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Chapter 2 Safe and Smart Physical Activity. Medical Readiness Medical Exams Physicals Consulting physicians Seeing athletic trainer.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 Safe and Smart Physical Activity. Medical Readiness Medical Exams Physicals Consulting physicians Seeing athletic trainer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 Safe and Smart Physical Activity

2 Medical Readiness Medical Exams Physicals Consulting physicians Seeing athletic trainer

3 Readiness for Extreme Environmental Conditions Hyperthermia-overheating, occurs when your body temperature rises too high. Can cause muscle cramps, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke Hypothermia-excessively low body temperature. Accompanied by shivering, numbness, drowsiness, muscular weakness, and confusion or disorientation.

4 Hot, Humid Weather Precautions Begin gradually Drink water Wear proper clothing Rest frequently Avoid extreme heat and humidity Get out of heat and cool body if heat- related injury occurs

5 Cold, Windy, and Wet Weather Avoid extreme cold and wind Dress properly Avoid exercising in icy or cold, wet weather

6 Pollution and Altitude Trouble breathing Need to get use to altitude Avoid air polluted areas for exercise

7 General Readiness Right clothes, shoes, socks, ankle or knee braces, other special equipment Warm-up Cool-down

8 Common Injuries Overuse injury Side stitch Microtrauma Sprains, strains, tears

9 Preventing Injuries Ligaments Tendons Biomechanical Principles Start slowly Listen to your body Warm-up and cool down Be fit Moderation Dress Properly

10 Treatment RICE Hyperflexion/Hyperextension Joint twisting, compression, and friction Improper strengthening and stretching exercises

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