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UNIT 11 The evolution of landforms Biology & Geology. Secondary Education, Year 4 WIND ACTION.

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1 UNIT 11 The evolution of landforms Biology & Geology. Secondary Education, Year 4 WIND ACTION

2 UNIT 11 Wind action Biology & Geology. Secondary Education, Year 4 The wind is a fundamental factor in the morphology of desert landforms. Wind action has three mechanisms: Deflation or removal of loose material due to entrainment, saltation or suspension. Wind abrasion or wearing away of the rocks as the wind breaks off and transports fine particles. Deposition of materials or accumulation of the transported fragments when the wind loses energy. Suspension SaltationEntraiment

3 UNIT 11 Wind action Biology & Geology. Secondary Education, Year 4 Types of landforms according to wind action The action of the wind generates different types of landforms in the desert. Click on the buttons to learn more Rocky desert Pebble desert Sandy desert Back to top

4 UNIT 11 Wind action Biology & Geology. Secondary Education, Year 4 Types of landforms according to wind action Rocky desert Back to main menu This type of desert is composed of large rock formations, which are worn away by abrasion (with cavities, arches and fungiform rocks) and cleaned of any loose material due to deflation. Se observan estructuras como cavidades, arcos y rocas fungiformes. Fungiforms rocks Arch

5 UNIT 11 Wind action Biology & Geology. Secondary Education, Year 4 Pebble desert Back to main menu This type of desert is a flatter zone at the foot of the rocky desert. Types of landforms according to wind action Deflation carries the fine materials (sand and dust) away from this zone and leaves behind the heavier material (gravel and blocks).

6 UNIT 11 Wind action Biology & Geology. Secondary Education, Year 4 Sandy desert Back to main menu In this type of desert, fields of dunes are formed, oriented in the direction of the predominant wind. Types of landforms according to wind action The wind deposits the sand it has transported in this area.

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