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Björn Zapfel UNFCCC secretariat JI section JI Track 2 Project Cycle Side event at COP/MOP 2: “JI Track 2 Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Björn Zapfel UNFCCC secretariat JI section JI Track 2 Project Cycle Side event at COP/MOP 2: “JI Track 2 Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Björn Zapfel UNFCCC secretariat JI section JI Track 2 Project Cycle Side event at COP/MOP 2: “JI Track 2 Project Cycle” Nairobi, Kenya - 14 November 2006

2 JI Track 2 Project Cycle Track 1 / Track 2 Eligibility requirements (ERU issuance, transfer and acquisition) Party to the Kyoto Protocol Assigned amount calculated National registry in place for tracking assigned amount National system in place for estimating emissions/removals Submission of most recent required emissions inventory Accurate accounting of assigned amount and submission of information Participation requirements (e.g.) : Designated focal point National guidelines and procedures Track 2 procedure Verification procedure under JISC Track 1 procedure Verification procedure according to host Party rules

3 JI Track 2 Project Cycle Track 2 project cycle Preparation and publication of PDD by project participants/AIE Preparation and publication of Determination by AIE Possible review by JISC Preparation and publication of monitoring report by project participants/AIE Preparation and publication of Determination by AIE Possible review by JISC 30 days: stakeholders’ comments Participation requirements Project approvals 45 days: decision by individual JISC members on review request, supp. by 2 JISC members’/alternates’ appraisal (incl. expert inputs) 15 days: decision by individual JISC members on review request, supp. by 2 JISC members’/alternates’ appraisal Project developmentProject implementation Eligibility requirements Issuance of ERUs (conversion of AAUs/RMUs) Transfer and acquisition of ERUs Carbon Market

4 JI Track 2 Project Cycle Further information

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