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Data Management: Products and Procedures for August 2007 Cruises Bill Howe.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Management: Products and Procedures for August 2007 Cruises Bill Howe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Management: Products and Procedures for August 2007 Cruises Bill Howe

2 2 Vision Communications On-Board Tools for August Cast Protocol Addendum Supporting Materials –Training for On-Board Tools –Cruise Manual Topics

3 3 Towards a Higher-Value Data Inventory Claim: The scientific value of the CMOP data inventory scales with the number of products that stakeholders can find, interpret, and use. Goal: Earn an economy of scale for development of new products and ensembles that support specific science tasks … … rather than seek an all-purpose interface that attempts to meet all needs of all users

4 4 Towards a Higher-Value Data Inventory 1.Build product “factories” to automate repetitive development tasks 2.Deliver modular, reusable products One product definition used in many contexts and ensembles 3.Augment static images with interactive capabilities One product definition leads to many specific products e.g., adjustable time range

5 5 Communications SWAP network products –ship-to-shore –shore-to-ship –by transitivity: ship-to-ship cell phones

6 6 SWAP Network; collaboration of: - OSU - OHSU - UNOLS Challenges for Real-time Two-way Telemetry

7 7

8 8 Roadmap for Ubiquitous Information Two dynamic, factory-powered interfaces –Cast Dashboard –Cruise Mapper Two standard product suites (forecasts, cruises) New factory under development for sophisticated predictions, informed by scientific needs 1.Can we predict or identify in real time the location of the ETMs in the North Channel, South Channel and mouth? 2.Can we predict or identify in real time the location of the plume front at specific times during specific days? 3.Can we predict or identify in real time the location of upwelling fronts? 4.Can we calculate residence times of water under different conditions? …more Thanks to Byron Status for August Charles Seaton is preparing products to answer these questions

9 9 Roadmap to Ubiquitous Information On-Board Tools for August Cast Protocol Addendum Supporting Materials –Training for On-Board Tools –Cruise Manual Topics

10 10 On-Board Tools in August Cast Dashboard Cast evaluation, sampling decision support, metadata capture, cross-vessel analysis Cruise Mapper Forecast inspection, course decision support Standard Cruise Product Suite Model skill assessment, cross-vessel analysis Standard Forecast Product Suite Time-varying features (via animations) - Charles will host training on these tools next week (TBD) - A User’s Guide will be distributed

11 11 On-Board Tools in August Cast Timeseries –parameterized by start time/ end time Cast Dashboard Products

12 12 On-Board Tools in August Depth Profile –Salinity –Temperature –Turbidity –Parameterized by cast Cast Dashboard Products

13 13 On-Board Tools in August ADCP Profile –Magnitude –Direction –EW/NS components –Parameterized by time Cast Dashboard Products

14 14 On-Board Tools in August Context –current position, time, last cast –trajectory –tides Cast Dashboard Products

15 15 On-Board Tools in August Model-Data Cast Comparison –salinity –temperature Cast Dashboard Products

16 16 On-Board Tools in August Direct Data Access –Direct database access within MS Excel –ASCII download from any “factory” product Cast Dashboard Products

17 17 On-Board Tools in August Cruise Mapper Overview Model Maps –salinity, temperature, vertical vel. –surf/5m/bot –Parameterized by time –Pan/Zoom –Distance calculations

18 18 On-Board Tools in August Cruise Mapper Overview Forecasts –7-day extended forecasts –“DB16” optimized for estuary –“Dev” includes shelf

19 19 On-Board Tools in August Cruise Mapper Overview –Arbitrary lat/lon –Plot and raw data Model Depth Profiles

20 20 On-Board Tools in August Forecast Standard Product Suite –surf/bot –3/5/12m –salt/temp/ velo –estuary/ plume/ far field Isoline Animations

21 21 On-Board Tools in August Forecast Standard Product Suite –estuary/ coastal/ plume –estuary –salt/temp/ velo Transect Animations

22 22 On-Board Tools in August Cruise Standard Product Suite Cast Products

23 23 On-Board Tools in August Cruise Standard Product Suite Cast Evaluation

24 24 On-Board Tools in August Cruise Standard Product Suite Model-Data Comparisons: Cast Timeseries

25 25 On-Board Tools in August Cruise Standard Product Suite Model-Data Comparisons: Flow-through

26 26 Roadmap to Ubiquitous Information On-Board Tools for August Cast Protocol Addendum Supporting Materials –Training for On-Board Tools –Cruise Manual Topics

27 27 Cast Protocol Addendum Cast Metadata to be entered –Sample depths and notes –Site (i.e., Station) –Bottom depth as recorded on ship –Two Cast Identifiers 1.Number: Sequential number from cruise start 2.Name: Generated id gleaned from Seabird software (or filename) Recommend to label samples with sequential number since cruise start

28 28 Cast Protocol Addendum

29 29 Cast Protocol Addendum Seabird Configuration –Ensure NMEA Lat/Lon is added in Seabird Software –Header prompts

30 30 Supporting Materials Training for On-Board Tools –Next week, TBD Cruise Manual –Distributed prior to training

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