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C0L2P2 Scientific Tools. Measurement and Scientific Tools Essential Questions Why do we need tools? What are some scientific tools and when are they used?

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Presentation on theme: "C0L2P2 Scientific Tools. Measurement and Scientific Tools Essential Questions Why do we need tools? What are some scientific tools and when are they used?"— Presentation transcript:

1 C0L2P2 Scientific Tools

2 Measurement and Scientific Tools Essential Questions Why do we need tools? What are some scientific tools and when are they used?

3 Measurement and Scientific Tools Why do we need tools? Tools equip us to do a job more efficiently. Making a garden? Broken relationship? Lab experiment? Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. Hebrews 13:20-21 (ESV)

4 Measurement and Scientific Tools What are some Scientific Tools and when are they used? Science journals are for recording descriptions, explanations, plans, and steps used in scientific inquiry (The Scientific Method).

5 Measurement and Scientific Tools Scientific Tools (cont.) A triple-beam balance or a digital balance is used by scientists to measure mass.

6 Measurement and Scientific Tools Scientific Tools (cont.) A thermometer measures the temperatures of substances.

7 Measurement and Scientific Tools Scientific Tools (cont.) Flasks, beakers, petri dishes, test tubes, and specimen jars are used as containers.

8 Measurement and Scientific Tools Scientific Tools (cont.) Graduated cylinders are used to measure the volume of a liquid. The unit of measure for liquid volume is the liter (L) or milliliter (mL).

9 Measurement and Scientific Tools Scientific Tools (cont.) Microscopes, such as dissecting microscopes and compound light microscopes, enable you to observe small objects that you cannot observe with just your eyes.

10 Measurement and Scientific Tools Scientific Tools (cont.) Scientists use computers to compile, retrieve, and analyze data for reports.

11 Measurement and Scientific Tools Tools Used by Life Scientists A magnifying lens is a hand-held lens that magnifies, or enlarges, an image of an object. To observe items using a compound light microscope, you must place it on a thin, rectangular piece of glass called a slide.

12 Measurement and Scientific Tools Tools Used by Life Scientists (cont.) Scientists use dissecting tools, such as scalpels and scissors, to examine tissues, organs, or prepared organisms. A pipette is a small glass or plastic tube used to draw up and transfer liquids.

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