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1 A Cost-Efficient High-Speed 12- bit Pipeline ADC in 0.18-m Digital CMOS Terje Nortvedt Andersen, Bj ø rnar Hernes, Member, IEEE, Atle Briskemyr, Frode.

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Presentation on theme: "1 A Cost-Efficient High-Speed 12- bit Pipeline ADC in 0.18-m Digital CMOS Terje Nortvedt Andersen, Bj ø rnar Hernes, Member, IEEE, Atle Briskemyr, Frode."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 A Cost-Efficient High-Speed 12- bit Pipeline ADC in 0.18-m Digital CMOS Terje Nortvedt Andersen, Bj ø rnar Hernes, Member, IEEE, Atle Briskemyr, Frode Telst ø, Johnny Bj ø rnsen, Member, IEEE, Thomas E. Bonnerud, and Ø ystein Moldsvor 指導教授 : 林志明 教授 學生:劉彥均

2 2 OUtline Introduction Pipeline Architecture Stage Architecture SC Current Bias Generator Mesurement Results Conclusion References

3 3 Introduction lower dynamic power consumption, and smaller area, system on chip(SoC) 12-bit pipeline ADC, 1.8V, 0.18- m pure digital CMOS technology.

4 4 Pipeline Architecture Pipeline architecture.

5 5 Stage Architecture Pipeline stage

6 6 Stage Architecture Bulk-switching of the pMOS device in the transmission gates and

7 7 Stage Architecture When 1.5-bit stages are used, the stage output voltage is given by:

8 8 Stage Architecture Principal scheme of ADSC and decoder and switching block (DSB ).

9 9 Stage Architecture Stage opamp. The values of bias currents and compensations capacitors are given for the first stage in the pipeline chain.

10 10 SC Current Bias Generator Modeling a resistance using (a) the SC circuit, and (b) the SC bias current generator.

11 11 SC Current Bias Generator The value of the equivalent resistor is given by: The value of the bias currents are given by

12 12 Mesurement Results Power dissipation versus conversion rate. The input frequency and signal swing is 10 MHz and 2V, respectively.

13 13 Mesurement Results

14 14 Mesurement Results Die photograph.

15 15 Conclusion Low area and low and scalable power dissipation results

16 16 References [1] B. Hernes, A. Briskemyr, T. N. Andersen, F. Telstø, T. E. Bonnerud, and Ø. Moldsvor, “A 1.2 V 220 MS/s 10 b pipeline ADC implemented in 0.13 m digital CMOS,” in IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. Dig. Tech. Papers, 2004, pp. 256–257. [2] T. B. Cho and P. R. Gray, “A 10 b, 20 Msample/s, 35 mW pipeline A/D converter,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 166–172, Mar.1995. [3] W. C. Song, H.-W. Choi, S. U. Kwak, and B. S. Song, “A 10-b 20-Msample/s low-power CMOS ADC,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits,vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 514–521, May 1995 [4]M. Gustavsson, J. J.Wikner, and N. N. Tan, CMOS Data Converters for Communications. Boston, MA: Kluwer, 2000. [5] K. R. Laker and W. Sansen, Design of Analog Integrated Circuits and Systems. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. [6] D. Kelly, W. Yang, I. Mehr, M. Sayuk, and L. Singer, “A 3 V 340 mW 14 b 75MSPS CMOS ADC with 85 dB SFDR at Nyquist,” in IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. Dig. Tech. Papers, 2001, p. 134.

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