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Nada Zvekic (FAO) and Adrian Keler (CEI) “EastAgri Network: transforming agriculture in agribusiness - example of successful FAO-CEI collaboration” Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Nada Zvekic (FAO) and Adrian Keler (CEI) “EastAgri Network: transforming agriculture in agribusiness - example of successful FAO-CEI collaboration” Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nada Zvekic (FAO) and Adrian Keler (CEI) “EastAgri Network: transforming agriculture in agribusiness - example of successful FAO-CEI collaboration” Meeting of CEI WG on Agriculture Rome, 22 May 2006

2  reminding EastAgri’s raison d’être  achievements since last year

3 what is EastAgri? network of practitioners involved in agribusiness & agricultural investment from: IFIs donors private banks

4 why EastAgri?  improve exchange of information  share lessons learned  coordinate policy messages  coordinate interventions

5 key members

6 geographic coverage initially: CEI countries target: all EBRD countries of operation

7 how does it work? a light structure... dedicated website annual EastAgri meetings thematic meetings/workshops … operated by FAO

8 members’ benefits - easier access to information - advertise events / publication - access to performance of past projects and lessons learned - more impact on policy matters

9 website maintenance maintenance of database (550 projects, 24 subsectors) 220,000 hits in 2005 (100,000 pageviews) 45 articles dispatched

10 thematic meetings Serbia agribusiness seminar rural credit guarantee schemes Polish/Ukrainian wholesale markets Georgia wine sector

11 our goals? encourage information sharing cross-fertilization of ideas suggestions for next phases

12 “CEI support to Wholesale Markets Development in Ukraine” Activities Study tour in Italy (focused on legislative and other public support mechanisms) Study tour in Poland (focused on the involvement of private stakeholders in the process of wholesale markets development) Advisory services by Italian, Polish and FAO consultants UKRAINE ITALY POLAND

13 “CEI support to Wholesale Markets Development in Ukraine” Implementation: October 2005 – May 2006 Planned results: Improvement of the quality of Ukraine’s wholesale markets investment plan Follow-up: The investment plan to be financed under World Bank’s ACSF (“Agricultural Competitiveness and Food Safety”) project. Multi-partner action!

14 KEP: planned projects

15 “Building Effective Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Quality Control System in Moldova” Technical assistance to be provided by the State Veterinary and Food Administration of the Slovak Republic. Focus on harmonisation of fruit national standards and establishment of efficient national quality control structures in accordance with EU principles. Implementation of marketing quality criteria for domestic and imported fruit and vegetables and food safety criteria for food products, including application of worldwide recognised standards and norms.

16 KEP grants (approved and planned for 2006): € 250,000 Total projects value: € 790,000...some figures

17 More information available at: Thank you for your attention! Adrian Keler Secretariat for CEI Projects Tel. +39 040 7786 732 E-mail: Nada Zvekic FAO Investment Center Division Tel. +39 06 5705 5474 E-mail:

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