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Malcolm Ellis on behalf of the Detector Working Group. NuFact06 U.C. Irvine 24 th August 2006 ISS Detector Working Group Report

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1 Malcolm Ellis on behalf of the Detector Working Group. NuFact06 U.C. Irvine 24 th August 2006 ISS Detector Working Group Report

2 2 Outline  Working Group’s Composition and Mission  Detectors studied: u Water Cherenkov u Magnetised Segmented Detectors s Iron / Scintillator sandwich (MINOS like) s Totally Active Scintillating Detector (Minerva like) u Liquid Argon TPC u Hybrid Emulsion Detectors u Beam Diagnostic Devices u Near Detector  Test beam facility for Neutrino Detector R&D  Total Neutrino Detector R&D Programme  Matter Effects  Executive Summary  Conclusions

3 3 Mission “Evaluate the options for the neutrino detection systems with a view to defining a baseline set of detection systems to be taken forward in a subsequent conceptual-design phase” ISS Talk by A. Blondel: 22-08-2006.ppt “Provide a research-and-development program required to deliver the baseline design  Funding request for four years of detector R&D “2007-2010” (but more likely “2008-2011”) ISS Talk by P. Soler: NeutrinoDetectorRnD-Soler.ppt

4 4 Organisation Detector ‘council’ (i.e. steering group) role: ensure basic organization, and monitors progress wrt objectives Alain Blondel (Geneva)Paul Soler (Glasgow) Alan Bross (Fermilab)Paolo Strolin (INFN) Kenji Kaneyuki (ICRR)Dave Wark (Imperial) Mauro Mezzetto (Interface with physics) Working Groups Water Cerenkov Detectors:Kenji Kaneyuki, Jean-Eric Campagne Magnetic Sampling Detectors:Jeff Nelson --> Anselmo Cervera TASD: Malcolm Ellis Large Magnet: Alan Bross Liquid Argon TPC: Scott Menary, Andreas Badertscher, Claudio Montanari, Guiseppe Battistoni (FLARE/GLACIER/ICARUS’) Emulsion Detectors: Pasquale Migliozzi Near Detectors: Paul Soler

5 5 Water Cherenkov o Suitable for low energy neutrino detection (~ 0.2-1 GeV) o Excellent   e separation Electron-like Muon-like o Impossible to put a magnetic field around it, so not suitable for neutrino factory. o Baseline for low energy beta-beams or super-beams

6 6 Photo Detector R&D in Japan (Tokyo & KEK) Aihara’s presentation at the 2 nd international Workshop on a Far detector in Korea for the J-Parc neutrino beam (July/13-14/2006) 13inch HPD prototype

7 7 Photon Detector R&D in Europe Choice of photomultiplier (PMT), Hybrid-PMT and Hybrid Photon Detectors (HPD) Size vs. Cost IPNO with PHOTONIS, tests of PMT, comparison 20” vs. 12”  Diameter 20“ 12“  projected area 1660 615 cm²  QE(typical) 20 24 %  CE 60 70 %  Cost PMT 2500 800 €  Cost/PE 12.6 7.7 €/PE =PM cost/(areaxQExCE) 30% coverage (12’’) gives the same # of PE/MeV as 40% coverage (20’’) the required # of 12’’ PMTs is twice the # of 20’’ PMTs

8 8 Magnetised Segmented Detectors o Golden channel signature: “wrong-sign” muons in magnetised calorimeter o Baseline technology for a far detector at a neutrino factory o Issues: electron ID, segmentation, readout technology (RPC or scintillator?) – need R&D to resolve these o Technology is well understood, R&D needed to determine details, natural progression from MINOS o Magnetisation of volume seems to be most challenging problem o A ~100 kton detector with a B-field of 1.4 T is feasible (Nelson) 9xMINOS (5.4 kT)

9 9 Magnetic Iron Detector NC background CC background  Q t =P  sin 2  Signal New analysis this ISS meeting: Cervera Can go to lower threshold in muon momentum Main background: production of charm No estimation of electron performance

10 10 Comparison with Previous Analysis

11 11 Totally Active Segmented Detector Simulation of a Totally Active Scintillating Detector (TASD) using No a and Miner a concepts with Geant4 3 cm 1.5 cm 15 m 100 m u 3333 Modules (X and Y plane) u Each plane contains 1000 slabs u Total: 6.7M channels  Momenta between 100 MeV/c to 15 GeV/c  Magnetic field considered: 0.5 T  Reconstructed position resolution ~ 4.5 mm Ellis, Bross

12 12 TASD Performance Muon reconstructed efficiencyMuon charge mis-ID rate

13 13 Large Magnetic Volumes 10 solenoids next to each other. Horizontal field perpendicular to beam Each: 750 turns, 4500 amps, 0.2 Tesla. 42 MJoules. Total: 420 MJoules (CMS: 2700 MJoules) Coil: Aluminium Possible magnet schemes for MSD Camilleri, Bross, Strolin Steel 15 m x 15 m x 15m solenoid modules; B = 0.5 T Magnet Superconducting coil magnet cost extrapolation formulas: Use stored energy – 14M$/module Use magnetic volume – 60M$/module GEM magnet extrapolation – 69 M$/module x10 modules! Warm coil magnets: Total cost: $5m x 10 = $50M Problem: operational cost (>$13M/year with factor of 3 uncertainty)

14 14 High T c Magnet Possibilities  The technological status moves so fast, that even powerpoint engineering has a hard time to keep up! u Recently announced cable has 3X the current carrying capability at somewhat smaller cost. s So the 200X cost (over conventional SC) is now maybe 60.  So look closer (with thanks to Bob Palmer) u Assume s Operation at 35K –Still allows for foam insulated cryostat (no vacuum loading) –Higher current carrying capacity u Superconductor cost for 30,000 m 3 (USD) (newly announced cable) s $50M u Foam Insulated vessel (based on GLACIER studies) s $50M u Engineering (WAG) s $50M  $150M

15 15 Magnetised Segmented Detectors  R&D programme: u Baseline option: segmented iron-scintillator detector s Optimisation geometry: lateral and longitudinal segmentation, performance muon charge identification, backgrounds s Mechanics s Scintillator with Multi-anode PMT or Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) option (gain stability, ageing, …) s Cost u Non-baseline: Totally Active Scintillation Detector (TASD) or hybrid s Magnetisation of volume: how to do it, reduction of cost s Optimisation of geometry: segmentation, muon and electron charge ID, backgrounds s Mechanics. s Scintillator: liquid or solid (extruded), optic fibre light transmission s Scintillator readout: Avalanche Photodiodes (APD) or other s Readout electronics, DAQ, …

16 16 Liquid Argon TPC o Liquid argon detector is the ultimate detector for e (“platinum channel”) and  appearance (“silver channel”). Simultaneous fit to all wrong and right sign distributions. o ICARUS has constructed 2x300 t modules and observed images o Main issues: inclusion of a magnetic field, scalability to ~15-100 kT o Two main R&D programmes: Europe & US Badertscher, Menary, Rubbia

17 17 Liquid Argon TPC - GLACIER LAr Cathode (- HV) E-field Extraction grid Charge readout plane (LEM plane) UV & Cerenkov light readout PMTs E≈ 1 kV/cm E ≈ 3 kV/cm Electronic racks Field shaping electrodes GAr A tentative detector layout (GLACIER) Single detector: charge imaging, scintillation, possibly Cerenkov light Magnetic field problem not solved Field 0.1-1 T?

18 18 Very Large LArTPC R&D in Europe l Electron drift under high pressure (p ~ 3 atm at the bottom of the tank) l Charge extraction, amplification and imaging devices Charge readout: Large Electron Multiplier (LEM) Light readout: PMT with wavelength shifting coating l Cryostat design, in collaboration with industry l Logistics, infrastructure and safety issues (in part. for underground sites) l Tests with long 5-20 m drift length (“Argontube” detector) l Cooling and purification l Cockcroft-Walton acceleration: drift very high voltage (Greinacher circuit) Study of LAr TPC prototypes in a magnetic field tracks seen and measured in 10 lt prototype R&D high temperature superconductor at LAr temperatures Test beam magnet CERN PS East Area

19 19 Proposed NuMI LArTPC R&D Path or maybe 50 kton Fermilab, Michigan State, Princeton, Tufts, UCLA, Yale, York (Canada) from our * submission to NuSAG (Fermilab FN-0776-E)

20 20 Hybrid Emulsion Detectors Plastic base Pb Emulsion layers  1 mm o Emulsion detector for  appearance, a la OPERA: “silver channel” Emulsion Cloud Chamber (ECC) o Issues: high rate, selected by choosing only “wrong sign”  →  events o Assume a factor of two bigger than OPERA (~4 kt)

21 21 Magnetised Emulsion Detectors Electronic det: e/  separator & “Time stamp” Rohacell® plate emulsion film stainless steel plate spectrometertargetshower absorber Muon momentum resolution Muon charge misidentification

22 22 Hybrid Emulsion Detectors  Transverse dimension of a plane: 15.7x15.7 m 2 (as in Nova)  1 brick: 35 stainless steel plates 1 mm thick (2 X 0,, 3.5 kg)  Spectrometer: 3 gaps (3 cm each) and 4 emulsion films  A wall contains 19720 bricks  Weight = 68 tons  For 60 walls  1183200 bricks  4.1 kton  Emulsion film: 47,328,000 pieces (in OPERA there are 12,000,000)  Electronic detector: 35 Nova planes (corresponding to 5.3 X 0 ) after each MECC wall  2100 planes  Total length of detector is: ~ 150 m Possible design of a hybrid emulsion-scintillator far detector Synergy emulsion-magnetic scintillation detector Golden and silver channels simultaneously! R&D plans:  Improvement automatic scanning (speed, accuracy, …)  Further R&D reconstruction magnetic fields (test beams)  Magnetisation emulsion volume (with hybrid detector)

23 23 Beam Diagnostic Detectors o Beam Current Transformer (BCT) to be included at entrance of straight section: large diameter, with accuracy ~10 -3. o Beam Cherenkov for divergence measurement? Could affect quality of beam. storage ring shielding the leptonic detector the charm and DIS detector Polarimeter Cherenkov BCT

24 24 Beam Diagnostic Detectors o Muon polarization: Build prototype of polarimeter Fourier transform of muon energy spectrum amplitude=> polarization frequency => energy decay => energy spread.

25 25 Near Detector o Near detectors should be able to measure flux and energy of and o Calibration and flux control (inverse muon decay): o High event rate: o ~10 9 CC events/year in 50 kg detector o ~ 10 5 inverse muon decays/year/ton o Measure charm in near detector to control systematics of far detector (main background in oscillation search is wrong sign muon from charm) o Other physics: neutrino cross-sections, PDF, electroweak measurements,... o Possible technology: fully instrumented silicon target in a magnetic detector. What needs to be measured

26 26 Possible Near Detector Muon chambers EM calorimeter Hadronic Calorimeter

27 27 Test Beam Facility for Neutrino Detector R&D oRequest test beam in East Area at the CERN PS, with a fixed dipole magnet for dedicated Neutrino Detector R&D Liquid Argon tests, beam telescopes for silicon pixel and SciFi tests, calorimetry … Neutrino detector test facility: community resource for neutrino detector R&D

28 28 Matter Effects for NUFACT:  work on systematic errors on matter effect A preliminary study was made by E. Kozlovskaya, J. Peltoniemi, J. Sarkamo, The density distribution in the Earth along the CERN-Pyhäsalmi baseline and its effect on neutrino oscillations. CUPP-07/2003  the uncertainties on matter effects are at the level of a few% J. Peltoniemi

29 29 Recommendations Such a study, in collaboration with geophysicists will be needed for candidate LBL sites ISS-3 at RAL Warner

30 30 Executive Summary – Baseline Detectors beamFar detectorR&D needed sub-GeV BB and SB (MEMPHYS, T2K) Megaton WCphotosensors! cavern and infrastructure few GeV BB and SB (off axis NUMI, high  BB, WBB) no established baseline TASD (NOvA-like) or Liquid Argon TPC or Megaton WC photosensors and detectors long drifts, long wires, LEMs Neutrino Factory (20-50 GeV, 2500-7000km) ~100kton magnetized iron calorimeter (golden) + ~10 kton non-magnetic ECC (silver) straight forward from MINOS simulation+physics studies ibid vs OPERA

31 31 Executive Summary – Beyond the baseline beamFar detectorR&D needed sub-GeV BB and SB (MEMPHYS, T2K) Liquid Argon TPC (100kton) clarify what is the advantage wrt WC? few GeV BB and SB (off axis NUMI, high  BB) no established baseline Neutrino Factory (20-50 GeV, 2500-7000km) platinum detectors! large coil around TASD Larg ECC engineering study for magnet! simulations and physics evaluation; photosensors, long drift, etc…

32 32 Executive Summary – Near Detector beamBI, NDR&D needed sub-GeV BB and SB (MEMPHYS, T2K)T2K example…. CONCEPT for precision measurements? concept simulations theory few GeV BB and SB (off axis NUMI, high  BB) NOvA example.. CONCEPT for precision measurements? ibid Neutrino Factory (20-50 GeV, 2500-7000km) beam intensity (BCT) beam energy +polarization beam divergence meast shielding leptonic detector hadronic detector need study -- need study need concept simul+study simul+study+ Vtx det R&D

33 33 Conclusions - I  The ISS detector task assembled in a new fashion a range of activities that are happening in the world.  A number of new results were obtained and baseline detectors were defined.These are feasible systems with well understood performance.  For low energy beams, the Water Cherenkov can be considered as a baseline detector technology at least below pion threshold. An active international activity exists in this domain.  1Mton ~(0.5-1) G€  For medium energy (few GeV) there is comptetiton and it is not obvious which detector (WC, LArg or TASD) gives the best performance at a given cost.

34 34 Conclusions - II  For the neutrino factory a 100 kton magnetized iron detector can be built at a cost of 200~300 M$ for the golden channel.  New analysis of low E muons should improve sensitivities.  A non magnetic Emulsion Cloud Chamber (ECC) detector for tau detection can be added with a mass of ~5 kton  There is interest/hope that low Z detectors can be embedded in a Large Magnetic Volume. At first sight difficulties and cost may be large. This should be actively pursued.  Electron sign determination up to 10 GeV has been demonstrated for MECC, and studies are ongoing for Liquid Argon and pure scintillator detector.

35 35 Conclusions - III  Near detector, beam instrumentation and cross-section measurements are absolutely required.  The precision measurements such as CP violation constitute a new game wih respect to the present generation  For the super-beam and beta beam the near detector and beam diagnostic systems need to be invented.  There is a serious potential problem at low energy due to the interplay of muon mass effect and nuclear effects. A first evaluation was made at the occasion of the study.  NUFACT flux and cross sections should be calibrated with a precision of 10 -3. An important design and simulation effort is required for the near detector and diagnostic area. (Shielding strategy is unknown at this point)  Finally, matter effects were discussed with the conclusion that a systematic error at 2% seems achievable with good collaboration with geologists.

36 36 Conclusions - IV  The next generation of efforts should see a first go at the design effort and R&D towards the design of precision neutrino experiments  There is a motivated core of people eager to do so and this activity should grow.

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