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~In the middle ages,the main purpose for a cathedral was religion. ~The bells in the tower often signaled beginnings of services or served as a clock to.

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Presentation on theme: "~In the middle ages,the main purpose for a cathedral was religion. ~The bells in the tower often signaled beginnings of services or served as a clock to."— Presentation transcript:

1 ~In the middle ages,the main purpose for a cathedral was religion. ~The bells in the tower often signaled beginnings of services or served as a clock to tell time. ~Stained glass windows, statues, and paintings were picture Bibles for those who couldn’t read. Cathedrals

2 A boy starts on his way to knighthood at about the age of seven or eight. This young trainee was known as a page. Pages practiced fighting with a sword against a wooden stak or pell to develop muscles needed in becoming a strong knight. BECOMING A KNIGHT

3 Becoming A Knight You have to be the between the ages eighteen and twenty. The next morning you would be dressed in symbolically colored clothes red (for his blood), white (for purity), & brown (for the return to earth when he died). A tap on each shoulder would crown him a knight.

4 Castles The structures were surrounded by a moat, a ditch filled with water. The gatehouse was the living quarters of the guards over the main gate of the castle. The portcullis was a heavy gate made of wood and iron, which could be dropped down to close off the gatehouse.

5 Castles The walls of a castle could be as thick as 30ft!!! The walls of a castle have small slits in them called arrow loops for men to shoot arrows through. Round walls made each part of the castle harder to hit, and they gradually get thicker.

6 Middle Ages of Europe By: Mrs. Sanders 6 th

7 Clothing of the Middle Ages J Most women and men wore tunics. Children only wore rags mostly from the adults old clothes and never had shoes to wear. Monks and old men wore tunics to the ground.

8 Knights and their Armor The suits took 5 years to make. The armor was hand- made by artisans and craftsmen. It took an hour to put on the suit of armor.

9 In the 12 th century, the knights used an armor called mail.In the 12 th century, the knights used an armor called mail. When the armor was complete it weighted about 20 or 30 pounds and that was only the chest, arms, and back.When the armor was complete it weighted about 20 or 30 pounds and that was only the chest, arms, and back. These suits lasted until the 15 th century and then they started making full body suits out of plate armor.These suits lasted until the 15 th century and then they started making full body suits out of plate armor. Knights and their Armor

10 The two-handed sword was a very large sword with visions of the ordinary sword.The two-handed sword was a very large sword with visions of the ordinary sword. The battle-axes were on a yard handle, and swung with both hands.The battle-axes were on a yard handle, and swung with both hands. The cross bows were like a gun that shot arrows.The cross bows were like a gun that shot arrows. Weapons

11 Weapons Warriors used all kinds of weapons.Warriors used all kinds of weapons. The smallest weapon was a dagger.The smallest weapon was a dagger. Knights used lances during jousting tournaments.Knights used lances during jousting tournaments. A double-handed sword was used in the 13 th century.A double-handed sword was used in the 13 th century.

12 Medieval Monks Monks were men who devoted their lives to the service of God.Monks were men who devoted their lives to the service of God. The chapel house is were monks go to speak to pardons.The chapel house is were monks go to speak to pardons. They did not talk at dinner;instead they made signals to each other for talking.They did not talk at dinner;instead they made signals to each other for talking.

13 Monks and Nuns Some monks wore shirts made of hair as undershirts,to purposely scratch their skin and constantly remind them of the suffering that Jesus had done. There is a special type of haircut required of monks in some churches. It is called Tonsure,and it leaves a ring of hair around the head to represent the crown of thorns that Jesus wore.

14 Monks and Nuns Monks lived alone, but met in a common chapel. Monks went to monastery churches eight times a day. The life of a monk or nun was full of prayer, physical work, and prayer.

15 Jousting reached its height as a spectator sport in the 13 th century. Knights met at a combined speed of 60 mph. 2 teams of knights would fight a mock battle, called a tourney. Jousts & Tournaments

16 Jousts and Tournaments In a joust, knights could show off their skills without other contestants getting in the way.In a joust, knights could show off their skills without other contestants getting in the way. A knight could score points if he broke his opponent’s lance on your shield.A knight could score points if he broke his opponent’s lance on your shield. Special armor was developed for jousting to increase protection.Special armor was developed for jousting to increase protection.

17 The Crusades During the Middle Ages, many Christians went as pilgrims to Jerusalem and other Bible lands. During the Middle Ages, many Christians went as pilgrims to Jerusalem and other Bible lands. By November 1095 Pope Urban II preached a sermon calling on faithful Christians to journey to the Holy Land on a crusade against the Turks. By November 1095 Pope Urban II preached a sermon calling on faithful Christians to journey to the Holy Land on a crusade against the Turks. The Turks were driven from much of the Holy Land and a new kingdom of Jerusalem known as Outremer, was set up. The Turks were driven from much of the Holy Land and a new kingdom of Jerusalem known as Outremer, was set up.

18 Knights of the Round Table Jessie B. and Ashley B. The Knights of the Round Table were the most famous knights ever.The Knights of the Round Table were the most famous knights ever. King Arthur’s charge to the knights was meant to make them promise to always to do good and never do evil.King Arthur’s charge to the knights was meant to make them promise to always to do good and never do evil. Their bravery, honor, and dignity should be an example for all of us to behave even in today’s times.Their bravery, honor, and dignity should be an example for all of us to behave even in today’s times.

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