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2013 WATER QUALITY (B&C) Dan Nichols Adapted from 2012-13 SOSI.

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Presentation on theme: "2013 WATER QUALITY (B&C) Dan Nichols Adapted from 2012-13 SOSI."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013 WATER QUALITY (B&C) Dan Nichols Adapted from 2012-13 SOSI

2 EVENT COMPONENTS Ecology Content – 2013 Ecology Content – 2013 – Part 1 – Freshwater and Estuary Ecology – Part 2 – Identify Macro-flora and fauna – Part 3 – Water Monitoring and Analysis Process skills Process skills in data, graph and diagram analysis

3 EVENT PARAMETERS (Div B) Division B – Each team may bring one 3-ring binder, any size, containing information in any form from any source. The materials must be 3- hole punched and inserted into the rings, (Sheet protectors are allowed). Each team is also allowed to bring one student built salinometer/hydrometer for testing and up to 2 non-programmable, non-graphing calculators. Each participant must bring Z87 chemical splash goggles Division B – Each team may bring one 3-ring binder, any size, containing information in any form from any source. The materials must be 3- hole punched and inserted into the rings, (Sheet protectors are allowed). Each team is also allowed to bring one student built salinometer/hydrometer for testing and up to 2 non-programmable, non-graphing calculators. Each participant must bring Z87 chemical splash goggles

4 EVENT PARAMETERS (Div C) Division C – Each team may bring only one 8.5” x 11” two-sided page of notes that contains information in any form from any source, one student built salinometer/hydrometer for testing and up to 2 non-programmable, non-graphing calculators. Each participant must bring Z87 chemical splash goggles. Division C – Each team may bring only one 8.5” x 11” two-sided page of notes that contains information in any form from any source, one student built salinometer/hydrometer for testing and up to 2 non-programmable, non-graphing calculators. Each participant must bring Z87 chemical splash goggles.

5 Part 1: Freshwater and Estuary Ecology Areas such as: – Freshwater Ecology – Aquatic Food Chains and Webs – Population Dynamics – Community Interactions – Nutrient Recycling – Water Cycle – Aquatic Chemistry and its implications for life – Potable Water Treatment – Waste Water Treatment – Watershed Resource Management Issues – Sedimentation Pollution – Exotic/invasive/harmful species

6 General Principles of Freshwater and Estuary Ecology ECOLOGY ECOLOGY – how organisms interact with one another and with their environment ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT – living and non-living components ABIOTIC – non-living component or physical factors as soil, rainfall, sunlight, temperaturesABIOTIC – non-living component or physical factors as soil, rainfall, sunlight, temperatures BIOTIC – living component are other organismsBIOTIC – living component are other organisms.

7 ECOLOGICAL ORGANIZATION INDIVIDUAL INDIVIDUAL – individual organisms POPULATION POPULATION – organisms of same species in same area (biotic factors) COMMUNITY COMMUNITY – several populations in same area (biotic factors) ECOSYSTEM ECOSYSTEM – community plus abiotic factors BIOSPHERE BIOSPHERE – all ecosystems on earth

8 Aquatic Ecosystems Lotic ecosystems – flowing water Streams Rivers Lentic ecosystems – still water Ponds Lakes Wetlands Estuary ecosystems

9 Watershed A watershed or drainage basin is an area of land where water from rain and melting snow or ice drains downhill into a body of water, such as a river, lake, reservoir, estuary, wetland, sea or ocean.

10 ECOLOGY OF INDIVIDUALS Homeostasis – delicate balance Homeostasis – delicate balance Components Components – Physiological Ecology – Temperature and Water Balance – Light and Biological Cycles – Physiological Ecology and Conservation

11 ECOLOGY OF POPULATIONS Properties of populations Properties of populations Patterns of distribution and density Patterns of distribution and density Intraspecific competition Intraspecific competition Population dynamics Population dynamics Growth and regulation Growth and regulation Altering population growth Altering population growth Human impact Human impact

12 ECOLOGY OF COMMUNITIES Closed vs. Open communities Closed vs. Open communities – Closed – sharp boundaries – Open – Lack boundaries Species abundance and diversity Species abundance and diversity Trophic Structure of Communities Trophic Structure of Communities – Food chains – Food web – Trophic pyramid

13 Food Chain algae  mayflies  stoneflies  trout  humans Producer 1 st order Consumer or Herbivore 2 nd order Consumer or 1 st order Carnivore 3 rd order Consumer or 2 nd order Carnivore 4 th order Consumer or 3 rd order Carnivore Decomposers – consume dead and decaying matter as bacteria

14 Food Web

15 INTERACTIONS AMONG SPECIES Interactions Interactions Interspecific competition Interspecific competition Predation Predation Exploitation Exploitation Symbiosis Symbiosis

16 Types of Species Interactions Neutral – two species do not interact Neutral – two species do not interact Mutualism – both benefit Mutualism – both benefit Commensalism – one benefits, other neutral Commensalism – one benefits, other neutral Parasitism – one benefits, one harmed Parasitism – one benefits, one harmed but not killed Predation – one benefits, other killed Predation – one benefits, other killed

17 ECOLOGY OF ECOSYSTEMS Energy Flow Energy Flow – Energy Flow Pyramids – Bio-mass Pyramids Community Succession and Stability Community Succession and Stability Nutrient Recycling – nutrient cycles Nutrient Recycling – nutrient cycles

18 Energy vs Nutrient Nutrients – cyclic (Biogeochemical Cycles) Energy flow – one way

19 Ecologic Pyramids Ecological pyramid - a graph representing trophic level numbers within an ecosystem. The primary producer level is at the base of the pyramid with the consumer levels above. Numbers pyramid - compares the number of individuals in each trophic level. May be inverted due to size of individuals Biomass pyramid - compares the total dry weight of the organisms in each trophic level. Energy pyramid - compares the total amount of energy available in each trophic level. This energy is usually measured in kilocalories.

20 Ecological Pyramids

21 Biogeochemical Cycles recycles nutrients Hydrologic Cycle Hydrologic Cycle Phosphorus Cycle Phosphorus Cycle Nitrogen Cycle Nitrogen Cycle Carbon Cycle Carbon Cycle

22 Nitrogen Cycle

23 Phosphorus Cycle

24 Carbon Cycle

25 Hydrologic (Water) Cycle

26 Potable Water Treatment

27 Sewage Treatment

28 Part 2: Macro-flora and Fauna Identify macroinvertebrates Identify aquatic nuisance plants by their common name Relate organisms to water and wetland quality

29 Indicator Species FOR Division C ONLY students will also be expected to know the general ecology, life cycles, and feeding habitats of all listed organisms Class 1-pollution sensitive Class 2-moderately sen. Class 3-moderately tolerant Class 4-pollution tol. Class 5 Air Br. Mayfly Aquatic SowbugWater MiteAir Breathing SnailWhirligig Beetle Caddisfly Damselfly Midge Deer/Horse FlyWater Strider Stonefly DragonflyBlackflyTubifexMosquito Dobsonfly ScudsFlatwormBlood MidgeGiant Water Bug Gilled SnailsCrane Fly LeechesBack Swimmer Water PennyWater Boatman Riffle BeetlePredacious Diving Beetle Water Scorpion Aquatic Nuisance Plants: Purple Loosestrife, Eurasian Water Milfoil and Water Hyacinth. Aquatic Nuisance Animals: Zebra Mussel; Spiny Water Flea,Asian Tiger Mosquito, and Carp








37 Part 3: Water Monitoring Understand and interpret data related to testing procedures and purposes for water testing (No actual testing) Build and demonstrate a salinometer capable of testing saltwater (1-10%)

38 Chemical Analysis Salinity - only actual testing with salinometer Salinity - only actual testing with salinometer pH pH Phosphates Phosphates Dissolved oxygen Dissolved oxygen Temperature Temperature Nitrates Nitrates Fecal Coliform Fecal Coliform Total solids Total solids Biochemical oxygen demand Biochemical oxygen demand Their relationship to one another

39 Salinomter – Hydrometer SalinometersHydrometers Salinometers / Hydrometers Hydrometer Hydrometer calibrated to read in % of salt concentration Materials Materials –  soda straw  modeling clay  a fine-tipped permanent marker  a tall clear container to hold the solution for calibrating your device  salt for mixing one or more standard solutions  water (tap water will work-distilled is better)

40 Sample Analysis Using the picture below, explain all of the possible human caused problems that can occur. In addition, what types of chemical testing would you perform to confirm your suspicions?


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