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Bingo: River Valley Civilizations. Cuneiform Hieroglyphics Loess City-State Artisan Polytheism Bazaar Cultural Diffusion Dynasty Epic of Gilgamesh Hammurabi’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Bingo: River Valley Civilizations. Cuneiform Hieroglyphics Loess City-State Artisan Polytheism Bazaar Cultural Diffusion Dynasty Epic of Gilgamesh Hammurabi’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bingo: River Valley Civilizations

2 Cuneiform Hieroglyphics Loess City-State Artisan Polytheism Bazaar Cultural Diffusion Dynasty Epic of Gilgamesh Hammurabi’s Code Delta Ur Aryans Nubia Mandate of Heaven Xia Pyramids Rosetta Stone Khyber Pass Papyrus Levee Feudalism Citadel Monsoon Caste System Cradle of Civilization Fertile Crescent

3 Cuneiform The type of writing used in Sumer.

4 Hieroglyphics Egyptian form of writing.

5 Loess Yellow silt

6 City-State Each city and the land surrounding it.

7 Artisan Skilled worker

8 Polytheism Belief in many gods

9 Bazaar Open Air Market

10 Cultural Diffusion Spread of ideas and products from one group to another

11 Dynasty Hereditary rule- passing down control within a family

12 Epic of Gilgamesh Oldest story ever written

13 Hammurabi’s Code Single uniform law code of the Babylonians

14 Delta Triangle shaped area of land that is broad and marshy

15 Ur The capital of Mesopotamia

16 Aryans The group of people who took over the Indus civilization and implemented the Caste System

17 Nubia The Egyptian Trading Partner located south of Egypt on the Upper Nile

18 Mandate of Heaven This gave the Chinese emperors control as long as they were a just ruler

19 Xia The first dynasty to appear in China

20 Pyramids Tombs to bury pharaohs in

21 Rosetta Stone The tool that translates the Egyptian Langauge

22 Khyber Pass Migration route to the Indus Civilization through the Hindu Kush Mountains

23 Papyrus Paper like material made of reeds used for writing in Egypt

24 Levee Earthen Wall

25 Feudalism Government system used to control the large area of china by dividing it into regions

26 Citadel Major architectural feature of Harappan city

27 Monsoon Seasonal Wind

28 Caste System Rigid class system implemented by the Aryans

29 Cradle of Civilization Term used to describe River Valleys as the Beginning of Civilization

30 Fertile Crescent The curved area where Mesopotamia was located

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