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VOCABULARY #1 Vincere/ Victum, Duc/ Duct, Trahere/ Tractum, Petere/ Petitum.

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Presentation on theme: "VOCABULARY #1 Vincere/ Victum, Duc/ Duct, Trahere/ Tractum, Petere/ Petitum."— Presentation transcript:

1 VOCABULARY #1 Vincere/ Victum, Duc/ Duct, Trahere/ Tractum, Petere/ Petitum

2 Latin: Vincere, Victum “to conquer” VINC/ VICT

3 1. Invincible (adj.)  Example: Although the Romans thought of themselves as invincible, they too were eventually conquered.  What does invincible mean?  Invincible—unable to be conquered  Synonyms – unbeatable, unstoppable  Antonyms- vulnerable - beatable

4 2. Provincial (adjective)  Example: Rory’s somewhat provincial outlook made it difficult for her to understand what people in other parts of the world were going through.  What does provincial mean?  Provincial—limited in knowledge of the world  Antonym? – knowledgeable, sophisticated

5 3. Evince (verb)  Example: The incident at the mill evinced the old saying, “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”  What does evince mean?  Evince—to establish; to reflect the truth of

6 Latin: Ducere, Ductum—”to lead” DUC/ DUCT

7 4. Conducive (adjective)  Example: These noisy conditions are not conducive to learning or teaching.  What does conducive mean?  Conducive—supportive; encouraging; helping to bring about  Synonyms? - Helpful, useful

8 5. Induce (verb)  Example: Is there any way I can induce you to come for coffee with me?  What does induce mean?  Induce—to lead towards some action  Synonym- Persuade  Antonym –Discourage

9 6. Deduce (verb)  Example: The detectives deduced from the evidence that the bank had been robbed not long before.  What does deduced mean?  Deduced—to draw a conclusion from fact; to infer  Synonym? - Conclude

10 Latin: Trahere, Tractum—”to drag” TRACT

11 7. Protracted (adj.)  Example: There was a protracted struggle between the two armies.  What does protracted mean?  Protracted: extended in time; prolonged  Synonyms? – extend, stretch, prolong  Antonyms? – abbreviate, shorten

12 8. Intractable (adj.)  Example: Isiah’s intractable nature made bedtimes difficult for his mother.  What does intractable mean?  Intractable—stubborn; obstinate; hard to move forward  Synonym? - stubborn  Antonym? – agreeable, mild

13 9. Retract (verb)  Example: When I found out I was wrong, I was forced to retract my statement.  What does retract mean?  Retract—to draw back; withdraw  Synonym? Withdraw, Recant, Repeal

14 Latin: Petere, Petitum “to seek aggressively, to assail, to rush” PETO

15 10. Petulant (adjective)  Example: When I told my little brother to put away his toys, he fell into a petulant fit and threw the toys down the stairs.  What does petulant mean?  Petulant—irritable or short-tempered

16 11. Impetuous (adjective)  Example: Because Barry was a rather impetuous boy, he often found himself getting into fights over little things.  What does impetuous mean?  Impetuous—acting passionately and without forethought  Synonym? - impulsive, spontaneous  Antonym? – cautious, sensible

17 12. Impetus (noun)  Example: The tragic accident at the crossroads was the impetus for a meeting on traffic safety.  What does impetus mean?  Impetus—that which drives one; momentum  Synonym? – motivation, impulse

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