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Three branches of Utah’s Government: Legislative Chapter 15: Government by and for the People.

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1 Three branches of Utah’s Government: Legislative Chapter 15: Government by and for the People

2 Bell Activity  Today we are taking the SRI test on the computers.  Follow the instructions to begin the test. Take your time, read each question, and remember you can skip three questions if you don’t get them.  When you are finished, turn to the ‘Beyond Red and Blue’ assignment in your blue study guide. Go to the website listed and take the test.  If you finish that test, pull out your pink paper and go to and/or to find the answers.  Where should your backpack be? Please throw your gum in the garbage before class begins.

3 Bell Activity  Your word is “representative”.  Find the word on your blue study guide and complete the following information for the word.  Find the definition using a glossary.  Use your own knowledge and experience to complete the rest of the definition.  Work on your study guide when you are finished. The test is on Thursday and the study guide is due then.  When you are finished, take out a piece of paper and put your name on it.  Where should your backpack be? Please throw your gum in the garbage before class begins.

4 Does your work look something like this? Word: representative My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 Definition:Draw a picture of it: Sentence: Syn/Ex:Antonym/Non- Example:

5 Does your work look something like this? Word: representative My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 Definition: an elected person who votes Draw a picture of it: or acts on behalf of others Sentence: I was a representative to the student council for my team. Syn/Ex: Senator; delegate Antonym/Non- Example: Supreme Court Justice, appointed

6 Participating in Citizenship Take out a paper and put your name, hour, the date, and the title above on a piece of paper. (Use page 307 for help.) ◦ What do you think it means to be a good citizen? ◦ What kinds of rights do we have as citizens? ◦ What are our responsibilities as citizens?

7 Today we will learn about… Civics Objective – We will be able to describe some of the reasons young people often don’t participate in civics, and reasons for them to be engaged in it. Behavior Objective – Courtesy and Respect: We will take turns voicing our opinions and contribute to the activity appropriately. Language Objective – We will watch a video and discuss the topic of civic engagement, including ways to be involved even if you are not old enough to vote.

8 Participating in Citizenship Take notes during the video about why people sometimes don’t participate in civics, and reasons why they should. ◦ Why do many young people not participate in civics and government? ◦ Why is participation in representative democracy so important? ◦ What are some ways the video think we can fix these problems?

9 Today we will learn about… Civics Objective – We will be able to describe one of the roles of Utah’s legislative branch by simulating a budget committee meeting. Behavior Objective – Courtesy and Respect: We will take turns voicing our opinions and contribute to the activity appropriately. Language Objective – We will read about the simulation, we will listen to the presenters, we will discuss our topic with our committee.

10 As you learned in the previously, one of the duties of the state legislature is to enact, or carry out, a state budget. Part of being a legislator is being able to work with people you agree with and disagree with, and finding a way to solve problem by working together. Working together involves deliberation, negotiation, compromise, and making a decision.

11 Concepts Deliberation – is a conversation with two or more sides on an issue in which each side tries to persuade the other of the benefits of its position. Negotiation – is an activity in which two sides with different positions try to resolve their differences by techniques like compromising. Decision – is the settlement reached when deliberation and negotiation are over. In democratic politics that normally means voting and with the majority deciding the issue.

12 Agenda for the Activity Full appropriation committee hearing to discuss the budget. (10 minutes) ◦ Public comment (8 minutes) Break into subcommittees to deliberate the budget. (5 minutes) 5 minute recess. ◦ Use this time to talk to other committees, find out what they are doing and negotiate a settlement. Lobbyists and citizens may talk to representatives again about their positions. Full committee meeting. (10 minutes) ◦ Recommendations from the chairs. ◦ Vote by the whole committee. *If necessary, the committee can adjourn until tomorrow for the final vote.

13 Appropriation Committee Hearing Items of business: ◦ Review the agenda for the meeting. (instructions page) ◦ Take questions from the committee. ◦ Open the hearing for public comment. ◦ Recess into subcommittees for deliberations. ◦ Lobbyists/Special Interest people should listen to the subcommittee meeting that matches their issue and take notes so during a recess they can talk to the representatives about their ideas.

14 Subcommittee Meetings Items of business: ◦ Subcommittee chair (orange) will call the meeting to order like Ms. Thatcher did in the full meeting. ◦ Open the floor to comment from the representatives. ◦ Representatives can give their opinion about what to do about the problem.  Remember you need to get permission from the chair to speak by raising your hand and saying “Madame or Mister Chairperson”. ◦ Call for a vote after discussion. The majority view should be written on the chairperson’s notes to be presented in the full committee hearing.

15 Recess During the recess talk to other subcommittees and see what they are going to propose. Lobbyists/Special Interest people can also talk to legislators during the recess about their concerns. When the recess is over go back to your subcommittee for a final discussion and vote before rejoining the full committee.

16 Appropriation Committee Hearing When the full committee hearing is back in session, each of the chair people will present their proposals for the budget to the chair of the committee (Ms T). Final amendments will be made to the budget and a final vote will be called on the budget.

17 Debriefing How did you feel about the simulation? Did you agree with the final decision of the class? What would you have done differently? What about the special interest groups? Did they influence your decision? What do you think would have been different if this was a real budget committee? What if you had been asked to play the part of real political parties (Democrats and Republicans)? Would that have made it harder to come to a decision? Why or why not? If your class decided to raise taxes, many of you would not been reelected or would have a hard time being reelected. Does that change your opinion about your choices? Why or why not?

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