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Can you help Charlie Brown? He is not doing a good job being respectful, responsible, safe, and caring. Can you figure out what he is doing wrong and.

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Presentation on theme: "Can you help Charlie Brown? He is not doing a good job being respectful, responsible, safe, and caring. Can you figure out what he is doing wrong and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Can you help Charlie Brown? He is not doing a good job being respectful, responsible, safe, and caring. Can you figure out what he is doing wrong and how he can fix things to keep himself from getting an office discipline referral? Clue: Find the answers on the matrix!

3 Charlie Brown was not working on his assignment. What rule is he not following? What is the appropriate way to follow the rule? What can he do next time to prevent this from happening?

4 Charlie Brown did not follow his teacher’s directions. What rule is he not following? What is the appropriate way to follow the rule? What can he do next time to prevent this from happening?

5 Charlie Brown bothered other students while they were trying to work. What rule is he not following? What is the appropriate way to follow the rule? What can he do next time to prevent this from happening?

6 Charlie Brown wrote his name on someone else’s paper and turned it in as his own. What rule is he not following? What is the appropriate way to follow the rule? What can he do next time to prevent this from happening?

7 Charlie Brown called people inappropriate names. What rule is he not following? What is the appropriate way to follow the rule? What can he do next time to prevent this from happening?

8 Charlie Brown stole a candy bar from someone’s bag. What rule is he not following? What is the appropriate way to follow the rule? What can he do next time to prevent this from happening?

9 Charlie Brown took things off his teacher’s desk. What rule is he not following? What is the appropriate way to follow the rule? What can he do next time to prevent this from happening?

10 Charlie Brown was jumping around the room when he was supposed to be sitting. What rule is he not following? What is the appropriate way to follow the rule? What can he do next time to prevent this from happening?

11 Charlie Brown tried to kick the teacher. What rule is he not following? What is the appropriate way to follow the rule? What can he do next time to prevent this from happening?

12 Charlie Brown threw his pencil across the room. What rule is he not following? What is the appropriate way to follow the rule? What can he do next time to prevent this from happening?

13 Charlie Brown hit someone in the stomach. What rule is he not following? What is the appropriate way to follow the rule? What can he do next time to prevent this from happening?

14 Charlie Brown pinched someone. What rule is he not following? What is the appropriate way to follow the rule? What can he do next time to prevent this from happening?

15 Charlie Brown stabbed at someone with a pencil. What rule is he not following? What is the appropriate way to follow the rule? What can he do next time to prevent this from happening?

16 Charlie Brown didn’t turn in an assignment and received a ‘0%’. What rule is he not following? What is the appropriate way to follow the rule? What can he do next time to prevent this from happening?

17 Learn from his mistakes… Follow the school-wide expectations and rules to keep yourself out of trouble!!


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