server 3. Email Client SIU-E Code Cop System 1. SIU-E."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOSS Design Presentation -Senior Project-

2 MOSS MOSS Server System 1. MOSS Application 2. Email Server 3. Email Client SIU-E Code Cop System 1. SIU-E Code Cop Application 2. FTP Drop Box 3. WEB Server (IIS) 4. Database (Access2000) 5. Zip, Tar, UUEncode, UUDecode 6. Email Client 7. Email Server From Home 1. IE5 From School 1. IE5 INTERNET System Overview

3 MOSS Internet MS Internet Information Server Mail Server Storage SIU-E Code Cop Computer SIU-E Users SIU-E Student Drop Box Element Functions Interface Storage CC Login.ASP JVM SQL I/O MS Drive Mapping MS Access DB ZIP Engine JET DB Engine Code Cop Application Mail Server UUE Mail Client MOSS Application Storage MS Internet Information Server MS Drive Mapping FTP Drop Box Login MOSS StorageIE5 / Netscape Mail Client File I/O Main Interfaces

4 Code Cop User Interfaces MOSS Four Main User Interfaces 1.Login Page 2.Instructor Menu 3.Student Menu 4.Administrator Menu

5 Login

6 Login Inputs MOSS Login Inputs Data ItemSourceTypeDescription User NameOperatorExternalThe CCS user name. PasswordOperatorExternalThe password associated with the user name. LoginOperatorExternalLog into the CCS selection.

7 Login Processing MOSS 1.Display the Login page as the CCS initial web page. 2.Allow user to enter a user name and password. 3.Perform the following process when Login is selected. a. Verify the validity of the UserName and Password fields from the CodeCopDB. b. If a valid user name and password has been entered then check the user privilege level from the CodeCopDB. c. If the user has only administrator privileges then display the administrator page. d. If the user has only instructor privileges then display the instructor page. e. If the user has only student level privileges then display the student page. f. If the user has administrator privileges and instructor privileges then display the instructor page which will dynamically display a link to the administrator menu. g. If the validity of the user name and and password can not be verified, then the login page will display an error message.

8 Login Outputs MOSS Data ItemDestinationTypeDescription Administrator.aspBrowserInternalAdministrator home page. Instructor.aspBrowserInternalInstructor home page. Student.aspBrowserInternalStudent home page. Login.aspBrowserInternalLogin page with error message.

9 Administrator

10 Instructor

11 Student

12 System Modularity MOSS User WebCC WebMOSS DB File I/O

13 Design Logic Between Modules MOSS Session Variables in ASP Querystrings used to pass information from one page to another.

14 Web Site Organization MOSS

15 InstructorAdministrator

16 Instructor

17 Student

18 MOSS Development Tools / Software Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition Third Party Components : ASPMail 4.0 – used for sending email messages using SMTP JMail – used for receiving email messages using POP3

19 Code Cop Database E-R Model MOSS

20 Requirements Met? All user interfaces web based Windows based MOSS interface Student uploads filename controlled Student uploads are time constrained Instructor override of all student constraints Permanent archive of MOSS results Instructor control of all user accounts MOSS bundling of multiple class sections MOSS

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