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Learning objective/ Kaupapa: 1. To become familiar with the 202 course requirements. 2. Build an interpretation of a whole visual text, recognising links.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning objective/ Kaupapa: 1. To become familiar with the 202 course requirements. 2. Build an interpretation of a whole visual text, recognising links."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning objective/ Kaupapa: 1. To become familiar with the 202 course requirements. 2. Build an interpretation of a whole visual text, recognising links between ideas, themes, and characters. DO NOW: Complete a KWL grid for the 202 course and your teacher. Ask yourself. What do you know, what do you want to know KNOWWANT to KNOWLEARNT

2 Watch the visual text. Using the text, Build an interpretation of Mrs Luke recognising links between ideas, themes, and characters in her world.

3 Coolio Snow patrol Beyonce Cat Stevens Haley Arctic monkeys

4 Learning objective/ Kaupapa: 1. To become familiar with the 202 course requirements. 2. Build an interpretation of a whole visual text, recognising links between ideas, themes, and characters. DO NOW/ N ā Mahi: Write 3 statement about yourself one on each postit. 1 should be false but 2 true. Then we will guess which are true

5 The course Serious bit….

6 Changing Visions Level 2 Achievement Standard Title of Unit StandardAssessment Version Credit Value 91099 Analyse specified aspect (s) of studied visual or oral text(s), supported by evidence. External 1 4 91101 Produce a selection of crafted and controlled writing Internal1 6 91106 Form developed personal responses to independently read texts, supported by evidence Internal1 4 91107 Analyse aspects of visual and/or oral text(s) through close viewing and/or listening, supported by evidence Internal 1 3 91103 Create a crafted and controlled visual and verbal text Internal 1 3

7 Term One: How have visual texts changed over time? Thinking QuestionsAssessment What changes have there been in a particular film genre over time? How do these changes reflect changes in society? Where could this film genre go in the future? Things you might do: - Read a variety of short texts - Write formally and creatively - Analyse films Assessments on going: 91101 (writing) 91106 (reading log type thing) Assessments completed: 91107 (Film) Preparation for external: 91099 (Film exam)

8 Term Two: How do texts change across different mediums? Thinking QuestionsAssessment What are the conventions of novels? What are the things that need to be considered when adapting a novel to a film? What makes an effective adaption? Things you might do: - Analyse written texts - Compare written and visual texts - Speak and listen with others - Write formally and creatively Assessments on going: 91101 (writing) 91106 (reading log)

9 Term Three: How can modern audiences be engaged by a traditional text? Thinking QuestionsAssessment How have audience requirements changed over time? What factors need to be considered when adapting an older text? How can you keep the heart of a text in a new adaption? Things you might do: - Create visual texts - Write formally and creatively - Speak and listen with others Assessments completed: 91101 (writing) 91106 (reading) 91103 (creating a visual and verbal text)

10 Predict Write a letter to yourself about your expectations for the year. What do you want to happen? What are you worried about? Put it in an envelope and write your name on it.

11 Tell me What do you like in a lesson? What annoys you?

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