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BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings Technical Standards Branch.

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Presentation on theme: "BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings Technical Standards Branch."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Rating

2 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 1 Introduction Bridge -sized culvert has an equivalent diameter of 1500mm or greater Bridge site that requires a 1500 mm pipe due to hydraulic discharge Will routinely inspect smaller culverts if there are several ( low level crossing) May also inspect if multiple small culverts are equivalent in capacity to bridge-sized May inspect certain other non-bridge sized culverts

3 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 2 Introduction Many different types of culverts - see BIS manual Vast majority are CSP or SPCSP in various shapes - round, arch pipe, horizontal ellipse Three culvert forms Same forms used for all types of culverts Timber pipe (TP) culverts exception – Use TT form

4 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 3 Form Types CUL1 – Single culvert or single culvert extended with same material and size CULM – Two or more culverts (MP, SP or BP etc.) – Includes 1 Upstream & 1 Downstream End sections per Barrel section as required – Includes 2 cell box extended with single steel CULE – Single culvert extended with different material and/or size – One Upstream & Downstream section, Barrel sections for all cells and/or pipes

5 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 4 Inventory Information Extracted from BIS Span/rise is original design shape Span type see Sec. 13.2.3 Corr. Profile (76x25, 152x51, etc.) Specific information is provided for all pipes – a culvert extended with same material is considered to be one culvert

6 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 5 Numbering and Identification Where the culvert does not carry flow determine “upstream” and “downstream” – Look in direction of increasing chainage (to north or east) – Left is “upstream” (end 1) – Right is “downstream” (end 2) – Keep same choice for each subsequent inspection

7 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings North or East South or West “Downstream” End 2 “Upstream” End 1 2 1 6 Numbering and Identification

8 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 7 Numbering and Identification Primary span is the largest span at the site Secondary span is the smaller span Where more than one culvert the same number barrel sections 1, 2, 3, etc. Culverts are numbered in order of increasing chainage (to north or east)

9 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 8 Ends - General Individual rating sections for the upstream and downstream ends Single upstream and downstream end sections for the CUL1, CULE and CULM forms Upstream and Downstream sections are identical Items are inspected and rated the same way for both ends

10 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 9 Ends - General

11 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 10 Ends - General Record direction of end in Explanation of Condition Record End Treatment type Scour Protection is not End Treatment N

12 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 11 Ends - End Treatment Purpose: – Improve aesthetics – Improve hydraulic performance – Prevent undermining due to scour – Prevent scour of the embankment – Reduce piping along or under the culvert – Resist uplift due to buoyancy forces – Shorten the culvert – Stiffen the ends

13 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings

14 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 13 End Treatment - Headwall Located over the crown Usually attached to the barrel Purpose: – Aesthetics – Strengthen end – Resist buoyancy force – Retaining walls

15 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 14 End Treatment - Headwall Look for: – Signs of movement or tilting – Loose connections Rate according to condition of material and functionality of component Condition affecting functionality rate 4 or less

16 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 15 End Treatment - Collar / Slope Protection Located along the beveled slopes of flexible culverts between headwall and cutoff wall Usually constructed from concrete Usually used with and connected to headwall and cutoff walls – May be used alone

17 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 16 End Treatment - Collar / Slope Protection Purpose: – Aesthetics – Stiffen the bevel – Resist buoyancy force – Improve hydraulic efficiency of end – Concrete slope protection protect against scour / erosion reduces piping potential

18 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 17 End Treatment - Collar / Slope Protection Look for: – Evidence of piping or scour / erosion – Loose connections – Voids underneath or settlement Rate according to condition of material and functionality of component If piping, rate 4 or less: – Also rated under bevel end and barrel

19 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 18 End Treatment - Wingwalls Generally found at culverts that do not have bevels Not solidly attached to the barrel Usually constructed from concrete or steel Purpose – Improve hydraulic efficiency – Retain embankment fill

20 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 19 End Treatment - Wingwalls May be parallel or flared – Parallel wingwall require less scour protection between them – Flared wingwalls more hydraulic efficient May have a reinforced concrete slab between – Prevents undermining of wingwalls due to scour – Act as struts for greater stability

21 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 20 End Treatment - Wingwalls Indicate wingwall Shape – No Explanation of Condition required Look for: – Evidence of movement – Loose connections (gap at barrel) – Scour / erosion at toe or behind wingwall If wingwall is unstable rate 4 or less Separation losing fill rate 4 or less Includes rating of wingwall floor slab

22 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 21 End Treatment - Cutoff Wall Located at the end of the culvert Vertical wall extending down below the bottom of the culvert Depth exceeds the depth of the riprap or concrete apron Usually constructed from concrete or steel Purpose: – Reduce potential for undermining of end of culvert – Minimize possibility of piping – Resist buoyancy force

23 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 22 End Treatment - Cutoff Wall Look for evidence of: – Undermining – Piping – Uplift – Loose connections Usually not possible to inspect since they are submerged or covered with ice or debris – If not visible rate “N” If piping, rate 4 or less – Also affects Bevel End and Barrel Rating

24 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 23 Ends - Bevel End Sloped section at the end of the culvert Permanently attached to the barrel Generally parallel to the culvert axis Bevel types – Full bevel – Step bevel

25 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 24 Ends - Bevel End Compared to projecting ends, bevel ends are more: – Aesthetic – Economical – Hydraulically efficient Compared to projecting ends, bevel ends on corrugated steel culverts are more flexible and susceptible to: – Deform due to lateral earth pressure – Uplift due to buoyancy – Heave due to frost action

26 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 25 Ends - Bevel End Measure or estimate heaving of bevel and record amount

27 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 26 Ends - Bevel End Record whether invert at end of bevel is above or below streambed Measure or estimate height above or depth below streambed and record amount Find a representative natural streambed location – May have hole or deposits at end of culvert

28 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 27 Ends - Bevel End

29 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 28 Ends - Bevel End Look for: – Deformation – Impact damage – Corrosion – Abrasion If piping, rate 4 or less – Also rated under End Treatment and Barrel Defects or deformations not affecting function rate 5 or more Corrosion affecting strength or function rate 4 or less If no bevel, rate “X” and provide explanation – Underpasses typically have square or projecting ends

30 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 29 Ends - Scour Protection Usually heavy rock riprap The current version of standard plan S-1418 shows the minimum requirements for riprap – Coverage – Size – Minimum thickness – Gradation

31 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 30 Ends - Scour Protection Purpose is to prevent scour and erosion at culvert ends which may: – Undermine the culvert – Undermine the sideslopes – Cause the formation of sand bars

32 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 31 Ends - Scour Protection Record the type of scour protection – If none exists and none is required, record type as “NATURAL” – If none exists and some is require, record type as “NONE” Estimate and record the average size (for riprap only) Look for: – Durability of riprap - e.g. sandstone not acceptable – Displacement or movement – Scour – Current standards on S- 1418

33 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 32 Ends - Scour Protection No scour/erosion or displacement rate 5 or more If none exists and none is required (type “NATURAL”), rate 7 or more If none exists and some is required (type “NONE”), rate 4 or less Do not rate higher than scour if scour rated 4 or less

34 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 33 Ends - Scour / Erosion Removal of material from the streambed, banks or sideslopes by the action of flowing water Effects: – Undermine the culvert – Undermine the sideslopes – Impede fish passage – Alter culvert hydraulics

35 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 34 Ends - Scour / Erosion Look for: – Scour holes, especially at downstream ends – Undermining of culvert end or sideslopes – Slumping of sideslope or banks – Areas where flow impinges on banks, sideslopes or protection systems – Areas susceptible to high velocities and undermining culvert footings ends or bottoms of wingwalls and cutoff walls sides of collars ends or bottoms of ends of protection systems

36 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 35 Ends - Scour / Erosion Rate the presence and extent of scour and adverse effects on culvert, embankment, streambed and banks Scour/erosion affecting culvert, rate 4 or less If culvert and embankment are not affected, rate 5 or more

37 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 36 Ends - Beaver Activity Beavers frequently construct dams at inlet or inside culverts Effects: – reduced flow capacity – Flooding upstream – Scour – Ponding of water inside culverts preventing inspection

38 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 37 Ends - Beaver Activity Indicate the presence of beaver dams in or near the culvert by Yes or No If “yes”, explain No rating required but may affect – End General Rating – Scour – Waterway Adequacy in Barrel section

39 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 38 Ends - General Rating Governed by ratings : – Headwall – Collar – Wingwall – Cutoff Wall – Bevel end – Inadequate scour protection – Scour/erosion

40 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 39 Barrel - Rigid Types Made from concrete and timber Designed to carry loads without deflection Culvert carries entire load with no reliance on surrounding fill for support Can directly inspect entire load carrying system (I.e. culvert)

41 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 40 Barrel - Flexible Types Made from corrugated steel Low strength Dependent on surrounding backfill for support Culvert deflects under load until the backfill picks up the stress Entire load carrying system cannot be inspected directly (I.e. can inspect culvert but not backfill) Flexible culverts more susceptible to failure caused by: – Change in shape due to excessive deflection – defective joints - cracks, open joints, cusped seams, etc. – Corrosion of plates – Uplift of ends due to buoyancy forces

42 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 41

43 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 42

44 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 43 Barrel - General If barrel accessible provide current date Not accessible explain why & retain previous date Rate elements N if not visible Previous comments are retained and dated If more than one barrel indicate location (west) or span number

45 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 44 Barrel - Special Features Cannot be rated under another component May be temporary or permanent Must be inspectable – Special design features not usually inspectable (ribs, thrust blocks, etc.)

46 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 45 Barrel - Special Features Examples – Struts – Shotcrete beams – Abrasion plates – De-icing devices Record type Provide additional information in Explanation of Condition – Description – Location – Dimensions – Inspection procedures Provide a suitable condition rating

47 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 46 Barrel - Deformation

48 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 47 Barrel - Ring Three items Roof, Sidewall & Floor make up complete ring Purpose: – Carry water flow or traffic – carry loads and transmit to surrounding soil – Prevent infiltration of fill

49 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 48 120 60 Floor Roof S i d e w a l l S i d e w a l l Barrel - Ring For round culverts, use approximate arcs shown – Use longitudinal seam if close

50 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 49 Barrel - Ring Look for: – Deformation – Localized crimping – Longitudinal seam problems – Corrosion – Abrasion on floor On concrete culverts – Structural problems Cracking – Material defects Corrosion Scaling and freeze-thaw damage

51 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 50 Barrel - Ring Record rise and span measurements a location measured, calculate % Indicate abrasion on floor by Yes or No Rate flexible culverts as per Table 13.3 Deformations- 7% or less, rate 5 or more, 10% or more, rate 3 or less, reverse curvature rate 2 or less. Corrosion – Roof/Sidewall - extensive corrosion & pitting rate 4, severe perforations rate 1 – Floor - isolated perforations rate 4, severe perforations rate2

52 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 51 Barrel - Ring

53 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 52 Barrel - Deformation Sag is vertical deformation - i.e. change in rise – Positive sag is decrease in rise Deflection is horizontal deformation - i.e. change in span – Positive deflection is increase in span Bulging is vertical deformation of floor – Positive is bulging upwards Measurements always taken on inside of crests Compare to original design dimensions on page 1 When measuring rise, must estimate floor bulge and exclude from sag calculation Measure at worst location and mark for future comparison

54 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 53 Barrel - Circumferential Seams Refers to seams joining individual rings or sections of culvert – Does not include riveted seams or helical lockseams Found on most types of culverts – Bolted seams on SPCSP – Couplers on CSP – Joints in precast concrete – Construction joints in cast-in-place concrete

55 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 54 Barrel - Circumferential Seams Purpose – Join rings – Prevent infiltration of backfill Most common problems are separation caused by settlement or corrosion of couplers – Especially CSP and precast concrete Potential for safety problem if void develops in fill Look for: – Separation – Loose or missing couplers (corrosion) – Bent or broken edges on the rings – Misalignment of rings – Infiltration of backfill – Voids in surrounding fill

56 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 55 Barrel - Circumferential Seams Record width of worst separation If infiltration of soil or void - rate 4 or less If void large enough to cause safety concern - rate 2 or less Cracking larger than H or N due to roof sag, rate 4 or less May affect Roof, Sidewall or Floor rating

57 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 56 Barrel - Longitudinal Seams Applies to SPCSP and CSP riveted culverts All others, Rate “X”

58 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 57 Barrel - Longitudinal Seams Purpose – Join individual plates in ring – Transmit loads between plates Indicate if all seams properly lapped by Yes or No – If No, provide Explanation of Condition Indicate if seams staggered by Yes or No – Within same arc only – At change of arc should not be staggered – If No provide Explanation of Condition Most common problem is cracking – Especially on improperly lapped seams

59 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings INCORRECT LAP CORRECT LAP 58 Barrel - Longitudinal Seams Typical longitudinal seams

60 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings Cracked Seam 59 Typical longitudinal seams

61 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 60 Barrel - Longitudinal Seams Record number of rings with cracked seams Record number of rings with 2 or more cracked seams Record remaining steel between cracks & record worst condition location Mark and date ends of worst cracks

62 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 61 Barrel - Longitudinal Seams Other problems – Poorly nested plates – Cusping – Plate deformation bolt tipping Bolts pulling out Rate as per Table 13.3 If seams are in otherwise excellent condition but not properly lapped - rate 8 Rating for longitudinal seams may also affect Roof, Floor and Sidewall ratings Seams with less than 50mm rate 2 or less

63 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 62 Barrel - Coating Applicable to steel culverts only Applies mainly to zinc coating – Can include other types, aluminized, bituminous Purpose is to protect the steel from corrosion – Zinc & aluminum protect by sacrificial action

64 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 63 Barrel - Coating Corrosion can occur on soil or water side of culvert Soil side corrosion not directly inspectable until perforation occurs – Difference in backfill resistivity – Corrosive chemicals in backfill or water in fill Water side corrosion usually occurs in invert area – Abrasion can remove protective coating – Water may have low pH or contain corrosive chemicals – Anaerobic bacteria may live in stagnant water in valleys

65 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 64 Barrel - Coating Look for: – Fabrication or installation defects or damage White rust – Loss of coating – Corrosion – Rust stains from bolt holes or seams – Perforations Record if corrosion is on SOIL and/or WATER side Rate as per Table 13.1 If staining from bolt holes or seams, rate 6 or less Heavy rust and deep pitting, rate 4 or less Rating of coating may affect Roof, Sidewall and Floor rating

66 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 65 Barrel - Camber Refers to longitudinal gradeline of invert No rating is required If water line is level can be used to determine camber Record whether camber is POSITIVE, Zero (0), or NEGATIVE If significantly POSITIVE or NEGATIVE provide Explanation

67 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 66 Barrel - Coating

68 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 67 Barrel - Ponding Refers to ponded water which adversely affects the culvert – Especially underpasses Does not refer to normal amounts of ponded water – Normal water level in stream – Invert normally set below streambed No rating required Indicate presence of ponding by Yes or No If “yes”, explain

69 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 68 Barrel - Fish Passage Adequacy Refers to ability of culvert to accommodate fish passage Designed for no more than 3 day delay during 1:10 flood May have fish baffles to: – provide rest areas – reduce velocities – provide minimum water levels

70 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 69 Barrel - Fish Passage Adequacy

71 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings Barrel - Fish Passage Adequacy 70

72 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 71 Barrel - Fish Passage Adequacy Types of baffles – Spoilers Concrete or steel projections – Large boulders – Weirs Extend fully across floor May have notches – Bolted to floor to prevent displacement – Baffles at outlet only may not be for fish passage

73 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 72 Barrel - Fish Passage Adequacy Record type of baffle or NONE Look for: – Excessive velocities Scour Silt deposition downstream – Steep gradient in culvert – Drops at ends of culvert – Anything which could block flow or affect water levels Dirt Beaver dams – Condition and functionality of baffles including anchorages

74 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 73 Barrel - Fish Passage Adequacy Rate X if not a fish bearing stream or if not a water course culvert Rating includes condition of fish baffles and anchorages If fish passage is not possible, rate 3 or less

75 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 74 Barrel - Waterway Adequacy Refers to the ability of the culvert to safely pass the design flow – Freeboard – Pass drift without damage – No damage from backwater created

76 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 75 Barrel - Waterway Adequacy Adequately sized culvert may be affected by: – Ice build up – Silt deposition – Drift accumulation – Beaver dams – Ponding – Repair or rehabilitation work Shotcrete beams Struts

77 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 76 Barrel - Waterway Adequacy Indicate presence of ice build up (icing) by Yes or No if Yes explain –Not normal freezing of ponded water –Results from spring activity which freezes and causes layers of ice to build up –If previously Yes - leave and retain comments adding date of previous inspection indicate presence of silt build up (Silting) by Yes or No, if Yes explain –Invert normally below streambed –Minor accumulation of silt expected Indicate presence of drift by Yes or No If “yes”, explain

78 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 77 Barrel - Waterway Adequacy Look for: – High water marks – Potential damage from backwater – Potential for drift – Evidence of high velocities Scour Silt deposition downstream – Presence and effect of items which can affect adequacy

79 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 78 Barrel - Waterway Adequacy Rate “X” if not a drainage culvert Adequate opening rate 5 If potential for significant drift which culvert cannot accommodate, rate 4 or less If potential for damage due to backwater, rate 4 or less HWM above crown, 4 or less Culvert blockage 50% or more rate 3 or less

80 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 79 Barrel - General Rating Governed by ratings for: – Roof – Sidewalls – Longitudinal seams – Extensive corrosion and pitting – Severe circumferential seam problems Refer to Table 13.3 If barrel not accessible, may rate “N” (only case this allowed) If previous less than 5 carry over previous rating and provide Explanation of Condition If previous greater than 5 rate “N”

81 BIM Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Technical Standards Branch Class B Bridge Inspection Course Culvert Inspection and Ratings 80 Effects of Struts on Barrel General Rating Inspector may increase rating by 1 or 2 points but not exceed rating of 4. Rating Conditions – struts in place more than 2 years – struts rated 5 or more – 1 permanent reference for monitoring – struts inspected after any significant event otherwise 1/2 cycle – consider depth of cover – does not apply when deflections >30% or cracked seams less than 25% remaining – applied to general rating only, element ratings remain unchanged

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