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FRONT RANGE CFLRP/SRLCC MONITORING UPDATE 1 st Year Spatial Heterogeneity Results.

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Presentation on theme: "FRONT RANGE CFLRP/SRLCC MONITORING UPDATE 1 st Year Spatial Heterogeneity Results."— Presentation transcript:

1 FRONT RANGE CFLRP/SRLCC MONITORING UPDATE 1 st Year Spatial Heterogeneity Results

2 Single StoryMulti Story Openings Spatial Aggregation “Groupy-Clumpy” Transect Was not limited to NFS lands Boulder County Parks and Open Space Oriented from Plot Center true north on all SRLCC CSE Plots 100 meter transect, measuring number and distance of Single story/multistory canopy cover and openings Field Methods

3 Changes in Total Cover

4 Changes in Opening Size

5 Take home  Total openings increased from pre to post treatments conditions  Though differences were variable when compared to control sites  Mean single opening size increased  Again the variation between pre, post, and the controls were observed.  Future use?  Ground truth remote sensing products and analyses  Operational use for TSA, and/or contractors

6 Treatment effects scale considerations  Limited monitoring resources, to evaluate a vast resource (Landscape) at fine scales (within stand/patch)  We have to make decisions as to what level of confidence we have in the data and what appropriate inferences we can be drawn from that data.  Trade-offs A very good understanding (i.e. beyond a reasonable doubt”) at small scales in a limited number of site, vs A pretty good understanding (i.e. “a preponderance of evidence”) at larger scales with more sites.


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