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Presentation on theme: "B OROONDARA I NTERFAITH N ETWORK 2013 Planning Meeting."— Presentation transcript:


2 P URPOSE OF THIS MEETING Recap and reflect on our activities in 2012 Determine the four events for 2013-14 Review the Terms of Reference

3 C OUNCIL AND THE N ETWORK Tam Tran, Senior Coordinator Community Strengthening Theresa Rajah, Community Development Officer (Access and Diversity)

4 2012 RE - CAP Program of four annual events and one annual planning meeting A focus on specific themes for each event as selected by members Different planning groups and process for each event Partnerships with organisations and communities across Boroondara Different times, days and settings for events (Thursday evenings were often preferable).

5 2012 E VENTS 1. Harmony of Diversity: Interfaith Concert Thursday 23 February 2012 6pm to 8.30pm Hosted by Habitat Uniting Church Seven diverse and local performance groups/ artists 2011-12 event cycle 2. Visions of Oneness Sunday 20 May 2012, 2.15pm to 4.30pm Partnership with the Boroondara Baha’i Spiritual Assembly Eight representatives from faith traditions and live music accompaniment.

6  Partnership with Habitat Uniting Church  Celebrating music and local talent from a multifaith perspective  Performances by members of both the Boroondara Interfaith Network and the local community H ARMONY OF D IVERSITY – I NTERFAITH C ONCER T

7 3. Social Values, Social Change: A Conversation Thursday 13 September 2012: 6.00pm to 8.30pm Partnership with Swinburne Chaplaincy and Multi Faith Facility, and with Borderlands Cooperative Academic presentations and dialogue on human rights and values in Australian society 4. Children’s Interfaith Learning: A Dialogue for our Future Thursday 29 November 2012: 4.00pm to 5.30pm Partnership with Jewish Christian Muslim Association and hosted by Hartwell Primary School Presentations and discussion on interfaith education programs in schools Still have the final event for this cycle to come: Harmony Day – 21 March 2013 2012 E VENTS

8 2012 A CTIONS AND O UTCOMES Average between 40 - 100 attendees at each event 9 organisations as event partners/hosts Different target audiences and attendees at each event in addition to core/regular members Out-reach though mail out, publicity in the Progress Leader and community networks Maintenance and use of the Boroondara Interfaith Network Blog: Network information Event notices Event reports, materials, sound files and photographs Use of Eventbrite for managing and promoting events

9 D O YOU HAVE FEEDBACK AND SUGGESTIONS ON THE PROCESS ? Times and days of events Artistic component (participatory art or music) Religious or spiritual component Host communities and locations Information sharing and promotion

10 I DEAS FOR EVENT THEMES 2013 – 14 Three events for 2013, one event for early 2014 Harmony Day Family and Diversity’ with Camcare 21 March 2013 International Day of Peace ‘IDP Forum’ with Burwood Interchurch Council 17 September 2013 Ideas from members

11 L OGISTICS OF UPCOMING EVENTS Hosting communities, organisations or venues Volunteers for planning teams Preferences for scheduling each event

12 R EVIEW AND UPDATE OF T ERMS OF R EFERENCE (TOR) Copies of the 2011-13 and 2013-15 were distributed for review Do you have any further feedback or suggestions? Final TOR will be distributed following this meeting

13 T HANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION We hope to see you at our next event!

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