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1 SDS Implementation Agreed at MIG-T meeting 12/3 2015.

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1 1 SDS Implementation Agreed at MIG-T meeting 12/3 2015

2 2 The figure clarify that Network services will not be affected by the amendment for SDS

3 Consequences of SDS amendment MS has to have at least 1 network service to access INSPIRE data themes MS decide on what kind of services is to referred to as “Discoverable spatial data services” (SDS) A SDS has to have metadata according to IR 1205/2010 and the amendment for Invocable SDS When a service serve a data that is “INSPIRE harmonised” it also has to have additional information for “Interoperable SDS” A MS decide if it also should follow the regulation for harmonised SDS, e.g. Quality of service 3 Deadline December 2015 Deadline December 2016/2021 Network services are not affected at all, no additional metadata etc.

4 How to decide if a service is an SDS? All spatial data services that operate on INSPIRE data sets is an SDS if it can be discovered on Internet Hen or the egg? Decide that a service is an SDS and then describe it with metadata or the service has to have metadata to be consider as an SDS Beside that, how to decide if a service is an SDS? 1.The scope for the service is INSPIRE data 2.The service is of interest for more than your own organisation 4

5 Step 1: Decide on the scope of INSPIRE data 5 Annex I Annex II Annex III Other data SDS Who decide what is INSPIRE data? Practical experience in cooperation with other MS

6 Step 2: Decide of the usefulness of the service EU level National level Limited number of organisations Your organisation Yes (=SDS) No/Yes (maybe an SDS) No Positive attitude; Prefer to have more SDS than less

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