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Presentation to Educational Policy Committee Department of Biology December, 2013 Biology Department: Position Request.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to Educational Policy Committee Department of Biology December, 2013 Biology Department: Position Request."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to Educational Policy Committee Department of Biology December, 2013 Biology Department: Position Request

2 Biology Faculty identified a Lake Fish Biologist as our highest priority for an additional faculty position. 1)Why does the Biology Department need more faculty? 2)How will a Lake Fish Biologist help students, the Department, and the University? Position Requests Biology

3 Position Requests Biology Why does the Biology Department need more faculty? – One faculty member has switched to full-time administration – Large growth in majors and credit hour production – Reassigned time – service and research – reduces faculty available to teach courses – Challenging to find replacements for faculty on sabbatical or with released time awards With 15 faculty who can each apply for a sabbatical every seven years, this is a continuing issue – Advising load is high – Additional faculty are needed to mentor students engaged in undergraduate and graduate research

4 Background: Faculty reassignments—reduce capability to deliver needed classes. – Rob Winn—Full time administration, beginning Winter 2013; no replacement planned – Brent Graves—Load is 2/3 AAUP service – Erich Ottem—1/2 reduction associated with NIH grant – Jill Leonard 4 hours load reduction associated with NSF grant 50% reassigned time as Teaching and Learning Scholar beginning Winter 2014 – Additional faculty have received sabbatical or reassigned time awards (RTAs) 2013-2014: 2 RTAs 2012-2013: 1 sabbatical, 2 RTAs 2011-2012: 1 sabbatical Position Requests Biology

5 Background: Biology majors Increased from 399 to 691 (F2006-F2013) – 73% increase – Related majors have also grown Student Credit Hours Increased from 5500 to 8055 (F2006-F2012) – 46% increase – Particularly large increase for 100 & 200 level classes – Continuing challenges in: » growth of class sizes » offering classes in a timely fashion During the same period, NMU FTE enrollment dropped from 8317 to 8079 (3% decrease)

6 Biology Credit Hour Production by Level

7 Need for additional faculty: Enrollment growth has created high advising loads – Average >40 advisees/faculty in Biology 47 & 51 advisees for faculty currently advising Fisheries & Wildlife Management majors – Overall University average is 32 advisees In addition to high advising loads, faculty have high mentoring loads for undergraduate and graduate research. Position Requests Biology

8 Need for additional expertise in Lake Fish Biology Person hired will have a strong background in limnology, the study of inland waters. Teach classes and mentor students in: – Fisheries & Wildlife Management (78 majors F2013) – Biology/Ecology (43 majors F2013) – Zoology (121 majors F2013) Enhance strengths in Biology Department related to ecology of Lake Superior. – NMU’s geographic location helps attract students Position Requests Biology

9 Growth in Biological Sciences at NMU

10 The Fisheries & Wildlife Management program has grown beyond the level at which we predicted more faculty would be needed when the program was established. A faculty member with expertise in Lake Fish Biology would teach courses supporting other programs, including: – Advanced Ecology – Ecology – Fisheries Management – Ichthyology – Limnology – Introductory Biology Position Requests Biology

11 Benefits to Students, Department & University Advanced courses required for Fisheries & Wildlife Management, Ecology, and Zoology could be offered more frequently, making it easier for students to graduate in a timely fashion Introductory classes currently have more than 100 students. Reducing the class size would improve learning and could improve retention. A Lake Fish Biologist would promote collaborations with government and non-profit agencies interested in the ecology of Lake Superior. Bioinformatics Position Request

12 Approximate Costs Faculty (1.0 position w/ benefits)$ 70, 843 Start up funds (one-time cost)$ 30,000 Total$ 100, 843 Position Request - Biology

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