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The Stranger Text and Art Text and Art by Chris Van Allsburg by Chris Van Allsburg.

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Presentation on theme: "The Stranger Text and Art Text and Art by Chris Van Allsburg by Chris Van Allsburg."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Stranger Text and Art Text and Art by Chris Van Allsburg by Chris Van Allsburg

2 Study Skills   Genre: Fantasy   Comprehension Skill: Cause and Effect   Comprehension Strategy: Ask Questions   Comprehension Review Skill: Compare Contrast   Vocabulary: Multi-meaning Words

3 Summary In late summer, a farmer hits a man in the road with his truck. The speechless stranger then spends several weeks on the farm. The weather stays warm into autumn, and the leaves around the farm remain green. The stranger realizes something is wrong. He leaves the farm, and the weather returns to normal.

4 GenreGenre: Fantasy Genre   A fantasy is a story that could never really happen. As you read, decide which events in this story could never happen in real life.

5 Fantasy A fantasy is a story that could not possibly happen. It's a story that tells about things that could not really happen except in one’s imagination. Fantasies tell about things such as talking animals, huge giants, weird monsters, and other such imaginary beings.

6 Comprehension Skill Tested – Cause and Effect TE 291a Cause and Effect   A cause explains why the effect happens.   A cause happens BEFORE the effect.   Sentences may include clue words such as because, in order to, so, and as a result to link causes and effects.   An effect is something that happens.   If these words are missing, readers need to think about cause-and-effect relationships on their own. Practice Book p. 108

7 Comprehension Strategy – Ask Questions   Good readers ask themselves questions as they read.   This helps with “focus” because they are looking for answers.   Asking questions is especially helpful when looking for causes and effects.   Ask yourself, “Why did this happen?” to find a cause.   Ask, “What happened because of this?” to find an effect.

8 Comprehension Skill Review: Compare and Contrast - PB 106   A Comparison tells how two or more things are alike.   A Contrast tells how they are different.   Clue words such as like or as show comparisons.   Clue words such as but or unlike show contrasts.

9 Vocabulary Skill: Multiple-Meaning Words Multiple-Meaning Words Multiple-Meaning Words   Many words have more than one meaning. To decide which meaning of a word is being used, look for clues in the surrounding sentences or paragraph.   Use context clues, experience, and word order to decide on the correct meaning of a multiple-meaning word. Click on the title to practice this skill.

10 Multiple-Meaning Words Multiple-Meaning Words Word from storyMeaning 1Meaning 2 lying p.274 flat position on ground telling an untruth direction p. 278 tagged pg. 279 seasons p. 281 might p. 283

11 Research/Study Skills   A table of contents at the front lists main topics in the order they appear.   An index at the back lists the book’s topics in alphabetical order.   Tables and charts present information in an organized visual form that makes facts and data easy to find and compare.

12 Fun Stuff and Practice  Multi-meaning Words Multi-meaning Words Multi-meaning Words  Cause and Effect Cause and Effect Cause and Effect  Cause and Effect On-Line PowerPoint Cause and Effect On-Line PowerPoint Cause and Effect On-Line PowerPoint  Compare and Contrast Compare and Contrast Compare and Contrast  Compare Contrast PowerPoint Compare Contrast PowerPoint Compare Contrast PowerPoint  Meet the Author Meet the Author Meet the Author  Verbs and more Verbs and Linking Verbs Verbs Linking Verbs Linking Verbs

13 Guiding Questions   What changes in nature take place in the fall?

14   What is mysterious about the man Mr. Bailey strikes with his truck?

15   Since the stranger’s visit, how is fall on the Bailey farm different from nearby farms?

16  How would you describe the fall season to someone who lives in a climate that is always warm?

17 Review Questions 1.Name at least one event that could not really happen? 2.How is the stranger different from most people? 3.Give a clue that the weather should have started to change? 4.How can you tell the stranger was not a hermit?

18 Review Questions 1. What are some effects the stranger’s visit had on the Bailey farm? What is the most important? 2.Why did the pumpkins grow larger than ever? 3.How can you tell the stranger continued to care about the Baileys? 4.What might have happened if he had stayed with the Baileys?

19 Vocabulary - Say It  draft  etched  frost  parlor  fascinated  terror  timid

20 More Words to Know drabhermithypnotizedbarrencropssproutwilt

21 barren  not able to produce

22 crops   plants grown or gathered by people for their use

23 sprout  to produce new leaves, shoots, or buds

24 wilt  to become limp and bend down; to wither

25 draft  current of air

26 timid  easily frightened; shy

27 terror  great fear

28 fascinated  interested greatly; attracted very strongly; charmed

29 etched  engraved; a design or drawing on a metal plate or glass

30 frost  moisture frozen on or in a surface

31 parlor  formerly, a room for receiving or entertaining guests; sitting room

32 drab  not attractive; dull; monotonous

33 hypnotized  put into a condition resembling deep sleep

34 hermit  person who goes away from others and lives alone

35 It was so hot that the crops began to wilt and die.


37 When Persephone returns to her mother, the barren fields will sprout with new flowers.


39 The steam that rose from the hot food fascinated him.


41 He looked up with terror and jumped to his feet.


43 Mrs. Bailey sat the stranger on the parlor sofa.


45 Mrs. Bailey shivered and said, “There’s a draft in here tonight.”


47 He became one of the family as he became less timid each day.


49 The stranger had etched a message in the frost of the windows.


51 Mr. Bailey thought the stranger might be a hermit because he was alone.


53 The stranger stared at the birds like he had been hypnotized.


55 The trees around the Baileys’ seemed so drab and ugly to the stranger.


57 Spelling Words adding -ed and -ing  hurrying  hurried  slipped  slipping  robbed  robbing  noticed  noticing  happening  happened

58 Spelling Words Adding -ed and -ing  drying  dried  stopping  stopped  studying  studied  dancing  danced  watched  watching

59 CHALLENGE  answered  answering  magnified  magnifying  interfered  interfering

60 This Week’s Word Wall Words Click and type your own words for this week:

61 Let’s review our Spelling words. Watch carefully because they will flash on the screen for just a moment. We can clap as we spell the word, or we might just practice reading the words.

62 watched

63 watching watch

64 dancing dance

65 danced

66 studied study

67 studying

68 stopped stop

69 stopping

70 dried dry

71 drying

72 happened happen

73 happening

74 noticed notice

75 noticing

76 robbed rob

77 robbing

78 hurried hurry

79 hurrying

80 slipping slip

81 slipped

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