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WELCOME TO THE ART QUIZ! Today’s quiz is about: Henri Matisse.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO THE ART QUIZ! Today’s quiz is about: Henri Matisse."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO THE ART QUIZ! Today’s quiz is about: Henri Matisse

2 Where was Henri Matisse from?
Question 1: Where was Henri Matisse from? He was from France

3 He was born on 31st December, 1869.
Question 2: When was he born? He was born on 31st December, 1869.

4 Where was Henri Matisse born?
Question 3: Where was Henri Matisse born? He was born in France

5 What language do they speak in France?
Question 4: What language do they speak in France? They speak French

6 Question 5: Where’s France? It’s in Europe

7 How do you spell his name and surname?
Question 6: How do you spell his name and surname? H-e-n-r-i M-a-t-i-s-s-e

8 What’s the title of this painting?
Question 7: What’s the title of this painting? The Rumanian blouse (1940)

9 Henri Emile Benoît Matisse
Question 8: What is his full name? His full name is Henri Emile Benoît Matisse

10 It’s his mother, Madame Anna Heloise Matisse.
Question 9: This is Matisse when he was young. But who’s the lady standing next to him? It’s his mother, Madame Anna Heloise Matisse.

11 He studied law and later he studied art.
Question 10: What did he study? He studied law and later he studied art.

12 This is Matisse’s first masterpiece. Do you know the title?
Question 11: This is Matisse’s first masterpiece. Do you know the title? It’s “The dinner table” ( )

13 Look at this photo. Is this Matisse?
Question 12: Look at this photo. Is this Matisse? No, it’s Pablo Picasso

14 Question 13: “When I put a green, it is not grass. When I put a blue, it is not the sky”. Did Matisse said this? Yes, he did.

15 Is this one of Matisse’s
Question 14: Is this one of Matisse’s paintings? No it isn’t.

16 Question 15: What colours did he use? He used all colours.

17 What’s the title of this painting?
Question 16: What’s the title of this painting? The Red Room (1908)

18 Matisse’s work is an example of the Fauvism.
Question 17: Matisse’s work is an example of the Fauvism. What’s the Fauvism? It’s an art style

19 Fauve is a French word. What does it mean?
Question 18: Fauve is a French word. What does it mean? Wild beast

20 Choose the true statement: He only used the primary colours.
Question 19: Choose the true statement: He only used the primary colours. He painted in a very realistic way. He used vivid unnatural colours.

21 The most famous painting from the Fauvism movement, however, is probably Matisse’s Green Stripe.

22 What difference can you see between Piet Mondrian and Henri Matisse?
Question 20: What difference can you see between Piet Mondrian and Henri Matisse? Mondrian used only primary colours while Matisse used varied colours.

23 What’s the title of this painting?
Question 21: What’s the title of this painting? Music (1939)

24 He created sculptures, drawings and cut-outs.
Question 22: You know that Matisse was a painter. But what other works did he do a part from paintings? He created sculptures, drawings and cut-outs.

25 Because he had health problems. He had to use a weelchair.
Question 23: Matisse’s last works are similar to the one below, made with colored paper cut into shapes and collaged together. But why did he stop painting? Because he had health problems. He had to use a weelchair.

26 Henri Matisse was born in 1869 and he died in 1954.
Question 24: Henri Matisse was born in 1869 and he died in 1954. How old was he? He was 84.

27 Question 25: Is this Matisse? Yes, he is.


29 Which one is not a Matisse’s work?
Question 26: Which one is not a Matisse’s work? Woman with a Hat 1905 Reclining Nude II 1927 Vase with fifteen sunflowers 1988

30 What’s the title of this painting?
Question 27: What’s the title of this painting? The Beasts of the Sea (1950)

31 Question 28: Who’s the artist? It’s Nathali Lastch.

32 What steps did we follow to make these collages?
Question 29: What steps did we follow to make these collages? 1. Draw the shapes 2.Paint the shapes 3.Stick them on coloured paper.

33 What painting is being described here?
Question 30: What painting is being described here? In this final self-portrait, the painter represents himself by this black form, like a silhouette of himself sitting in his armchair, surrounded by the pleasures which have enriched his life: the yellow petals fluttering away have the gaiety of musical notation; the green odalisque symbolises the Orient, while a dancer pays homage to the female body. All of these Matisse themes are combined in this magisterial painting.

34 La Tristesse du roi (Sorrows of the King), 1952
Question 31: La Tristesse du roi (Sorrows of the King), 1952

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