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Milford High School Instructional Implementation Toby Boss ESU 6.

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Presentation on theme: "Milford High School Instructional Implementation Toby Boss ESU 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Milford High School Instructional Implementation Toby Boss ESU 6

2 Purpose Review the MRL instructional model – Focus on Routines Discuss next steps

3 The Art & Science of Teaching 10 “design questions” teachers ask of themselves as they plan a unit of instruction.

4 The Art and Science of Teaching

5 Art and Science by the numbers 41 9 3

6 Art and Science by the numbers 41 instructional elements within… 9 lesson design questions embedded in… 3 segments for every lesson.

7 Learning Goals and Feedback Rules and Procedures INVOLVES ROUTINES ENACTED ON THE SPOT Student Engagement High Expectations Teacher/Student Relationships Teacher/Student Relationships Adherence to Rules and Procedures Generating/ Testing Hypotheses Practicing and Deepening Interacting With New Knowledge ADDRESSES CONTENT IN SPECIFIC WAYS

8 1.Learning Goals and Feedback 2.Interacting with New Knowledge 3.Practicing and Deepening 4.Generating and Testing Hypotheses 5.Student Engagement 6.Establishing Rules and Procedures 7.Adherence to Rules and Procedures 8.Teacher-Student Relationships 9.High Expectations Page 7, The Art & Science of Teaching The Art and Science of Teaching

9 Lesson Segments “Thin slices” of instruction – Those involving routines – Those involving content – Those enacted on the spot

10 Learning Goals and Feedback Rules and Procedures INVOLVES ROUTINES The Art and Science of Teaching Routine Segments

11 Communicate learning goals Track student progress Celebrate success Establish classroom rules and procedures Organize the physical layout of the room

12 PE Example

13 Do Some Solo Thinking Please What are some key routines and procedures teachers need to establish in a classroom? Make a list of some you think are critical for a successful learning environment.

14 Did you list any of these? –Attention and Refocus Signal –Transition Signal –Strategies to group and re-group learners

15 Cognitive Routines Critical for getting students to interact with content we want them to learn… Cognitive routines are critical routines for learning at all ages…

16 Attention and Refocus Signal I will move to the front and center of the room. –Common Location and Visual Clue Announce 30 seconds remaining in the activity. –Verbal Clue Count down from 5 to 0 –Verbal Wrap-Up At 0 everybody is seated and ready to continue –Clear Expectation If anyone isn’t ready, We Will Wait –The Power of Silence and Peers

17 Examples Close Partners Across the Room Partners Table Family - Department Grouping and Regrouping Learners

18 Close Partners When I say go….(Transition Signal) Form groups of 2 or 3 with other colleagues who are sitting near you in the room but not at your table. Share your lists of rules and procedures. What as common and what was different?

19 What Routines do you see? Instructions Grouping Attention Signal Sixth Grade Math

20 Table Family Discussion Please discuss the next slide I display… What do each of you think?

21 According To Recent Studies  What is the balance of teacher talk to student talk during a typical class period?  Studies show that teachers talk in a regular classroom between 80% and 90% of the time.  What effect does this have?

22 What is the effect? Assuming a 50 minute class period Teacher talk = 40 minutes Student interaction with content/language = 10 minutes total for the class. 30 students in class = 20 seconds (or less) per student

23 Lecture Reading Audio-visual Demonstration Discussion Groups Practice by doing Teach others/immediate use of learning Average Retention Rate after 24 hours 5% 10% 20% 30% 50% 75% 90% Adapted from David Sousa’s figure 3.8 in his text, How the Brain Learns Boosting Retention

24 Across the Room Partners… When I say go: –Form groups of 2 or 3 with colleagues not sitting near you in the room. –Introduce yourselves and prepare to discuss the next slide I display.

25 Discussion Topic What cognitive routines do you use or see being used in classrooms at your school?

26 Please Return To Your Tables

27 Great Teachers ABC’s “Persons of the Week”

28 Next Steps Review the information on the Milford Instruction wiki October Focus: – Interacting with new knowledge

29 Resources ESU 6 YouTube:

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