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Application of LNG as Fuel for Danube Navigation Juha Schweighofer via donau – Österreichische Wasserstraßen GmbH.

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Presentation on theme: "Application of LNG as Fuel for Danube Navigation Juha Schweighofer via donau – Österreichische Wasserstraßen GmbH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Application of LNG as Fuel for Danube Navigation Juha Schweighofer via donau – Österreichische Wasserstraßen GmbH

2 Contents LDS project Legislation and rules Technical considerations – case studies Fuel consumption and cruising range Development needs

3 LDS Project LDS = LNG propulsion systems for Danube navigation Feasibilty study (2010 – 2011) Partners: – Technical University Vienna (Coordinator: Prof. Pucher) – Salzburg AG – via donau – Österreichische Wasserstraßen GmbH Call: Neue Energien 2020 Funding: Klimafonds (Austrian Climate Fund)

4 Why LNG? (1) CO2: -10% up to -25% SOX: -100%

5 Why LNG? (2) LNG significantly cheaper than marine gas oil (MGO) Price/ energy content

6 Taxation of fuels Regulated by Directive 2003/96/EC Recommendation: – Tax free energy products for commercial aviation and navigation – Member states should have the possibilty to limit the current exemptions Article 15 – Total or partial exemptions – Energy products for commercial inland navigation – Natural gas Austria: – Mineralölsteuergesetz 1995 (Version 31.12.2009) – § 4. (1) Exemption from mineral oil tax – Mineral oil and fuels for commercial navigation on Danube, (Lake Constance, Neusiedler See)

7 Technical regulations Inland waterway vessels – Regulated by Directive 2006/87/EC – Fuels with flash point > 55 °C – For LNG no regulations – Equivalent safety and deviations Article 2.19 ADN regulations: – Transportation of dangerous goods – Design and construction included – Further basis for extended technical regulations – Qualification of staff when LNG used?

8 Technical regulations Seagoing vessels – Regulated IMO (International Maritime Organisation) – International Gas Carrier (IGC) Code: Construction and equipment of vessels for the transport of liquid gasses – IGF (International Gas as Ship Fuel) Interim Guideline in force since 2009 – IGF Code under development: enforcement 2014 with SOLAS 2014 Germanischer Lloyd – Acknowledged calssification society for inland waterway vessels – Guidelines for the Use of Gas as Fuel for Ships, in force since 2010 – Further basis for elaboration on extended technical regulations for inland waterway vessels using LNG as fuel

9 Transhipment in Austrian ports 2010 Linz voestalpine

10 Commodities transported on the Austrian Danube 2010 Ore and metal waste

11 Case studies Iron ore transport to Linz (Voest) Heavy cargo => free space in cargo hold Liner service => little effort in setting up proper LNG infrastructure VOEST: strong industrial enterprise – Long term contract possible => investment security Concepts considered: – Coupled unit: Rotterdam – Linz – Rotterdam (ca. 3000km) – Pusher + 4 lighter: Linz – Izmail – Linz (ca. 4000km) – Bulk cargo coupled unit: Passau – Vidin – Passau (ca. 3000km) Tanks: mobile (one tank: 15 m 3 LNG)

12 Vessel data Vessel LBT Max TØTØ HTØTØ tdw Max tdw Ø P BMax [m] [t] [kW] Pusher A34. Pusher B34. MCV Steinklasse9511. Lighter Europe IIB76.511.

13 Vessel concept 1 Positive: Simple and robust solution Protected tank and piping Sufficent distance to accommodation and ignition sources Negative: Loss of cargo space Ventilation and gas detection Location of relieve valves for blow-off Cofferdam Load line for full load

14 Vessel concept 2 Further investigations needed: Flexible piping between pusher and lighter

15 Tank volume Coupled unit and pushed convoy with 2000 kW engine power => half a round trip Pushed convoy with 3750 kW engine power: => upstream one stop necessary

16 Deadweight loss For coupled unit negligible! For pushed convoy slightly higher, but still very small!

17 Summary (1) Taxation similar to oil products used as fuel for IWT Technical regulations not available yet => Development for inland waterway vessels necessary Based on regulations for seagoing vessels and ADN Education and training of staff for operation and maintenance of gas- fuelled vessels to be considered Follow developments in the Netherlands Timeframe 5 years Technically feasible to use LNG as fuel

18 Summary (2) Infrastructure is existing (mobile solutions) Heavy cargo: no loss in cargo carrying capacity 50% substitution of marine gas oil by LNG: half a round trip possibe 100% LNG: stops for bunkering necessary Proposal for pilot project: – Transport of heavy bulk cargo (iron ore) with coupled unit

19 Dr. Juha Schweighofer via donau – Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH A-1220 Wien, Donau-City-Straße 1 Tel +43 50 4321 1624, Fax +43 50 4321 1050, Simple, economical, green – LNG!

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