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.Gen.Aisa.Jun.Saz.Betsy.. Presentation Outline  What is BLISS  The Team  How BLISS started  Identifying the Problem  The Idea  The Project  Current.

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Presentation on theme: ".Gen.Aisa.Jun.Saz.Betsy.. Presentation Outline  What is BLISS  The Team  How BLISS started  Identifying the Problem  The Idea  The Project  Current."— Presentation transcript:

1 .Gen.Aisa.Jun.Saz.Betsy.

2 Presentation Outline  What is BLISS  The Team  How BLISS started  Identifying the Problem  The Idea  The Project  Current Project  Future Plans

3 Vision BLISS envisions a society where dreams are within people’s reach and opportunities are many, diverse and non-discriminatory.

4 Mission As nation-builders, driven by compassion, excellence, and innovation, with human dignity and social involvement as our main advocacies, we aim to create opportunities for people to pursue their full measure of happiness and to extend these opportunities to every willing heart through crafting and marketing community portfolios.

5 The Team *Gen – Executive Director *Betsy – Training, Research, and Development *Aisa – Human Resources *Saz – Public Relations, Marketing, and Promotions *Jun – Finance and Administration

6 BLISSful Beginnings  It started with a story, a call for help.  Brgy. Bliss, Bataan  5 very different people, 1 common cause = BLISS  Opportunities abound: volunteers, financial aid, etc.  No tools, no community, no benefactors  START FROM WITHIN.

7 BLISSful Beginnings Volunteerism! Eco-tourism! Education! Nation- Building! Formation! Project Management! Travel! Networking! Patriotism! Children! Community Empowerment! Phil. Culture!

8 The Problem  Apathy  Age, health issues  Lack of information  Lack of contact  Disorganized management  Limited training and orientation  Wrong assignment  Burned out  Turned off  No appreciation  No motivation Health reasons - 5% Time is too valuable; already done enough - 13% Unable to honor commitment - 15% Too busy - 57% No one asked them - 58%

9 The Idea

10 Ecotourism with opportunities for volunteer work  To make volunteerism the next fashion trend  To create a pool of volunteers  To make volunteering easier and hassle-free  To offer formation and team building activities  To offer skills-building trainings and orientation programs  To offer vacation for tired bodies and volunteerism for tired souls.

11 The Project  What: travel and recruitment agency  How: Tie-up with various organizations involved in communities (grass roots level) with volunteer programs Coordinate between organizations and interested volunteers Arrange transportation, itinerary, lodging, and food for volunteers Offer processing and feedback sessions

12 The Project  What we can offer to our partners: Enthusiastic Volunteers Promotion and Marketing Formation

13 The Project: Haribon Governance and Local Development for Endangered Forests (GOLDEN Forest) Tree Planting, Maintenance of Sites Biophysical Survey and Biodiversity Conservation Logistical Arrangement “Give the Gift of Trees”Promotion by including this in the travel and tours package Advocacy on Environmental Protection Promotion through a rich volunteer experience and travel and tours package.

14 Current State  Implementation of the Knowledge for Poverty Alleviation Framework (used in Mr. Penaflor’s dissertation) Future Directions  Research on Mr. Philip Penaflor’s dissertation: “A Participatory Appreciative Inquiry on Community Intangibles in Cabusao, Camarines Sur”

15 End.

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