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10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting1 The MIT-Bates Compton Polarimeter for the South Hall Ring W.A. Franklin for the BLAST Collaboration SPIN2004 Conference Trieste,

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Presentation on theme: "10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting1 The MIT-Bates Compton Polarimeter for the South Hall Ring W.A. Franklin for the BLAST Collaboration SPIN2004 Conference Trieste,"— Presentation transcript:

1 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting1 The MIT-Bates Compton Polarimeter for the South Hall Ring W.A. Franklin for the BLAST Collaboration SPIN2004 Conference Trieste, Italy October 14, 2004 1.Physics Motivation 2.Experimental Apparatus 3.Results

2 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting2 BLAST Collaborating Institutions MIT, UNH, Arizona St., Duke, Dartmouth, Vrije University, U.S. Naval Acad., Ohio, Boston U. 12 Ph.D. students Neutron Electric Form Factor V. Ziskin, 10/15 Session 5 e-p Asymmetries on Deuterium A. Maschinot, 10/15 Session 5 Electric-Magnetic Form Factor Ratio of Hydrogen C. Crawford, 10/15 Session 5 Research program in South Hall Ring using Bates Large Acceptance Spectrometer Toroid Study comprehensively nucleons and light nuclei at low Q 2 Experiments underway 2003, running throughout 2004

3 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting3 BLAST Experiment South Hall Ring: Intense (175 mA) stored CW polarized electron beams in at 850 MeV BLAST Atomic Beam Source: (E. Tsentalovich, 10/15 Session 8) BLAST: Symmetric detector with wide momentum transfer bite Beam-target polarization product from BLAST asymmetry. Need rapid nondestructive measurement of beam polarization. Laser backscattering can provide. Measure asymmetries using polarized beams and targets

4 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting4 Compton Polarimetry Overview Compton scattering in highly relativistic frame  Angular distribution compressed into narrow kinematic cone  Photon frequencies shifted into gamma regime  Detect backscattered photons with compact detector Compton scattering cross section Well known theoretically Term dependent on electron spin and laser helicity  Can extract e - polarization by measuring asymmetries in scattering rates for circularly polarized laser light Transverse pol. yields asymmetry in azimuthal distribution of scattered photons. Longitudinal pol. yields asymmetry in scattered photon energy spectrum

5 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting5 Compton Polarimetry Below 1 GeV Bates seeks precise polarization measurement for each ring fill (15 minutes) for experiments with BLAST. Bates JLab HERA 532 nm laser light Compton polarimetry is well established at high energy accelerators (A pol ~0.5) Different challenges exist in applying at energies below 1 GeV. > Analyzing power falling with energy (A pol < 0.05) > Interaction mechanism varies with gamma ray energy > Broader angular distribution for photons > Background from low energy photons > Beam lifetime less than 1 hour Electron Energy (MeV) Compton Analyzing Power A pol

6 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting6 CsI detector Laser hut Remotely controlled mirrors Electron beam Interaction Region Scattered photons SHR Injection Line Ring Dipole BLAST Laser exit Laser line Design Considerations Based on NIKHEF Compton Polarimeter Located upstream of BLAST target to reduce background Measures longitudinal projection of electron pol. Scattered gamma trajectory defined by electron momentum Polarimeter Layout Laser in shielded hut with 18 m flight path Interaction with electron beam in 4 m straight section Laser mirrors moved remotely CsI calorimeter 10 m from IR SHR Compton Polarimeter

7 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting7 Laser System Laser Solid-state continuous-wave, very stable 5W output at 532 nm Optical Transport Simple, robust lens arrangement for transport to IR and focusing Mechanical chopper wheel allowing background measurements Circular polarization by Pockels Cell for rapid helicity reversal Phase-compensated mirror arrangement Interaction Region 4 degrees of freedom for laser scans. Laser intercepts stored beam at < 2 mrad EPICS Control System for slow controls Y angle X angle

8 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting8 Scattered Gamma Ray Line Align electron beam first to align using bremsstrahlung background. Movable collimators used to eliminate background from beam halo Sweep magnet, veto scintillator reject charged particles Scintillator hodoscope provides position information for beam alignment Pure CsI calorimeter offers resolution and speed for single photon mode High rate PMT bases for linear response, stable gain Variable thickness stainless steel absorbers for high intensity operation

9 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting9 High Intensity Operation Measurements made up to 190 mA. Stainless steel absorbers act as neutral density filter to control rate. Signal-to-background tractable at high currents (beam size increases) Energy calibration stable on short time scale for high rates in CsI Small systematic correction to asymmetry for absorber thickness P olarization reduction sometimes observed in raising beam current (tune spreading). Rapid feedback for retuning Ring.

10 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting10 Data Acquisition VME-based system Rapid digitization –100 MHz, 12-bit buffered ADC –External triggering –Single event mode High readout and sorting speed –DMA for high CW event rates (> 100 kHz) –Pulse shape discrimination and pile-up rejection –Rapid spin sorting capability Integration –Linked with BLAST analysis –Synch with BLAST event stream –Include EPICS information Fast and reliable data acquisition system is very important Developed locally (T. Akdogan)

11 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting11 Analysis begins with raw ADC spectra – L1 - Laser on, right-handed P circ – L2 - Laser on, left-handed P circ – B1 - Laser off, right-handed P circ – B2 - Laser off, left-handed P circ Establish energy calibration based on Compton edge and ADC pedestal Normalization for background subtraction from bremsstrahlung tail Asymmetry between laser helicities formed as function of gamma energy Fit asymmetry data with function representing polarimeter analyzing power (GEANT simulation) Data Analysis

12 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting12 Fill-by-Fill Polarization Results Polarization reversed in electron source on fill-by-fill basis Polarization monitored continuously Typical precision of 4-5% for ~15 minute fill Gaussian profile to results Time (hours) Polarization

13 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting13 Cumulative Results D atabase of results for BLAST experiment in blocks of ~4 hrs Polarization stable within few percent as a function of time. Changes usually correlated with beam properties. Mean polarization (2004): 0.663, (July-Sep, 2004): 0.654 Long term errors determined by systematics

14 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting14 Consistency Checks Expected sinusoidal dependence on injection angle Avg. Injection polarization 0.71 +/- 0.04 (20 MeV transmission pol.). Measure zero asymmetries with unpolarized beam Consistency of results for two helicity states Wien Filter Voltage Stored Polarization

15 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting15 Spin Flipping in South Hall Ring Spin flipper Reverse direction of beam pol. while stored Separate instrumental asymmetries from polarization differences from source Adiabatic spin flip Rf magnetic field Ramp through resonant frequency. Performance in South Hall Ring Achieved efficiency > 98% (Michigan Spin Physics Group) < 1 sec to induce spin flip. Spin flip period of ~5 min. Resonance Scan f rf (kHz) P final

16 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting16 Automated Spin Flip Spin flipper controlled through Compton DAQ for time synchronization. Execute flip based on time or beam current Polarization data sorted from beginning of fill to flip (dark) and post-flip (open) Eliminates false asymmetry due to geometric effects Verifies equality of beam polarization for two helicities at injection to <.01 Polarization Time (hrs)

17 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting17 Systematic Error Estimation Total systematic error in avg. beam pol. estimated at 0.04. Working to reduce, sufficient for BLAST experiments. Small analyzing power makes systematic error reduction crucial Error ContributionDP Modeling of A pol and energy calibration 0.03 Pile-up0.01 Beam misalignment and PITA ~0.05 single pol. state, < 0.01 average pol Laser circular polarization 0.005 Spin precession uncertainty 0.003

18 10/14/2004SPIN2004 Meeting18 Summary MIT-Bates operates a laser backscattering Compton polarimeter during internal target experiments with BLAST at 850 MeV. High intensity operation has been successful with stored currents exceeding 175 mA. Polarization results are generally stable with time. Certain changes in beam conditions can produce depolarization. Systematic error control and calibration uncertainty meet level needed for BLAST experiments. Use of consistency checks provides reduction of systematic errors.

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