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Do Now: Read the article “Robbed of a Childhood”. Be prepared to discuss the major points.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Read the article “Robbed of a Childhood”. Be prepared to discuss the major points."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Read the article “Robbed of a Childhood”. Be prepared to discuss the major points.

2 A fix for the problems of progress

3 What is Progressivism? The reform response to the problems caused by the industrial era Concerns:  Impact of new technologies  Monopolies  Urban living conditions  Political corruption  Inequal distribution of wealth & power

4 People of Progressivism Jane Addams Aid to the urban poor Settlement House: offered education, child care, health clinic, & legal services Hull House: 1 st settlement house opened in Chicago in 1889 Muckrakers: journalists who uncover wrongdoings by corporations & politicians Jacob Riis: tenements Ida Tarbell: Standard Oil Lincoln Steffans: urban political corruption Upton Sinclair: meatpacking industry

5 Muckrakers

6 Progressivism & Politics Political Reforms: Direct Primary: allows voters to choose nominees for upcoming elections 17 th Amendment: citizens directly elect senators Referendum: citizens vote to approve government actions Recall: citizens can vote to remove an official from office

7 Progressive Presidents Theodore Roosevelt: “Trust-Buster”  Pure Food & Drug Act: required ingredient labeling  Meat Inspection Act: mandatory inspections at meat packing plants – inspired by The Jungle  Good Trusts vs. Bad Trusts  Advocated for the protection of the environment and the establishment of national parks

8 Progressive Presidents William H. Taft Worked more aggressively against trusts New Nationalism: Introduced by Roosevelt, worked for new business regulations, welfare legislation & progressive reforms Lost re-election in 1912 when Roosevelt ran against him under the Bull Moose Party

9 Progressive Presidents Woodrow Wilson Won election in 1912 because Taft & Roosevelt split the Republican vote New Freedom: enforce antitrust laws without threatening economy Clayton Antitrust Act: strengthen Sherman Act by stating specific activities that businesses cannot do Federal Reserve System: reorganized the banking system & created a government department to regulate the banks

10 Election of 1912

11 Constitutional Amendments 16 th Amendment: Progressive Income Tax – taxes increase as income increases 17 th Amendment: Direct election of Senators 18 th Amendment: Prohibition – outlawed the sale, manufacture & consumption of alcohol 19 th Amendment: Women’s Suffrage

12 Workplace Reforms Tragedies led to reforms:  Triangle Shirtwaist fire led to fire inspections, fire drills & fireproof exits  Accident insurance and workman’s compensation programs  1907 – 30 states abolish child labor  1912 – 9 states adopt minimum wage

13 Workplace reforms

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