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Admonish To reprove/reprimand gently, but earnestly Syn. Reproach, chide Ant. Praise, laud The teacher admonished me for not handing in my homework.

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Presentation on theme: "Admonish To reprove/reprimand gently, but earnestly Syn. Reproach, chide Ant. Praise, laud The teacher admonished me for not handing in my homework."— Presentation transcript:


2 Admonish To reprove/reprimand gently, but earnestly Syn. Reproach, chide Ant. Praise, laud The teacher admonished me for not handing in my homework.

3 Belligerent Pertaining to or engaging in war: quarrelsome Syn. Pugnacious, bellicose Ant. pacific, conciliatory Prefix: belli means warlike Bellum: war Your belligerent attitude will get you in serious trouble.

4 Conform Agreement or harmony with a standard or pattern; To adapt to a mode of conduct Syn. Adapt, adjust, comply Ant. Deviate, disagree It is not always easy to conform to adult’s rules.

5 Crucial Decisive, critical, very important Syn. Severe, grave Ant. Trivial, incidental, insignificant It is crucial to teach your children the importance of safety.

6 Eminent Distinguished; Of high rank Syn. Prominent Lofty notable Ant. Obscure unknown Albert Einstein is an eminent scientist, whose impact will be felt forever.

7 Glutton One who eats to excess or greedily Syn. hog Albert is such a glutton, that he’ll eat everything that’s on the table.

8 Paradox A statement that seems self-contradictory or absurd, but in reality may be true. A situation, person, or opinion that is full of contradictions or inconsistencies or against commonly accepted beliefs. Examples: 'I always lie' (if I always lie, then am I lying about lying?) A man drowned in the fountain of eternal life. If you get this message, call me; if you don't, then don't worry about it. Nobody goes to that restaurant, it's too crowded. “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others”.

9 Permeate To pass through the pores; To spread throughout the whole of something. Syn. Infuse, saturate, pervade The strawberries permeated the ice cream. Lights permeates the leaf to produce chemical energy

10 Recluse A person who shuts himself apart from the world; shut away Syn. Hermit, anchorite Ant. extrovert Buddha lived as a recluse in order to achieve Nirvana.

11 Symmetrical Having or showing identity of form or arrangement on either side of a dividing line or plane. Syn. Proportional, Balanced Ant. Irregular, unbalanced The room is symmetrical; it is identical on both sides.

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