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Nuclear Power Plants Physics B Winter, 2011 Ms. Ellmer.

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear Power Plants Physics B Winter, 2011 Ms. Ellmer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear Power Plants Physics B Winter, 2011 Ms. Ellmer

2 Nuclear Power Plant Parts Video of How Power Plants Work

3 Parts of the Powerplant Containment Building: Concrete dome that contains the nuclear fission reactor and its pools. Heat Exchanger: Giant radiator to remove heat from heavy/light water from reactor to make steam. Turbine: Giant sideways fan that spins by the steam created in heat exchanger. Turns generator shaft that makes electricity. Cooling Tower: Tall cone structures you see from the road to help condense steam back to water (i.e. cool it down) Lake or Ocean: Receives condensed steam/water into natural water supply. Heavy water: Any of several isotopic forms of water, especially deuterium oxide, that consists chiefly of molecules containing heavy hydrogen and is used as a moderator (bath water) in certain nuclear reactors. Light water: Straight-up water from faucet. Mostly used in today’s reactors.

4 What happened to Japan in the Earthquake/Tsunami? killer-quake.html

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