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Monitoring Grocott’s Policy: Research Team: Thanduxolo Jika Modise Kabeli Thandy Kunene Susan Nakacwa Thando Sebesho.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring Grocott’s Policy: Research Team: Thanduxolo Jika Modise Kabeli Thandy Kunene Susan Nakacwa Thando Sebesho."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring Grocott’s Policy: Research Team: Thanduxolo Jika Modise Kabeli Thandy Kunene Susan Nakacwa Thando Sebesho

2 Research Aims: To identify trends followed in monitoring policy To establish who is better placed for the responsibility of monitoring policy Provide propositions for monitoring Grocott’s policy

3 Research Methods: Qualitative research:  Interviews  E-mails  In-depth (open ended) questions

4 Findings: Grocott’s does not have a formalized document that outlines who is responsible for monitoring policy Only an arbitrary level of implementation of arbitrary policy decisions exists Readers have been acting as watchdogs e.g. calling-in to complain about something published

5 Board of Directors General Manager Editor Board of Advisors AdvertsPublishing Grocott’s Organogram:

6 Advisory Board: Advisory Board Members Editorial Policy Expert/s Financial Expert/s Legal Expert/s Other Expert/s Policy Awareness Focus Groups Media Campaigns Public Meetings

7 Recommendations:  There should be a Qualitative Review of each issue - this will help the editor monitor the quality of the newspaper, especially in the beginning stages.  The Review can be as simple as passing a copy of the newspaper to all people responsible for content & production, & asking them to mark criticisms and suggestions on the copy for all to see.

8 Recommendations continued: Composition of the Advisory Board:  Should be representative - consist of members with diff. expertise, e.g authorities in the areas of law, finance, education, editorial policy, etc. - also, consist of different communities and social orientations in Grahamstown.

9 Recommendations continued: Responsibilities: Advisory Board (Policy Expert/s): create policy awareness through media campaigns, focus groups & public meetings. Sit-in & mediate on meetings to solve conflict regarding policy matters. Investigate, judge or punish those responsible for lapses

10 Recommendations continued: Responsibilities: : Editor: clearly define & implement the editorial policy establish procedures to maintain newspaper quality, identify errors & problems, detect trends & monitor possible failures that reflect a deterioration in quality, & implement corrective actions as needed.

11 Recommendations continued: Focus groups: gather role players in all sectors for policy input create policy awareness review/assess adherence to policy - e.g. review articles on Grocott’s Mail for policy adherence.

12 Recommendations continued: Radio broadcasts and press releases For information broadcasts, awareness campaigns, creating a platform to call public meetings or give reminders e.g Radio Grahamstown, RMR and Grocott’s. The radio stations will be mediums of giving feedback, responses and reminders.

13 Recommendations continued: Public meetings large scale meetings in different areas in Grahamstown. should be recorded & have translators available for Xhosa or Afrikaans speakers. Grocott’s Project e.g. GRAB – could use students on a voluntary basis

14 Finally… The Board of Advisors will, on their bi-annual meetings, submit an audit of the qualitative review to the Board of Directors.

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