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Notes based on Reading Sumer built cities and ziggurats polytheism first writing system Art : Seals, wheel, plow Trade: grain for resources Math system.

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Presentation on theme: "Notes based on Reading Sumer built cities and ziggurats polytheism first writing system Art : Seals, wheel, plow Trade: grain for resources Math system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes based on Reading Sumer built cities and ziggurats polytheism first writing system Art : Seals, wheel, plow Trade: grain for resources Math system based on 60

2 The Following answers are part of the Sumer Q and A Reading - click and go.

3 What is this ? Ziggurat - > Type of Temple 1. New Year’s Day, City Center, Sacred Wedding, to please the Gods -> good harvest

4 What is this ? Map - Showing Fertile Crescent and Two Rivers.

5 2. Fertile Crescent 3. Mesopotamia Turkey, Persian Gulf, Iraq ( Country today) Fertile Soil, Wheat and Barley 4. little rain, -> dependent on distant mountain weather, could flood, or go low. 5.

6 6. basins, canals, dikes 7. assign jobs allocate resources ----> causing leaders and governments to emerge Sumerians 8. Mud Bricks 9.

7 10. Temple, to worship chief god, Ziggurat 11. city- states; > fought - land & water Mud Bricks 12. polytheism, controlled natural forces, protected the city-state

8 What is the image evidence of page 35? Artifact - Clay Tablet - Pictograph / Cuneiform

9 13. Worked hard, built temples, offered food, ceremonies 14. High Status -> Priests, then War Chiefs (Kings), dynasty - series of rulers from same family 19 based on 60, hour = 60 minutes, 360 degrees circle. 15. writing Sumerian Culture 16. cuneiform, stylus, clay tablets 17. Business accounts and other records 18. Writer - way to move up - upper social class

10 What is the image evidence of page 37? Wheeled Cart - They invented the wheel and plow.

11 20. Geometry 21. The Wheel -> Pottery/Vehicles, plow, bronze, sewers 22. arches, ramps, columns, most famous - cylinders Arts 23. needed raw materials - wood and metal - traded for woven textiles 24. Top - 1) Kings, Priests 2) Large land owners & Merchants 3) Artisans, farmers and laborers 4) slaves

12 What is the main idea - image page 34? Political Map - Sumer and Sargon’s Empire.

13 25. New invaders adapted aspects of Sumerian Culture to it own society 26. 2,330 BC Akkadian Ruler - first ruler to create permanent army, - first empire (conquered all of Sumer and Northern Mesopotamia) included different kingdoms and people under one rule. - 140 years Empires in Mesopotamia

14 27. - Hammurabi - Amorite Tribe - became King of Babylon, united all of Mesopotamia, - able ruler, oversaw building projects, improved tax collection, increased trade -> wealthy empire ! Empires in Mesopotamia - Hammurabi’s Code 282 Laws - Written down for all to see !

15 Developed Cities Formalized Religion Organized Governments Specialization of Labor Main Ideas Notes Topic: Sumerian Civilization Many City-States - building large irrigation systems Temple - Ziggurat - center of city cities complex - division of labor - tax collectors, engineers for irrigation, soldiers, farmers, priests Social Classes based on occupations, wealth, and influence. Often - rulers, priests, the top Record Keeping and Writing recorded keeping needed ways to keep track of trading, taxes // calendar needed also..why? clue - farming Art and Architecture Early artists created pottery, statues of gods, rulers - built large walls around the cities each city had a god to protect them. 1st types - pictographs polytheism.

16 What is this ? Ziggurat - > Type of Temple

17 What is this ? Ziggurat - > Type of Temple

18 Mesopotamia (Tigris and Euphrates) Main Ideas Notes Topic: Organized Governments Located in the region - Fertile Crescent - war chiefs - became Kings as the cities battled each other. 100 years later, Hammurabi forms the Babylonian Empire / 1st written laws - “eye for an eye” - Sumerians / called their land Sumer. Sargon - forms first permanent army ; first empire ever. - city - states form. - each had a ziggurat / chief god - dynasties form - series of rulers from one family Famous rulers

19 Nile River Main Ideas Notes Topic: Organized Governments Nile flooded every year. - Menes - first ruler, founded city of Memphis - Nile Delta (mouth) 1st settlements.. The Kings, become known as Pharaohs. - Nile River upstream - cataracts (rocky, waterfalls) and the desert - natural protection from invation Famous rulers - starts first Egyptian Dynasty (31 dynasties held power in Egypt in its history Their words were law. Acted as judge and leader of army - The king had many government officials to help rule. They were called the bureaucracy. Pharaohs were thought to be gods, so Egypt was government ruled by religous leaders Theocracy government - Hatsheput - was famous female Pharaoh.

20 Indus River Valley Main Ideas Notes Topic: Indus Civilization Indus river -since then other large cities and villages found. - also heavy rains - brought by summer winds (Monsoons) cities were well planned. had water and sewer system. 1st ruins discovered of a large city in 1920 Famous rulers ? - no rulers known because unable to translate writings. Eventually over run by the Aryans. - assumed strong ruler / empire because cities similar in planning /look Organized government

21 Yellow River Valley Main Ideas Notes Topic: China’s Civilization Yellow river -since then other large cities and villages found. - natural barriers 0 cities were well planned. had water and sewer system. 1st ruins discovered of a large city in 1920 Famous rulers ? Shang introduced Mandate of Heaven Eventually over run by the Aryans. - assumed strong ruler / empire because cities similar in planning /look Organized government

22 Developed Cities Formalized Religion Organized Governments Specialization of Labor Main Ideas Notes Topic: School and Civilization schools - why - civilize the student / young person Social Studies (History, Government etc ??? in our country, but others - no choice schools prepare you for job choices Social Classes ??? Record Keeping and Writing English, Accounting etc. Art and Architecture Art class, English/Writing classes. Math - engineer

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