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South Kingstown CIRCLE Strategic Planning Session 2 May 28, 2014 Convened by Michelle Little & Marc Ladin Facilitated by Diane Kern, URI 1.

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Presentation on theme: "South Kingstown CIRCLE Strategic Planning Session 2 May 28, 2014 Convened by Michelle Little & Marc Ladin Facilitated by Diane Kern, URI 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 South Kingstown CIRCLE Strategic Planning Session 2 May 28, 2014 Convened by Michelle Little & Marc Ladin Facilitated by Diane Kern, URI 1

2 DEK.Appreciative Inquiry CIRCLE.2014 Community Integrated Resources for Child and Family Learning and Engagement MISSION To provide a consistent forum for community agencies, community members, and school personnel to make personal and professional connections. To communicate available services and supports, as well as pressing needs, in an effort to better serve children and families. To collaborate with community members to identify major themes of unmet needs and connect them to available resources and supports, or develop concrete strategies to address them. Our goal is to provide a CIRCLE of caring, collaboration and compassion around our community 2

3 Appreciate YOU being here DEK.Appreciative Inquiry CIRCLE.20143

4 4

5 Our Positive Core 5

6 DREAM Activity 1 What could be? What is the world calling the SK CIRCLE to be? Imagine you are sound asleep and when you awaken it is 10 years into the future in South Kingstown and our community has changed in ways you’d most like to see. Prepare a presentation of your visions of a better South Kingstown in the most creative, inspiring way you want. It could be a media report, a performance, a poem, a drawing, a song…. 6

7 Just as a stream always follows the call of the ocean, the CIRCLE will move toward its highest and most imaginative visions for the future. 7

8 DESIGN Activity 2 Construct possibility statements that bridge the best of “what is” with our own dream of “what might be.” Review Activity sheet criteria and see sample Write possibility statements on your own and/or together with partners Share 8

9 4 Corner Activity What is a project or focus area of the SK CIRCLE you can champion? What is the smallest step you can take right here, right now? 1.Go to the part of the room with the project or focus area that’s your first choice. 2.Discuss with group members. 3.List the names and affiliations of folks on the chart paper and brainstorm ideas. 9

10 Next up…DESTINY! Wednesday, June 4, 2014, 3-6pm, at the Peace Dale Congregational Church for our last strategic planning session of this summer. Next CIRCLE meeting of entire group is Monday, June 23, 2014 from 8:00 to 9:00 am at the Peace Dale Congregational Church. 10

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