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Oracle 9i Release 2, A new set of tips, tricks and Techniques. Steve George Sr. Delivery Manager – Oracle University Oracle Corporation Session id: #32681.

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2 Oracle 9i Release 2, A new set of tips, tricks and Techniques. Steve George Sr. Delivery Manager – Oracle University Oracle Corporation Session id: #32681

3 I-3 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. Overview This course concentrates on Oracle9 i Release 2 new features applicable to database administration Previous experience with Oracle databases is required for a full understanding of many new features, particularly Oracle8 and Oracle8 i

4 I-4 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. New Release Numbering method

5 I-5 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. Default Partition for List Partitioning Create a DEFAULT partition for all values not covered by other list partitions: CREATE TABLE customer... PARTITION BY LIST (state) (PARTITION p1 VALUES ('CA','CO'), PARTITION p2 VALUES ('FL','TX'), PARTITION p3 VALUES ( DEFAULT ) );

6 I-6 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. Range List Composite Partitioning List (state) Range (month) CREATE TABLE customer... PARTITION BY RANGE (month) SUBPARTITION BY LIST (state)...; p1_s1 p1_s2 p1_s3 p2_s1 p2_s2 p2_s3 p3_s1 p3_s2 p3_s3 p4_s1 p4_s2 p4_s3 < 3< 6< 9< 12 'CA', 'CO' Default 'FL', 'TX'

7 I-7 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved.

8 I-8 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. Composite Partitioning Using a Template Use a subpartition template for: –Range list partitions –Range hash partitions CREATE TABLE state_sales... PARTITION BY RANGE (month) SUBPARTITION BY LIST (state) SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE (SUBPARTITION s1 VALUES ('CA,''CO') SUBPARTITION s2 VALUES ('FL','TX') )...

9 I-9 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. Rename Columns and Constraints SQL> ALTER TABLE employees 2 RENAME COLUMN salary TO sal; SQL> ALTER TABLE employees 2 RENAME CONSTRAINT sys_c002691 3 TO pk_employees_id;

10 I-10 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. RMAN: Control Archived Log Space Usage –Avoid errors caused by insufficient disk space for restored archived logs during recovery –Define size available for storage of archived logs copied to disk from backup sets –Use MAXSIZE option in conjunction with DELETE option RMAN> RECOVER DATABASE 2> DELETE 3> ARCHIVELOG MAXSIZE 100K;

11 Enterprise Manager Backup Wizard

12 Backup Wizard: Deletion of Archived Logs

13 Backup Wizard: Override RMAN Configuration

14 I-14 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. DBNEWID Utility –· The DBID of a database –· The DBNAME of a database –· Both the DBNAME and DBID of a database d:\>nid DBNEWID: Release - Production Copyright (c) 1995, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Keyword Description (Default) ---------------------------------------------------- TARGET Username/Password (NONE) DBNAME New database name (NONE) LOGFILE Output Log (NONE) REVERT Revert failed change NO SETNAME Set a new database name only NO APPEND Append to output log NO HELP Displays these messages NO

15 I-15 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. Shared Pool Advisory SQL> SELECT shared_pool_size_for_estimate AS pool_size, 2 estd_lc_size, estd_lc_time_saved 3 FROM v$shared_pool_advice; POOL_SIZE ESTD_LC_SIZE ESTD_LC_TIME_SAVED --------- ------------ ------------------ 32 8 7868 40 15 7868 48 17 7868 56 17 7868 64 17 7868 72 17 7868 80 17 7868 88 17 7868 96 17 7868

16 I-16 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved.

17 Enterprise Manager Shared Pool Size Advisor

18 I-18 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. Mean Time To Recover (MTTR) Advisory –Collect statistics by setting initialization parameters – FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET to non-zero value – STATISTICS_LEVEL to TYPICAL or ALL –View estimated overhead for different settings of FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET – In the rows of the view v$mttr_target_advice – Through the Enterprise Manager graphical interface to this view

19 View MTTR Advisory with Enterprise Manager

20 I-20 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE TARGET_MB CACHE_HIT_PERCENT ESTD_OVERALLOC_COUNT ---------- ----------------- -------------------- 63 23 367 125 24 30 250 30 3 375 39 1 500 58 0 600 59 0 700 59 0 800 60 0 900 60 0 1000 61 0 1500 67 0 2000 76 0 3000 83 0 4000 85 0

21 I-21 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved.

22 I-22 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. PGA Sizing Advice Conclusions LOW_KB HIGH_KB OPTIMAL ONEPASS MPASS ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- 8 16 156107 0 0 16 32 148 0 0 32 64 89 0 0 64 128 13 0 0 128 256 58 0 0 256 512 10 0 0 512 1024 653 0 0 1024 2048 530 0 0 2048 4096 509 0 0 4096 8192 227 0 0 8192 16384 176 0 0 16384 32768 133 14 0 32768 65536 66 103 0 65536 131072 15 47 0 131072 262144 0 48 0 262144 524288 0 23 0

23 I-23 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved.

24 PGA Sizing Advisor Output in Enterprise Manager

25 I-25 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. Data Compression CREATE TABLE employees( employee_id INTEGER, first_name VACHAR2(20), … ) COMPRESS; CREATE TABLESPACE sample DATAFILE 'sample01.dbf' SIZE 20M DEFAULT COMPRESS; CREATE TABLE countries( country_id CHAR(2), country_name VARCHAR2(40), region_id NUMBER ) NOCOMPRESS TABLESPACE sample;

26 I-26 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved.

27 I-27 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. Data Compression Optimization: Enabling Row Movement CREATE TABLE employees (employee_id NUMBER, first_name VARCHAR2(20), last_name VARCHAR2(30),...) ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT;

28 I-28 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. Locally Managed SYSTEM Tablespace Create databases with a locally managed SYSTEM tablespace: CREATE DATABASE mydb... DATAFILE 'system01.dbf' SIZE 100M EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL...;

29 I-29 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. Flashback Queries -- Query based on past SCN number: SELECT employee_id, manager_id FROM employees AS OF SCN 81591; -- Find changes made between 1-2 hours ago: SELECT a.last_name, b.last_name FROM employees AS OF TIMESTAMP SYSDATE-1/24 a FULL OUTER JOIN employees AS OF TIMESTAMP SYSDATE-2/24 b ON (a.employee_id = b.employee_id) -- Create new table based on old data: CREATE TABLE new_employees AS SELECT * FROM employees AS OF SCN 90932;

30 I-30 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. Reminder – please complete the OracleWorld session survey Thank you.

31 I-31 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. Next Steps…. Recommended sessions –Enhancing Scalability, Availability and Survivability with Oracle9i Real Application Clusters –Oracle9i Rel.2: Partitioning for Manageability, Scalability and Performance –Lets Get Logical: Data Guard in Oracle9i Release 2 See Your Business in Our Software –Visit the DEMOogrounds for a customized architectural review, see a customized demo with Solutions Factory, or receive a personalized proposal. Visit the DEMOgrounds for more information. Relevant web sites to visit for more information –

32 A Q & Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S

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